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For the Record

University community reports recent publications, presentations, honors

For the Record provides information about recent professional activities and achievements of University of Delaware faculty, students and alumni.

Recent publications, presentations, honors and new assignments include the following:


Rudi Matthee, John and Dorothy Munroe Distinguished Professor of History, published the “Introduction” to the new edition of Judas Thaddeus Krusinski, The History of the Late Revolutions of Persia. An Eyewitness Account of the Fall of the Safavid Dynasty (London, 1740; 2018), vii-xvii.


Beatrice O'Hara of Delaware Geological Survey presented a poster titled "Sediment Carbon Stock, Accumulation Rates and Potential Erosion-Induced Carbon Emissions in the Delaware Bay Tidal Salt Marshes" at "The Earth's Carbon Cycle in the 21st Century: Climate, Ecosystems, and Energy," held April 18 at the Trabant University Center to honor UD alumna Susan Trumbore for winning the 2018 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Earth and Environmental Science.


Tim DeSchriver and Brianna Newland, both in Department of Hospitality Business Management, have been designated as 2018 North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Research Fellows for their contributions and achievements in sport-related scholarship. Both will be recognized at the NASSM Founders Night awards celebration and dinner, scheduled this June in Nova Scotia.  

New assignment

Paul A. Pusecker III, who has served as senior chief business officer for the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) since 2001, will join St. Mary’s College of Maryland on July 1 as the public honors college’s vice president for business and finance/chief financial officer. At UD, Pusecker oversees the day-to-day administration and management of the CAS dean’s office, directing all facets of the daily operation of the college staff, and directly assists the dean in the management of personnel and budgetary planning and execution for 42 departments, programs and centers. He also serves as the CAS ombudsman and is the principal manager for space utilization and capital renovations and construction within the college. Before coming to UD, Pusecker retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant colonel after more than 20 years of active duty service.


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