Complaint Resolution for Out-of-state UD Distance Learning Students
Complaints Related to Grades, Disability Accommodations, Discrimination, or Harassment
All University of Delaware students, including those enrolled in distance learning courses, who desire to resolve a grievance related to grades, disability accommodations, discrimination, or harassment are encouraged follow the University of Delaware’s Student Grievance Process.
Complaints Related to UD Distance Learning Programs
Complaints may include but are not limited to:
Veracity of recruitment/marketing materials, job placement data.
Accuracy of information for tuition/fees/financial aid/admissions requirements, etc.
Accuracy of information regarding transfer credit, professional licensing requirements, or accreditation requirements.
Distance learning course operation or other aspects of program delivery.
Complaint Process
Contact the University of Delaware’s distance learning/state authorization program by completing this UD distance learning grievance reporting form
If a student is not satisfied with the outcome of the University of Delaware grievance resolution process, the complaint may then be submitted to the Delaware Department of Education.
This complaint resolution process is applicable to all students, whether Delaware residents or non-residents, and regardless of the state’s NC-SARA membership.
Accreditation by Middle States Commission on Higher Education
The University of Delaware is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 267-284-5000, info@msche.org. Visit the Middle States Commission on Higher Education’s Policies, Guidelines & Procedures web page to review the grievance resolution process for Complaints Involving Member and Candidate Institutions.