Congratulations to the MSDS Class of 2021
June 07, 2021 Tiffany Harrison
The MSDS program has 5 new graduates finishing in May and August 2021. They had the option to attend the College of Arts and Science Convocation on Friday, May 28, 2021. It was a fine, cool morning in the stadium for the graduates. The list of graduates follows.
Mr. Aashish Phatak
Aashish is focused on machine learning and deep learning. His Advisor was Prof Gonzalo Arce of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Aashish worked on a team project on tear film breakup on the front of the eye with Prof Richard Braun’s research team in Winter 2020; he helped implement an automatic breakup detection system using a deep learning approach. He also completed an internship as a data scientist at Elsevier in the summer of 2020. He is currently seeking his next opportunity as a machine learning engineer or data scientist.
Ms. Vishruta Yawatkar
Vishruta worked on geospatial data science during her MSDS, completing a thesis on the subject under the supervision of Prof Pinki Mondal in Geography and Spatial Sciences. She was supported as a research assistant during that work. She also found time to work on the tear film breakup project with Prof Braun in winter 2021. Vishruta will be going on to the Ph.D. program in Bioinformatics Data Science at UD in the fall.
Mr. Dominick Sinopoli
Dominick completed the 4+1 Bachelors/MS program. He completed the BS in Actuarial Science in May 2020 and completed the MSDS this spring. The program allowed him to use two graduate courses toward his undergraduate degree, thus completing the two degrees more quickly. In addition, Dominick improved the tear film breakup detection system with Prof Braun and Prof Tobin Driscoll, which is an integral part of a budding system to automatically determine the mechanism of tear film breakup on the surface of the eye. His MSDS advisor was Prof Keith Decker of Computer and Information Sciences. Dominick is currently seeking his next employment opportunity.
Mr. Tyler Balance
Tyler is another 4+1 student, completing the BS degrees in both computer science and applied mathematics and the MSDS. He managed to complete them all in just four years! His advisor was Prof Chandra Kambhamettu of Computer and Information Sciences. Tyler will take a gap year to study AI-related topics and work part-time while contemplating his next career step.
Mr. Charlie Hannum
Charlie is another student to complete the 4+1 BS/MSDS program in just four years total. His BS is in computer science, and it was combined with the MSDS. His advisor was Prof Rui Zhang of Computer and Information Sciences. He landed an internship at JP Morgan Chase that started in early 2021 and turned into a permanent position as a software engineer.
Congratulations to all once again!