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Monitoring a confirmed tuberculosis case on campus

A message to the University of Delaware community

Dear UD Community,

The Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH) notified the University of Delaware today that an individual affiliated with the University has a confirmed case of tuberculosis (TB) disease. The individual is currently isolating and will begin treatment. By law, neither the University nor DPH can release any information about the individual’s identity.

DPH and UD started notifying those who may have been identified as having prolonged close contact with the individual; they will be provided testing along with resources and support. DPH protocols determine who must be notified or tested based on their level of exposure to an infected individual. DPH is working to identify people who may need testing and will directly contact any others who are being recommended for testing. If you do not receive a separate notification from DPH about testing for TB, you do not need to be tested at this time.

Currently, no other potential cases of TB disease have been identified. Based on available information, DPH believes the risk of spread in our community to be low. The University has been and will continue working closely with DPH.

TB can spread through the air when an infected person coughs, speaks or sings. Others around the person may breathe in the bacteria. TB is not easily transmitted. It typically takes repeated and prolonged close contact for the bacteria to spread. It cannot be spread by surfaces, toilets, clothes, food, water, handshakes or other casual contact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please see these Frequently Asked Questions provided by DPH.

Also, a webinar featuring representatives from DPH and UD Student Health Services is planned for 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, to provide general information and address any questions from the UD community. Members of the UD community may register for the webinar here.

As always, the health and safety of our entire community is the University’s top priority. We will share additional updates on this situation as needed.


José-Luis Riera
Vice President, Student Life

Kelly Frick, MD
Interim Medical Director, Student Health Services

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