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Environmental Science
Focus on Major: Environmental Science: youtube.com/watch?v=Kk8dB9nmuwU
Discover our world!
Studying environmental science at UD, you will learn how natural processes shape the natural environment and how humans impact nature. If you are passionate about the outdoors, the environmental science major can help you find solutions to environmental issues like habitat loss, sustainable development, water quality, biodiversity, climate change, renewable energy, and more. Environmental science takes a multidisciplinary approach to studying the atmosphere, ocean, earth, and ecosystems, which you then develop into a specialty through studying one of the concentrations listed below. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, environmental science jobs are predicted to grow 8% faster than the overall job market average between 2019 and 2029.
- Climate and Society
- Ecoscience
- Energy and Environment
- Geoscience
- Marine Science
- Water Science
- Environmental Scientist
- Watershed Planner
- Green Energy Coordinator
- Natural Resource Manager
- Environmental Compliance Officer
- Water Quality Technician
- Climate Scientist
- Meteorology and Climatology
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Policy
- Ecology
- Natural Resource Management
- Marine Science
- Geology
What’s special about this program?
The undergraduate research experiences, hands-on learning in the classroom and close collaboration with environmental experts that you will have in the environmental science major will appeal to employers and graduate programs trying to balance the needs of citizens with environmental sustainability and conservation. In addition to rigorous traditional classroom and laboratory studies, you will be able to study in locations as close as White Clay Creek—a wild and scenic river whose tributaries begin on campus—to as far as the polar regions or tropical islands while studying abroad during winter session.
Get Involved
All students who come to UD in one of the majors in the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment start in CEOE’s Living Learning Community, a dormitory where you will live with your peers and enjoy special academic and social programming, fostering a successful college experience from the day you move in. There are also many opportunities on campus for students interested in the environment, such as serving as an EnvironMentor, going on extracurricular environmental field trips, and joining registered student organizations like Students for the Environment.
Sample curriculum
General Chemistry I |
CHEM104 | General Chemistry II
ENGL110 | Critical Reading and Writing
Introduction to the Environment |
Meteorology |
MATH241 | Analytical Geometry and Calculus A
Analytic Geometry and Calculus B
University Breadth Course
Foreign Language Course
APEC150 | Economics of Agriculture and Natural Resources
GEOG372 | Introduction to GIS
BISC207 | Introductory Biology I
GEOL107 |
General Geology
PHYS201 | Introductory Physics I
PLSC204/205 | Introduction to Soil Science with Lab
Foreign Language Courses |
ENSC300 | Earth Systems: Science and Policy
ENWC201 |
Wildlife Conservation and Ecology
ENSC475 | Environmental Statistics
MAST482 | Introduction to Ocean Science
POSC350 | Politics and the Environment
Discovery Learning Experience
Environmental Science Concentration Course
University Breadth Courses |
ENSC450 | Proseminar: The Environment
PHIL448 | Environmental Ethics
Environmental Science Concentration Courses
University Breadth Requirements
Elective Courses or Directed Research |