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Comparative Literature

Learn about the world through literature
Comparative literature brings an international and intercultural perspective to bear on the study of literary themes, forms, movements and relations, as well as the interrelations between different national literatures and other disciplines. The Comparative Literature Program provides students the opportunity to design a course of study allowing specialization in two or more literatures.
- Literature (novels, short stories, poetry, drama)
- Cultural Studies
- Folklore
- Literary Criticism
- Film
- Professor of Language or Literature
- Research Librarian
- Journalist
- Public Relations Specialist
- Writer
- Language Teacher
- Literary Studies
- Library Science
- Journalism
- Communications
- Law
- Language Education
- Cultural Studies
- Translation
What’s special about this program?
Our program is flexible and customized. Traditionally, students choose one major literature then study one or more other literatures that have greatly influenced the major. For example, a student might choose English literature of the nineteenth century as a primary focus then take courses in German and/or French literature of the same period to discover mutual themes and influences. Students may also study the interrelationships of literature with other disciplines including art, music and film. We encourage students to spend a semester or a year abroad.
Get Involved
Deutscher Klub
French Club
Hablar sin parar
Portuguese/Brazilian Club
Il Circolo Italiano
Russian Club
Nihongo Table
Blue Pen Creative Writing Society
Main Street Journal (literary journal)
Write out Loud (literary magazine)
E-52 Student Theatre
Harrington Theatre Arts Company
Sample curriculum
ENGL110: Seminar in Composition
ENGL/LLCU/ARTH/JWST 202: Biblical and Classical Literature
ENGL 210: Introduction to the Short Story
MATH113: Contemporary Mathematics (or higher)
UNIV101: First Year Experience
Intermediate Foreign Language Courses such SPAN 200 and 201 (201 satisfies Group A) or FREN 200 and 211 (211 satisfies Group A)
University Breadth Courses such as BAMS 215: Race in Society (satisfies group C) or COMM 370: Theories of Media Communication (satisfies group C)
Language and Culture in Translation course such as LLCU 352: Videogames in Latin American Culture or LLCU 337: Brazil through Film
ENGL 217: Introduction to Film
ENGL 317: Film History
ENGL 214: Literature and Gender
ENGL 345/BAMS 345: African-American Literature II (satisfies Group B and multicultural requirement) or SPAN 326: Latin American Culture (satisfies multicultural requirement)
SPAN 303: Survey of Spanish-American Literature I or FREN 301: Introduction to French Prose (both courses satisfy Group B)
SPAN 304: Survey of Spanish-American Literature II or FREN 302: Introduction to French Poetry and Theater (both courses satisfy Group B)
ENGL341: American Literature: Civil War to World War II or ENGL342: American Literature since World War II
University Breadth Courses
Fall semester: Study abroad in Buenos Aires, Granada or Paris (satisfies Discovery Learning Experience requirement; opportunity to take additional advanced courses in literature and culture in the target language)
SPAN471: Latin American Film or FREN 458: Francophone African Cinema (suggested)
Elective Courses
University Breadth Courses
ENGL 376: World Literature (required for the CMLT major; satisfies 2nd Writing requirement)
Courses in a second foreign language (suggested)
Elective Courses