Our Centers

The Centers within the College of Arts & Sciences enhance students' experiences and have an impact on our communities.
Centers across Arts & Sciences
The Bartol Research Institute is a scientific research institution at the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Delaware.
The Center for Drug and Health Studies facilitates collaborative and engaging primary research on substance use disorders, behavioral health, health risk behaviors, and justice system policy and responses among social and behavioral science faculty, professional staff, undergraduate student interns, and graduate students.
The Center for Global and Area Studies (CGAS) is both a hub for global learning and a support center for international research. CGAS promotes research that increases global awareness and fosters an academic community that is increasingly connected to the "global village."
The Center for Health Communications focuses on Advancing the science of health communication; Training a diverse set of health communication scholars; and Promoting the translation of research findings and engaging with communities to improve health and well-being.
The Center for Material Culture Studies supports the advancement of material culture theory and practice at University of Delaware. The Center offer sprograms, funding, and opportunities for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate scholars who are passionate about material culture and come from a wide variety of disciplines.
The Center for Political Communications is a nonpartisan, interdisciplinary center connecting academics, students, and the community to relevant issues in political communication. Whether it is racial injustice, climate change, polarization, or the future of our democracy, this center provides context through courses, research, and programs.
The Center for Science Ethics and Public Policy supports the development courses that introduce or explore ethical, policy, legal, or social aspects of science, engineering, or technology.
The Center for the Study of Diversity promotes academic research and scholarship that facilitate dialogues about and understanding of the social and academic impact of diversity. The Center brings a broadly interdisciplinary focus to its activities, projects, programs, and publications on research and analysis, training, public scholarship, community projects, and information dissemination.
The Center for the Study and Prevention of Gender-Based Violence — housed in the Department of Women and Gender Studies at the University of Delaware — is dedicated to the study of, prevention of and support for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, human trafficking and other forms of gender-based violence.
The Interdisciplinary Humanities Research Center work to strengthen faculty research and creative activity, while also enhancing its integration into the curriculum; support initiatives involving multidisciplinary research teams, both within the university as well as with external partners; and foster intellectual community and public engagement.
ITUE is a resource for faculty at UD (and beyond) to help navigate the scholarship on teaching and learning, with a particular focus on Problem-based learning and related pedagogies.
The University Writing Center offers support for University of Delaware students working on any writing or communication projects.