Urban Data Science: Certificate
The past decade has seen the rise of Data Science, not only as an independent discipline defined by the study of commonalities of data-driven information extraction across domains, but also as a key interdisciplinary partner to numerous subfields of the social, natural, computational, and engineering sciences. This has led to numerous sub-branches of Data Science focused on solutions and knowledge generation within a specific field. One of these is the field of Urban Data Science (UDS). Closely related to Urban Analytics and Urban Informatics, UDS blends aspects of data analytics, machine learning, computational statistics, data handling and access, data visualization, and information extraction with evidence-based public policy, public administration, urban science, urban planning, complex urban systems, data for social good, urban affairs, and data ethics.
Application Deadlines
Applications accepted up to first day of classes of a given term.
UD Tuition
The 2024-2025 UD graduate student tuition rate per credit hour is $1,069.