Financial Support
Under normal circumstances, full-time students making satisfactory progress towards a degree receive financial support of a stipend and a tuition waiver. Support during the academic year is usually provided through teaching assistantships or research assistantships; support through externally funded fellowships or scholarships is also encouraged. Summer support is usually provided through research assistantships funded by the advisor's external grants.
Fellowships paying less than the department stipend will be supplemented up to the department stipend level from research advisor funds. As an incentive to apply for independent funding, students winning competitive fellowship support may receive additional stipend monies from their research advisor's funds. Such supplements are at the research advisor's discretion and are limited to 20% of the current departmental stipend level. If the fellowship pays more than 20% above the departmental stipend level, no additional supplements may be given.
Teaching Assistantships
Teaching assistants (TAs) receive a stipend and a full tuition scholarship. Students should arrange financial support during the summer term either from Research Assistantships (RAs) or other funding sources. Very few TAs are available during the summer months.
In accordance with University of Delaware regulations, foreign students must achieve a TOEFL score of at least 600 (paper-based), 250 (computer-based), or 100 (Internet-based) and satisfactorily complete the university administered UDIA and SPEAK tests in order to qualify for TAs.
The TAs responsibilities and performance standards will be established by the faculty member who teaches that course. In the event of an unsatisfactory performance by a TA, the course director will notify the student and the Graduate Affairs Committee. The Committee may recommend termination of the assistantship to the Department Chair.
Research Assistantships
Students usually will be supported as Research Assistants (RAs) through their advisor's research funds after their first year. RAs receive a stipend and full tuition scholarship. Doctoral students who enter as TAs in the fall semester fulfill the minimum teaching requirement by the end of the spring term. RA appointments for these students should be finalized by the first day of the summer semester.
The RA's advisor is responsible for defining the student's responsibilities and for evaluating the student's performance. In the event of an unsatisfactory performance by an RA, the advisor will notify the student and the Graduate Affairs Committee at least four weeks prior to terminating the assistantship.
Internal and External Awards
Students are encouraged to seek funding in the form of fellowships or scholarships from sources within the University and from private and federal agencies. The Graduate Program Director will advise students of these opportunities.