Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs in Art History
The Department of Art History at the University of Delaware is dedicated to education and research in the history of the visual arts. Internationally recognized for their authoritative and often groundbreaking scholarship, our faculty members are equally dedicated to teaching, having garnered accolades and awards both within and beyond the University community.
Our program pioneered the study of American art and architecture and continues to enjoy a distinguished reputation in this specialty. A unique constellation of programs bolsters this focus, including the Department of Art Conservation and the Winterthur Program in American Material Culture. Students routinely make use of important resources, both on campus, such as the Paul R. Jones Collection of African American Art, and beyond, including the Winterthur Museum and Library and the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Look at our undergraduate program
Double Majors
There are multiple opportunities for double majors and joint majors that support students’ combined interests including art conservation, anthropology, English, history, and several languages.
Study Art History with a Language
Blend your interests in Art History, languages, literatures and cultures through an Art History/Language Studies Joint Major degree. Sharpen your visual skills, develop your writing abilities, and spark your imagination from a truly global perspective. These majors are excellent preparation for careers in the international art and cultural heritage world.
Joint majors in Art History are available with French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Ancient Greek and Latin, Japanese, Russian and Three Languages.
All ARTH/Language joint majors have reduced requirements from the stand-alone Art History Major and Language Studies Major.
Art History faculty partner with Undergraduate Academic Services (UAS) to provide advisement and academic support for our majors and minors. Freshmen and sophomores in the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) are advised by UAS, which also provides orientation services for new students.
Juniors (60+ credits) and all seniors are assigned to a faculty adviser within Art History. Starting with their second semester at UD, transfer students are assigned to a faculty adviser.
Faculty advisers are an invaluable resource and students are strongly encouraged to remain in regular contact with them and to meet at least once per semester, whether in person, virtually or by phone. While the responsibility for course selection rests with the student, faculty advisers can:
- provide accurate information and thoughtful advice in course selection
- assist students with coursework planning
- help students develop disciplinary interests
- guide students to explore graduate school and career interests
- assess students' progress toward their degree
The Department of Art History reviews majors and minors annually, typically at the end of the fall term. Students should meet with their faculty advisers before this time. While faculty can offer valuable guidance, each student is ultimately responsible for the decisions that affect their academic careers.
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Professor Monica Dominguez-Torres
The Department of Art History introduces students to critical approaches in the reading, research and writing about art, in its broadest sense and within a wide range of global and cultural contexts. Assessing student success in this effort is a continuing and reflexive process in which faculty establish clear outcomes of student learning; ensure that students have sufficient opportunities to achieve those outcomes; routinely review evidence of student learning; and, when warranted, reformulate educational outcomes as well as the means to achieve them.
The College of Arts and Sciences' Undergraduate Academic Services (UAS): as-advise@udel.edu
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Professor Monica Dominguez-Torres
For information regarding course enrollment, registration permissions, Independent Studies registration and convocation: Polly Marchesani
Registrar's Office: registrar@udel.edu
Expanded Pathways
The faculty and related course offerings have expanded to include the material and aesthetic cultures of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Mediterranean, the Americas and various diasporas and transnational currents, from antiquity to modern and contemporary periods.
In addition to serving art history majors and minors, we welcome students seeking to develop double majors. Many of our graduates find their way to careers in higher education, museums and other cultural institutions and, with the visual and critical skills of an art history education, a wide range of other professions as well.
Study Art History with a Language
Art History/French Studies (BA)
Art History/German Studies (BA)
Art History/Italian Studies (BA)
Art History/Spanish Studies (BA)
Art History/Chinese Studies (BA)
Art History/Ancient Greek and Roman Studies (BA)
Art History/Japanese Studies (BA)
Art History/Three Languages (BA)
Art History/Russian Studies (BA)
Our undergraduate program director
Mónica Domínguez Torres
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Art of the Early Modern Iberian World
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