Digital Art History Projects

Digital Art History Projects
Many of our faculty and students have initiated online art history projects, making their scholarship and coursework more widely available while also incorporating new online platforms. From digital mapping to online exhibitions, these projects offer in-depth and unique ways of looking at the extensive research and discovery put forth by faculty and students in the Department of Art History.
An Artist's Colony in Broadway, Worcestershire: 1885-1889
A digital resource focusing on an artists' colony that formed in the small village of Broadway, Worcestershire from 1885 to 1889 created by Ph.D. candidate Kristen Nassif for Professor Wendy Bellion's "Transatlantic Modern" course. The site includes images, articles, and an interactive map.
The Baltimore Collection
In Professor Julie McGee's course, "Curating Hidden Collections and the Black Archive," students worked with a set of 53 photographs known as "The Baltimore Collection." The website features digitized photographs, associated metadata, and student essays.
Gil Blas Journal
Created by Ph.D. candidate Jordan Hillman for Professor Wendy Bellion's course, "Transatlantic Modern," this website is an examination into artist John Sloan's short-lived journal Gil Blas, modeled directly off a French equivalent of the same name.
Objects in Motion: The Early Americas
This website follows the circulation of works of art and material things through the Pacific and Atlantic worlds of the early modern era. It is a culmination of research conducted by graduate students for a seminar taught by Professors Mónica Domínguez Torres and Wendy Bellion.
Truths of the Trade: Slavery and the Winterthur Collection
During the 2017-2018 academic year, graduate students examined the relationship of slavery and racism to objects in the Winterthur Collection through Professor Jennifer Van Horn's course, "The Visual and Material Culture of Slavery." In addition to the physical and online exhibition, students created object videos, which discuss specific works included the exhibition.
"The World is Following Its People:" Indigenous Art and Arctic Ecology
The result of research and curatorial work conducted in a course taught by Professor Jessica L. Horton, this website explores themes of Ecology, Knowledge, Reciprocity, Resilience, and Settler Colonialism, and features images of Indigenous artworks and essays exploring specific objects and their meaning.