Affiliated Programs

Affiliated Programs
Center for Material Culture Studies
The Center for Material Culture Studies (CMCS) builds on the University's distinguished international reputation in the interdisciplinary study of material and visual culture. Through the Center, students and teachers examine material objects as living artifacts, as texts and contexts, to better imagine, interpret, and appreciate the world we inhabit; experience material and visual culture in a dynamic learning, teaching, research, and public service environment; participate in seminars, field-based research ventures with institutional partners and state, regional, and national organizations; and contribute to the national effort in documentation, interpretation, preservation, and teaching of material and visual culture.
The Museum Studies Program offers courses and a certificate for students who plan careers as museum curators, educational directors, or administrators.
Winterthur Program in American Material Culture
The M.A. in American Material Culture is a multidisciplinary graduate course of study offered cooperatively by the University and the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library.
Center for Historic Architecture and Design
The Center for Historic Architecture and Design (CHAD) is a multidisciplinary research and public service group exploring the evolution of historic architecture, engineering, and the built environment. Graduate students in art history may qualify for CHAD grants, internships, and research assistantships.
Department of Art Conservation
In cooperation with Winterthur, the University offers the M.S. degree in the conservation of artistic and historic objects and the Ph.D. in Preservation Studies. The Department collaborates with these programs, which offer graduate courses in the history of materials and techniques to interested graduate students.