Category: Data Science
The MSDS Program is Graduating More and More Students!
July 19, 2022 Richard Braun
It has been quite a year getting back on campus again. Our students have powered through so many challenges and obstacles that it is hard to list them. We are so proud of all that they have accomplished! Below is a list of graduates starting in the summer of 2021 through the end of spring semester 2022.
Summer 2021:
Michael Hogan (LinkedIn): Currently a data scientist with JP Morgan Chase in Delaware.
December 2021:
Ian Heffner (LinkedIn): Currently a data scientist with JP Morgan Chase in Delaware. He worked on a project with Drs. Greg Dobler and Federica Bianco during his studies.
Manjula Ibrahim (LinkedIn): Completed the Data Science and Analytics Certificate program before completing the MSDS. She also completed an MS thesis under the supervision of Drs. Greg Dobler and Federica Bianco. She continued her work as a Vice President with JP Morgan Chase in Delaware.
Vilena Livinsky (LinkedIn): Currently working as a data scientist at Wells Fargo Bank.
Mary Manz (LinkedIn): Currently working as a data and analytics technology manager at PwC.
Akshaya Ramesh (LinkedIn): Currently working as a data engineer on a project with Comcast via Tata Consultancy Services.
Olivia Wanjeri Mwangi (LinkedIn): Olivia currently works as a biostatistical programmer at Incyte. While a student, she worked successfully in the Center for Community Research and Service with Director Steve Metraux, and as a teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Spring 2022:
Kaitlin Canalichio: (LinkedIn): Kaitlin earned a combined degree with a BS in Quantitative Biology and the MSDS in one of our 4+1 programs. She won the Department of Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate Research Award on the way to finishing her degrees. Currently working as a data science fellow at Tech Impact in Delaware.
Evan Christie (LinkedIn): Currently working as a data analyst at Bank of America. Evan worked on a project under the supervision of assistant director Dr Ben Bagozzi during his studies.
Colin Horgan (LinkedIn): Currently working as a data scientist at One Main Financial in Delaware; he became a permanent staff member after a brief internship.
Celebrating Our Graduates
Our first ceremony to honor graduates was held as part of the Graduate College Convocation and Doctoral Hooding ceremony on the Green, Thursday, May 26, 2022. UDaily covered the event in this article, and if one scrolls down, you can find our program discussed and a picture of our participants.
At the time of writing, a total of 18 graduates have completed the program. Great job, all of you!! We look forward to the bright future of our current MSDS students!