
Dominic DiToro

Dominic DiToro stands next to the Delaware River, one of many bodies of water he's done Environmental Engineering research for. 4/21/05

Edward C. Davis Professor

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Center for Biomechanical Engineering Research

UD Media Relations staffers are happy to assist journalists with interview requests for this expert.


Areas of Expertise

  • Specializes in the developing and applying mathematical and statistical models to water and sediment problems in streams, lakes, estuaries and coastal bodies.
  • Recent research helped develop criteria for the EPA to use in evaluating water and sediment quality.
  • Has participated as expert consultant, principal investigator and project manager on numerous water quality studies for industry, research foundations and governmental agencies.
  • Studies the health of local bodies of water, including the Chesapeake Bay, and has knowledge of some Superfund sites.

Contact Information
