Audition Repertoire
What is an Audition Repertoire?
An audition repertoire is a carefully curated selection of musical pieces that a student prepares for the purpose of auditioning for a school of music, conservatory, or other performing arts program. This repertoire is designed to showcase the student's technical skills, musicality, and artistic expression, allowing the admissions committee to evaluate their potential and suitability for the program.
It is crucial for students to thoroughly research and adhere to the guidelines specific to their instrument, voice, or composition area to ensure their audition is well-prepared and meets the program's expectations.
Scroll down to select the repertoire for your primary instrument audition.
Fall 2025 Audition Days
Auditions for entry into Fall 2025 will be held on campus at the Amy E. DuPont Music Building for undergraduate and graduate music applicants on the following dates:
Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23
Friday, January 24
Saturday, January 25 (Graduate only)
This is the only timeline to consider entry into the major for undergraduate applicants, please plan accordingly. Applicants who cannot attend in-person should submit a pre-recorded video audition using an audition request form by January 15.
The audition request form will be accessible to applicants once they have been considered provisionally admissible to the University of Delaware by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Applicants are encouraged to prioritize submission of their application as early as possible to allow opportunity for access to the audition request form and the widest preference for scheduling.
Undergraduate and graduate applications must submit all materials, including audition submissions, no later than January 15 for scholarship, or funding consideration.
All Undergraduate Students and Programs
- One solo composition or movement. A second composition of contrasting style, either from the solo literature or an etude.
Three contrasting pieces (entire work) from the standard bassoon solo repertoire plus 4 contrasting orchestral excerpts of your choice.
Bachelor of Music in Applied Cello (Performance)
- Scales and arpeggios in 3 octaves, major and melodic minor
- One étude/technical study (of the level of DuPort or Popper)
- Two contrasting solo works of the applicants choice
Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Composition, Theory, and History and Literature; Bachelor of Arts, Minors; Merit and Honors Private Study
- Scales in 3 octaves, major and melodic minor
- One Étude/technical study
- One solo work of the applicants choice
- Two contrasting movements from the Unaccompanied Cello Suites of J.S. Bach (from memory)
- One movement of a major concerto (from memory)*
- One solo work of the applicant's choice
** It is preferred that one of these works (concerto or solo work) is composed after 1960
All Undergraduate Students and Programs
- Two contrasting etudes or solos
- Major scales and arpeggios (three octaves where appropriate) and a full range chromatic scale
Applied Music (Performance)
- Two contrasting solo works
- Three or four orchestral excerpts from the standard repertoire
All Major Scales in open position (one octave) and closed position (two octave, Segovia scale fingerings encouraged).
Sight reading (example will be provided at audition).
Two performed pieces, from memory:
- One etude/piece by Sor, Carcassi, Giuliani, Aguado
- One contrasting piece from the guitar repertoire (at least 3 minutes in length)
Any questions, please contact Dave Bozenhard at dboz@udel.edu.
Composition Requirements
In order to be considered for admission to the composition program at the undergraduate level, applicants must complete the following tasks:
Portfolio Submission. An applicant’s portfolio will include the following items:
- Three (3) contrasting original works demonstrating composition experience. For each work, include:
- PDF file of the full score, fully notated (that is, for jazz/popular pieces, chord charts are not accepted). For electronic/electroacoustic works that have no score component, this requirement is waived.
- Recording of the same work. Live recordings are preferred but MIDI realizations are accepted. Accepted formats are MP3, AIFF, or WAV.
- A program note that accompanies the work.
One-page essay addressing the following prompts: (1) Why are you seeking a degree in music composition at the University of Delaware School of Music? (2) What are your future goals as a musician? (3) Pick a piece of music that you wrote. Describe what this piece is about and why it was significant to you as a composer.
- This interview is an opportunity for each applicant to demonstrate proficient musical understanding and ability. Applicants will discuss their composition portfolio with a composition faculty member. The Music Theory Placement Exam will also be given during the interview process.
- Audition on their primary instrument.
How to Submit - Materials due by January 15
The audition materials should be uploaded to the music portfolio in My Blue Hen Home Portal. For questions, please contact musicadmissions@udel.edu.
MM Conducting - Choral is not accepting applications for 2025.
Conducting applicants should use the Music Portfolio to upload the required application materials below:
1. Video: a 20- to 30-minute video of conducting in rehearsal
2. Video: a 20- to 30-minute video conducting in performance.
3. [Orchestral Applicants Only] Video: performance on a primary instrument.
All videos should be from the perspective of the ensemble (facing the conductor), not the perspective of the audience. Prospective students must also submit an up-to-date repertoire list of all works conducted. Feel free to delineate between works conducted in performance and those studied/not conducted in performance.
- All major and melodic minor scales for two octaves. Playing eighth notes with the quarter note equal to 120 beats per minute.
- The following studies in the Simandl Method for Double Bass, Fischer Edition.
- Major and minor scale study page 83, 84 and 85
- Broken chord study page 104-105
Solo or Etude from the following or equivalent:
- Any Baroque sonata or concerto
- Two contrasting movements of one of the Bach cello suites
- Solos from the Double Bass Playerby Oscar Zimmermann (G. Schirmer publisher)
Bachelor of Music in Applied Euphonium and Baritone (Performance)
All major scales two octaves.
Two solo selections (contrasting in nature) and two etude selections (contrasting in nature).
- Etudes
- Bordogni/Rochut, Melodious Etudes
- Blazevitch, Studies in Clefs
- Kopprasch, 60 Etudes
- Arban/Alessi & Bowman, Complete Method - Characteristic Study #1
- Clarke, Technical Studies
- Solos
- All-State Solo
- Handel, Concerto in F Minor
- Jacob, Fantasia
- De Luca, Beautiful Colorado
- Clarke, Bride of the Waves
- White, Lyric Suite
Prepare the same requirements as for the Music Education Majors. Merit and Honors (see below). Two contrasting selections from solo and etude literature. Any solo or etude you have worked on in the past is acceptable.
Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Composition, Theory, and History and Literature; Bachelor of Arts; Minors
All major scales two octaves.
Two etudes and one solo or an equivalent, should be contrasting in nature.
- Etudes
- Bordogni/Rochut, Melodious Etudes
- Kopprasch, 60 Etudes
- Arban/Alessi & Bowman, Complete Method - Characteristic Study #1
- Tyrell Advanced Studies
- Solo
- All-State Solo
- Guilmant, Morceau Symphonique
- Galliard, Sonata I
- De Luca, Beautiful Colorado
- Senaille, Introduction and Allegro Spirituoso
- Curnow, Rhapsody for Euphonium
Merit and Honors Private Study
Two contrasting selections from solo and etude literature. Any solo or etude you have worked on in the past is acceptable.
Applied Music (Performance)
Major and Minor scales two octaves -all forms of minor.
Bordogni #9 {Rochut}
Arban - Characteristic Study #1
Solos: Choose One:
- Jacob - Fantasie
- Horowitz - Concerto
- Picchi/Matia - Fantasie Orginale
- Boccalari - Fantasia de Concerto
Excerpts: (Play Both)
- Sousa - Stars and Stripes Forever
- Moussorgsky/ Ravel- Pictures at an Exhibition— Bydlo
All Undergraduate Students and Programs
- Two contrasting works (or a movement from each work) of your choice, that display both lyrical playing and technical proficiency
- Major scales up to 4 sharps and 4 flats
Piano accompaniment not required
- The exposition from the first movement of either the Mozart Concerto in G major or the Mozart Concerto in D major
- Two works from contrasting musical periods
- Three orchestral excerpts of the candidate’s choice.
Piano accompaniment and memorization not required. Single movements from longer works are acceptable.
We are not currently accepting auditions for Harp.
All Undergraduate Students and Programs
All major scales preferred, but at a minimum up to four sharps or flats; a solo piece, such as Mozart Concerto no. 3, first movement, Saint-Saens Concert Piece, or similar; one etude, such as Kopprasch or Gallay or similar; sightreading will also be part of the audition.
All major and minor scales; two contrasting solo works, preferably one Classical/Romantic and one Contemporary. One advanced etude, such as Hackleman Characteristic Etudes, Maxime-Alphonse book 4 or higher, Gallay Grand Caprices or similar; sightreading (including transposing at sight) will also be part of the audition.
Major and Minor
Applicants can use a play-along accompaniment track (iReal Pro, Jamey Aebersold or other), or have a live accompaniment (video or in-person). If you would like faculty to accompany you in-person, please bring a few copies of a lead sheet or chord chart with you, especially if you will be performing a non-standard tune.
We’re looking to hear proficiency on your instrument, confidence in your chosen style of playing, and some level of experience with improvising. We encourage you to choose music that reflects your musical personality, individuality, and goals.
Auditions are usually 15 minutes in length and will include a short interview.
Audition Requirements (approximately 10 minutes of music)
- One etude, solo transcription, or piece from the classical repertoire for your instrument.
- One tune with melody and improvisation.
- One blues melody and improvisation.
- All 12 major scales.
- You may be asked to sight-read a short passage.
Rhythm section instrument:
- Demonstrate traditions specific to your instrument.
Piano, Guitar, Bass:
- Comp or walk on chord changes.
Drum set:
- Demonstrate different feels: swing, Latin, funk.
- Be able to solo in these styles, trade fours, eights, etc.…
- Demonstrate the basic snare drum rudiments.
Bachelor of Music in Applied Oboe (Performance), Music Education, Composition, Theory, History and Literature; Bachelor of Arts; Minors
- Two contrasting etudes from Barret or Ferling
- Two solo selections of the applicant's choice (In pieces with multiple movements, it is not necessary to prepare the entire work)
For specific repertoire questions, please email Dr. Erin Banholzer.
Merit and Honors Private Study
- One etude from Barret or Ferling and one contrasting solo piece
Two contrasting etudes from Barret or Ferling
Three orchestral excerpts
Two solo selections of the applicants choice, one of which should be from the Baroque or Classical era
For specific repertoire questions, please email Dr. Erin Banholzer.
Prospective Undergraduate
Applicants must be able to demonstrate the following:
- Snare Drum
- Rudimental Solo or Etude (Pratt, Wilcoxon, or similar)
- Concert Solo or Etude (Delecluse, Cirone, Peters, or similar)
- Keyboard
- All major and minor scales
- Two-mallet solo (etude, movement, or short piece)
- Four-mallet solo (etude, movement, or short piece)
- Timpani
- Etude or Solo (Firth, Goodman, Peters, or similar)
- Etude or Solo (Firth, Goodman, Peters, or similar)
- Drum Set (optional)
- Demonstrate Styles (swing, rock, Latin, Afro-Cuban, etc…)
- Demonstrate Styles (swing, rock, Latin, Afro-Cuban, etc…)
Prospective Graduate Students
Applicants must be able to demonstrate the following:
- Snare Drum
- 2 advanced solos (or etudes) of contrasting styles
- Marimba
- Two-mallet solo
- Four-mallet solo
- Excerpts - 2 selections for each of the following:
- Snare drum
- Xylophone
- Glockenspiel
- Timpani
- In Addition – Please Prepare at least TWO from the list below:
- Vibraphone Solo
- Multiple Percussion Solo (if necessary, may be a video performance)
- Drum Set (prepare a play-along track + demonstrate styles)
- Timpani Solo
- Hand drum, steel drum, or other solo
For Graduate Percussion Group Fellowship Consideration
If you are interested in the fellowship, in addition to all of the above, please prepare:
- Two videos of past performances of contrasting chamber works for 2-6 players that are unconducted.
- You may be asked to perform live with a chamber group during your in-person audition. The musical excerpt will become available one month prior to the audition date.
At least one week prior to the audition, pianists should submit a list of repertoire performed and studied in the last three years to Professor Delbeau
Bachelor of Music in Applied Piano (Performance)
- J. S. Bach: A prelude and fugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier.
- A fast movement from a sonata by Beethoven (excluding Opus 49), or a fast movement from a sonata by Mozart (excluding K. 545).
- One large-scale work or a group of shorter pieces from the 19th or 20th century demonstrating lyrical and virtuoso styles
- All music is to be performed from memory
- Sight-reading
Bachelor of Music in Music Education with Piano Concentration; Bachelor of Music in Composition, Theory, and History and Literature
- An original work of J. S. Bach
- A movement from a sonata by Mozart (excluding K. 545) or Beethoven (excluding Opus 49)
- A work from the Romantic, Impressionistic or Contemporary period. This piece must reflect the pianist's highest level of musical and technical accomplishment. Jazz, pop, or self-composed pieces are not acceptable.
- All music is to be played from memory
- Sight-reading
Bachelor of Arts; Minors; Merit and Honors Private Study
- Two pieces in contrasting styles (no jazz, pop or self-composed pieces)
- At least one piece is to be played from memory
- J. S. Bach—a suite or Prelude and Fugue from the WTC
- An entire sonata by Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven
- A large-scale major Romantic work
- An Impressionistic or Contemporary work
- All music is to be played from memory
All Undergraduate Students and Programs
- All major scales (two octaves where possible, full range preferred) tongued, or slurred. Two octave or full range chromatic scale, slurred.
- Sight-reading: You will be required to sight-read a brief excerpt.
- Prepare 8 minutes worth of music on the saxophone of your choice. Contrast is encouraged!
The list below offers some suggestions, however you may substitute your own selections of equal or greater difficulty. Generally speaking, high school All-State and Regional audition repertoire work well also.
Creston - Sonata
Glazunov - Concerto
Bozza - Improvisation et Caprice
Maurice - Tableaux de Provence
Milhaud - Scaramouche
Heiden - Sonata
Tcherepnine - Sonatine Sportive
Decruck - Sonata
Demersseman - Fantaisie sur un theme original
Couf - Introduction, Dance, and Furioso
Eccles - Sonata
Jacobi - Sonata
Singelee - any Concertino or Solo (several for tenor, soprano, and bari)
Bach, Handel, or Telemann - Sonata transcriptions for saxophone (many for tenor)
Demersseman - Premier Solo (tenor)
Villa-Lobos - Fantasia (tenor/soprano)
DiPasquale - Sonata (tenor)
Duckworth - Pitt County Excursions (tenor)
Devienne - Adagio and Rondo (tenor)
Bennett - Concerto in G minor (tenor)
Ostransky - Ballet Impressions (tenor)
Graduate students should prepare 15 minutes of repertoire that is at least the level of what would be performed on an Undergraduate music major degree recital. Please include:
- 3 contrasting pieces or excerpts from pieces.
Jazz players may include up to one transcribed solo plus one improvised solo, but at least one classical solo is required.
Sound advice from Professor Groves
At UD, we encourage each saxophonist to choose which saxophone to play as a primary voice. Because of this, you may audition on the saxophone of your choice. While it is preferable to choose repertoire written for the saxophone that you decide to play, it is acceptable to play alto saxophone repertoire on tenor, baritone, or soprano saxophone.
When choosing repertoire, try to find music that showcases your skills while still challenging you. If you choose music that is extremely easy for you, the audition panel will be left wondering what your real skill level is. On the other hand, if you over-reach and try to play music that is too difficult for your ability level, that does not present you at your best either.
Optional: Students interested in a jazz minor or experienced in jazz may prepare a jazz etude, transcribed solo, or improvise over a tune of their choice. Contact the saxophone instructor, Todd Groves, if you have questions tgroves@udel.edu.
Bachelor of Music in Applied String Bass (Performance)
Etudes - one from the following:
Simandl, String Bass Method, Book II
Simandl 30 Etudes
Storch-Hrabe 86 Studies
Solos - three contrasting movements from the following:
Bach Cello Suites (Any edition)
A movement of a (sonata/concerto) of your choice
A modern sonata, concerto, or show piece
Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Composition, Theory, and History and Literature; Bachelor of Arts; Minors; Merit and Honors Private Study
- Etudes - one from the following:
- Simandl 30 Etudes
- One etude from another source that is equivalent in difficulty to Simandl 30 Etudes
- Solos - one from the following:
- A Baroque Sonata or Concerto
- A Classical Sonata or Concerto
- A piece of the student's choice from George Vance's "Progressive Repertoire for the Double Bass, Vol. 3"
- The first movement of a concerto of the applicant's choice, including cadenza if appropriate.
- The first movement of a standard String Bass sonata of the applicant's choice.
- Two contrasting movements from any of the Bach Cello Suites.
- One additional piece of the applicant's choosing. This can be a jazz tune, modern piece, show piece, or any other work that showcases the strengths of the applicant.
Bachelor of Music in Applied Trombone (Performance)
- One lyrical movement or section from a concerto, sonata, or standard solo work
- One articulate movement or section from a concerto, sonata, or standard solo work
- One etude (select from the recommended list)
- All Major scales, in two octaves
- Sight-reading
Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Composition, Theory, and History and Literature
- One lyrical movement or section from a concerto, sonata, standard solo work, or etude from the recommended list
- One articulate movement or section from a concerto, sonata, standard solo work, or etude from the recommended list
- All Major scales, in at least one octave
- Sight-reading
Bachelor of Arts; Minors; Merit and Honors Private Study
- One solo piece from a concerto, sonata, standard solo work or etude
- Major scales through three sharps and three flats, in at least one octave
- Sight-reading
Recommended Literature for Tenor Trombone
- Etudes:
- Bordogni/Rochut - Melodious Etudes vol. 1 (legato)
- Bleger - 31 Studies (articulate)
- Tyrell - 40 Progressive Etudes (articulate)
- Solos:
- Guilmant - Morceau Symphonique
- Galliard - Sonata No. 1 or Sonata No. 2
- Barat - Andante and Allegro
- Rimsky-Korsakov - Concerto
- Marcello - Sonata in F Major
- de la Nux - Concertpiece
- David - Concertino
Recommended Literature for Bass Trombone
- Etudes:
- Bordogni/Ostrander - Melodious Etudes for Bass Trombone (legato)
- Gillis - 20 Etudes (mixture of legato and articulate
- Grigoriev - 24 Studies (mixture of legato and articulate)
- Solos:
- Jacob - Cameos
- Lieb - Concertino Basso
- Haddad - Suite for Tuba
- Lebedev - Concerto in One Movement
- Lebedev - Concert Allegro
- Hindemith - Drei Leichte Stucke (Three Easy Pieces)
- Koetsier - Allegro Maestoso
Please email Dr. Tychinski (trombone@udel.edu) at least three weeks in advance with a listing of proposed repertoire for his approval.
- All major and minor scale
- Two contrasting solo works (lyrical and articulate) - movements are acceptable as long as they are taken from two different pieces
- 5 standard orchestral excerpts
All Undergraduate Students and Programs
- All major scales and arpeggios.
- Two contrasting selections. These can be movements of a piece, etudes, or a combination of both.
- A 15 minute mini-recital of that showcases your playing. This will be unaccompanied and can include contrasting movements, works etudes and excerpts. Playing a variety of instruments is encouraged. (ie. Bb, C, Eb, Piccolo, Flugel)
*there may be additional requirements for TA/ GA consideration; this information will be conveyed when appropriate.
Bachelor of Music in Applied Tuba (Performance)
All major scales two octaves.
One solo selection and two etude selections (contrasting in nature).
- Etudes
- Kopprasch, 60 Etudes
- Grigoriev Etudes
- Tyrrell, Advanced Studies
- Bordogni, Bel Canto Studies
- Gally, Studies for tuba
- Solos
- All-State Solo
- Vaughan Williams, Concerto for Bass Tuba in F minor, 1st movement
- Edward Gregson, Concerto for Tuba, 1st movement
- Hartley, Suite for Unaccompanied Tuba
- Paul Hindemith, Sonata for Bass Tuba and Piano
Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Composition, Theory, and History and Literature; Bachelor of Arts; Minors
All major scales two octaves.
One solo selection and two etude selections or equivalent (selections should be contrasting in nature).
- Etudes
- Kopprasch, 60 Etudes
- Grigoriev Etudes
- Tyrrell, Advanced Studies
- Bordogni, Bel Canto Studies
- Solo
- All-State Solo
- Bach/Bell, Air and Bourree
- Marcello, Sonata in F minor for tuba and piano arranged by Don Little
- Walter Hartley, Suite for Unacommpanied Tuba
Merit and Honors Private Study
Two contrasting selections from solo and etude literature. Any solo or etude you have worked on in the past is acceptable.
- Chose one Bordogni melodic study.
- One Kopprasch technical etude- either #11,#17 or #40
- Snedecor, Low Etudes for tuba #4
- Vaughn Williams Concerto --1st and 2nd movements and the cadenza from the Hindemith Sonata
- Persichetti Serenade #12 for solo tuba
- Major and Minor Scales all forms, two octaves.
- Wagner "Meistersinger" Overture
- Prokofiev, Symphony No 5
- Strauss, Till Eulenspiegel
Bachelor of Music in Applied Viola (Performance)
Scale - one three-octave scale of your choice
Etudes - one from the following:
An etude of equivalent difficulty
Solos - One movement from each of the following
Bach unaccompanied suites, sonatas, or partitas
Concertos, sonatas, or solo pieces from the standard repertoire
Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Composition, Theory, and History and Literature
- Scale - a two or three octave scale of your choice
- Etudes - one from the following:
- Kreutzer 42 Studies
- Mazas
- An etude of equivalent difficulty
- Solos - one movement from any of the following:
- Bach, unaccompanied suites, sonatas, or partitas
- Concertos, sonatas, or solo pieces from the Baroque or Classical eras such as Telemann, Hoffmeister, Stamitz
- A piece of equivalent difficulty
Bachelor of Arts; Minors; Merit and Honors Private Study
A scale and two contrasting pieces or movements that demonstrate the level of the candidate.
- Two contrasting movements from the Violin Sonatas or Partitas or the Cello Suites of J.S. Bach
- One movement of a major concerto
- One work of the applicant's choice
An adjustment of audition repertoire below can be approved by faculty upon request
Bachelor of Music in Applied Violin (Performance)
One Etude of your choice from Kreutzer 42 Studies OR Rode 24 Caprices, memorization required.
The first movement of a standard concerto with cadenza (if applicable), Classical or Romantic periods, memorization required.
One work of the applicant's choice, memorization required.
Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Composition, Theory, and History and Literature
- Prepare two major and two minor key three-octave scales with major and minor key arpeggios from Carl Flesch Scale System's section #5, memorization required. UD faculty will pick the key of scale during the audition.
- First movement of a violin concerto from the Baroque, Classical or Romantic period with cadenza (if applicable), memorization preferred but not required.
Bachelor of Arts; Minors; Merit and Honors Private Study
- Prepare one major or minor key three-octave scale with major and minor key arpeggios from Carl Flesch Scale System section #5.
- Any prepared violin solo piece of your choice, memorization not required
- Two contrasting movements from the Sonatas or Partitas of J.S. Bach
- One movement of a major concerto
- One work of the applicant's choice
All Undergraduate Students and Programs
There is no prescreen requirement for voice applicants.
Two contrasting pieces which best represent the strengths of your voice. They should be performed from memory and with appropriate accompaniment (pre-recorded accompaniments are perfectly acceptable, as are other appropriate backing tracks and self-performed accompaniments).
Students who have studied privately are encouraged to submit at least one example in the vocal style which they studied (classical, musical theatre, etc.). Submissions in foreign languages are not required, but are welcome for students with the relevant experience.
Prospective graduate students should submit video recordings within their application. The audition requirements include the following:
- An aria from an opera or oratorio
- A French melodie
- A German lied
- A post-1925 English art song
- A selection of the singer's choice
An Italian selection should be fulfilled by the aria or the fifth option.