The mission of CEOE is to advance scientific knowledge of the ever-changing coupled natural and human systems for long-term sustainability by leading-edge research and effective teaching to ensure our science serves society by informing policy and engaging communities.
CEOE brings the latest advances in technology to bear on both teaching and conducting ocean, earth, and atmospheric research. We strive to educate well-rounded scientists and policy specialists with the broad vision needed to address today’s global problems.
Concerns such as climate change, globalization and migration, marine pollution, watershed degradation, energy independence and fisheries decline are at the heart of our work at CEOE. Meeting these challenges often demands expertise in several disciplines, and our curriculum and research portfolio reflect this reality.
Our distinguished faculty includes members of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, the National Association of Geology Teachers, the Archaeological Institute of America, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, a Presidential Faculty Fellow, a Fulbright Scholar, and several University named professors.
Learn more about the history of the college.
How to reach us
College of Earth, Ocean and Environment offices are open for students and others during regular hours, which may vary among units.
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center is open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visitors will be seen in scheduled appointments, which can be in person, by zoom or on the phone. Staff members are working remotely on Fridays and remain available by email, phone or zoom.
To make an appointment or for any other questions, email ceoe-academics@udel.edu.
Individual departments
For information on how to contact department staff, use the links below to the specific department's About page:
Department of Earth Sciences

Dr. Fabrice Veron
Dean, UD College of Earth, Ocean and Environment
Our college is at the leading edge of education and research on coupled natural and human systems. Today’s global problems — such as climate change, globalization and migration, marine pollution, energy independence, watershed degradation and fisheries decline — demand expertise in several disciplines. Our research portfolio and engagement with local, regional and global partners reflect this reality. And our curriculum prepares well-rounded physical-, life- and social-scientists with the in-depth knowledge and the broad vision needed to meet these challenges.
I look forward to working with the college community, President Assanis, Provost Carlson and other colleagues at UD to enhance our students' educational experience, to continue to pursue exciting discoveries, deliver impactful research and advance the mission of the University.
CEOE Committees & Their Work
In July 2015, the Acting Dean of CEOE formed a college-level Committee on Diversity. The committee was renamed and membership updated in the summer of 2020.
The committee supports the university-wide effort to develop and implement policies that, over long time periods, will enhance the diversity on our campus and ensure we are truly a welcoming, inclusive learning community that reflects our region and country.
Committee Members
Saleem Ali, Chair, Geography and Spatial Sciences Department
Jennifer Biddle, Professor, School of Marine Science & Policy, Chief Diversity Advocate and ADVANCE Fellow for College of Earth, Ocean and Environment (CEOE)
Hayden Boettcher, Graduate Student, School of Marine Science and Policy
Clara Chan, Associate Professor, Diversity Advocate for Earth Sciences Department
David Christopher, Delaware Sea Grant, Marine Advisory Service
L. Pamela Cook, UD ADVANCE, Associate Dean, College of Engineering (ex-officio)
Mark Dobbins, Business Officer, CEOE
Heather Doty, UD ADVANCE, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering (ex-officio)
Kelli Kerbawy, Senior Assistant Dean for Student Services, CEOE
John Madsen, Interim Department Chair, Earth Sciences Department
Madelynn Mickle, HR Manager, Human Resources (ex-officio)
Mark Moline, Director, School of Marine Science & Policy
Lindsay Naylor, Associate Professor, Graduate Director and Diversity Advocate for Geography and Spatial Sciences Department
Maria Sabando Plaza, Graduate Student, School of Marine Science and Policy
*Previous Chief Diversity Advocate
The Safety Committee oversees environmental health and safety for the School of Marine Science and Policy, and assists the Departments of Earth Sciences and Geography and Spatial Sciences. The committee works closely with the University of Delaware's Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).
Committee Members
Dr. Adam Marsh, Chairperson (302-645-4367)
Mark Angeline
Jennifer Clem
John Kerber
Duane Reese, EHS Representative
Chris Petrone
Suni Shah Walter
Donna Simpson
Jon Swallow
Mark Warner
Ed Whereat
Leland Wood, Student Representative
Andrew Wozniak
Health and Safety Resources
CEOE is committed to collaborating with international partners to advance our joint understanding of the world. CEOE focuses on the following key strategic partnership areas internationally, although individual faculty members have research and relationships in countries around the world.
1. China - CEOE is building on its existing partnership with Xiamen University and expanding to other disciplines beyond marine science and policy.
2. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - We are fortunate to have ties with many of these countries in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and the Pacific, and they face unique challenges and opportunities for which CEOE research can be an asset.
3. African Continent - Building on UD's strong faculty leadership and networks in Africa and the immense challenge of environmental and social harm, this continent has a deficit of major partnerships and great potential for high impact research.
Committee Members
Saleem Ali
Pablo Huq
David Legates
Del Levia
Holly Michael
Lindsay Naylor
Art Trembanis
Ed Urban
Fabrice Veron
Xiao-Hai Yan
The college is examining where and how it can best contribute and lead and where the societal need is greatest. In addressing community needs, the college is fortunate to have valuable in-house capabilities that are already engaged with Delaware’s regional communities and focus on a host of critical issues, including those related to coastal resiliency and waterfront economic sustainability (Delaware Sea Grant), water supply and management (Delaware Geological Survey), and state climatology services (Center for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis). The three academic units and engagement arms are, therefore, well-positioned to address the increasingly complex societal problems with our legacy of fundamental and applied research and exemplary education, while continuing to explore thematic, interdisciplinary areas that engage students, scientists, stakeholders and decision makers.
This planning process recognizes that, along with these opportunities, we have a range of in-house challenges that need to be addressed, including priorities for infrastructure upgrades across two campuses in Newark and Lewes with limited investment capital and increasing resources for expanding experiential learning opportunities for students.
Committee Members
Dean Fabrice Veron, Co-Chair
Bonnie Ram, Co-Chair
Jeremy Firestone
Saleem Ali
Jen Biddle
John Madsen
Art Trembanis (Resigned)
Neil Sturchio
Jon Swallow
Sue McNeil (College of Engineering)
Mark Moline, Ex Officio
Del Levia, Ex Officio
Read an overview of the plan's six goals and related objectives, or download the full plan, at The Changing Earth: Working Together for a Sustainable Future.