In support of graduate scholarship
December 18, 2017
Unidel Foundation grant supports distinguished graduate scholars program
Interim Provost Robin W. Morgan has announced a $2.5 million grant from the Unidel Foundation to establish and support a distinguished graduate scholars program at the University of Delaware.
“This generous donation will be of incredible benefit to our efforts to attract and support high-achieving graduate students,” Morgan said. “We thank the Unidel Foundation for its continued support of academic excellence at the University and for its commitment to graduate education and research training.”
The Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholars will receive the most prestigious graduate stipend awards offered by the University: $30,000 annually for five years of doctoral study and up to $5,000 a year to cover expenses including research travel and training.
“The University needs to be able to offer competitive funding packages that match or exceed the funding offers that top graduate applicants receive from peer and aspirational peer institutions,” said Ann Ardis, senior vice provost for graduate and professional education.
The University anticipates making up to 12 Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholar awards in 2018-19, and will submit an annual request for this funding to support a cohort of 60 Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholars in 2022-23.
During the first few years of this program, some of the Unidel funding will be used to support doctoral students in general. For example, funds could be used to:
- augment nine-month stipend support and provide summer stipend support for both new and current UD doctoral students,
- provide summer research opportunities for rising juniors and seniors at other universities who are interested in pursuing doctoral degrees at UD,
- provide summer research support for admitted UD doctoral students the summer before they matriculate, and
- augment current professional development support for doctoral students.
The Unidel Foundation also has provided full support for the Eugene du Pont Memorial Distinguished Scholars program since 1980. These four-year awards provide tuition, room, board, general fees and attendant expenses for outstanding undergraduate students. The new program reflects a corresponding level of support for graduate students.
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