Our People

Meet Our People

The Associate in Arts Program (AAP) at the University of Delaware is supported by a dedicated team of faculty and staff committed to student success. With 23 full-time faculty members and an average class size of 25 students, the AAP provides a personalized learning experience for our approximately 750 enrolled students. 

The program's educators and support staff work collaboratively to offer comprehensive academic guidance, counseling and resources across the program's locations in Wilmington, Dover and Georgetown. 

This diverse group of professionals brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the AAP, ensuring that students receive high-quality instruction and support throughout their academic journey.

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Name Title Location Email
Ames, Nathan Instructor, Music Dover and Georgetown Campuses names@udel.edu
Angelini, James R.  Associate Professor, Communication Wilmington Campus angelini@udel.edu
Aronovitz, Michael Instructor, English Wilmington Campus marono@udel.edu
Beecher, Alicia Instructor, English Wilmington Campus abeecher@udel.edu
Borras Torregrosa, Javier Instructor, Communication Dover Campus  
Boyer, William Instructor, Math and Computer Science Wilmington Campus wboyer@udel.edu
Brown, Kevin Instructor, Criminal Justice Wilmington Campus kevbrown@udel.edu
Buoni, Michael Instructor, Biology Georgetown Campus mbuoni@udel.edu
Burgess, Jon-Eric Instructor, Science Wilmington Campus jeburges@udel.edu
Curry, Michael Griffith Instructor, English Dover Campus  
Dao, Michael Instructor, Chemistry Dover Campus mdao@udel.edu
DeReus, Rayna Instructor, Art Wilmington Campus rdereus@udel.edu
Dorsey Walker, Sherry Instructor, Photography & Video Wilmington Campus sadorsey@udel.edu
Dunwody, Susan Instructor, Economics Wilmington Campus sdunwody@udel.edu
Farkas, Laura Instructor, History Wilmington Campus lfarkas@udel.edu
Gibson, Rob Instructor, Computer Science Wilmington and Georgetown campuses rwgibson@udel.edu
Hale, Edward Instructor, Marine Science UD College of Earth, Ocean & Environment  ehale@udel.edu
Heberling, Brenda Instructor, Physical Science Dover Campus bheberli@udel.edu
Hesketh, Roger Instructor, Leadership Assistant Policy Scientist, Center for Community Research and Service rogergh@udel.edu
Hintlian, Jennifer Instructor, Art History Dover and Wilmington Campuses hintlian@udel.edu
Hudson, Tracy Instructor, Education College of Education & Human Development  tohudson@udel.edu
Isaacs, Mark Director, Carvel Research and Education Center Plant & Soil Sciences isaacs@udel.edu
Joella, Ethan Instructor, English and Psychology Georgetown Campus ejoella@udel.edu
Karpinski, Carol Instructor, Spanish Dover and Wilmington Campus cvkarp@udel.edu
Kotch-Jester, Stephanie Instructor, Education  College of Education & Human Development  sakjstr@udel.edu
Kuttruff, George Instructor, English Wilmington Campus kuttruff@udel.edu
Laino, Debra Instructor, Psychology Wilmington Campus dlaino@udel.edu
Lockman, S. Elizabeth Instructor, Public Policy Wilmington Campus elockman@udel.edu
Mendoza, Albee Instructor, Psychology Dover Campus albee@udel.edu
Miller, Colin Instructor, Music  Center for Global & Area Studies cdmiller@udel.edu
Moore, David Professor, Chemistry Georgetown Campus
Olsen, Paul Instructor, Math Dover Campus  
Pelinski, Debra Instructor, Theatre Wilmington Campus debrapel@udel.edu
Ramadan, Ruwida Instructor, Spanish Wilmington Campus dounya@udel.edu
Rineer, Joseph Instructor, Anatomy Georgetown Campus jrineer@udel.edu
Sechler, David Instructor, Education  College of Education & Human Development dsechler@udel.edu
Shockley, Preston Instructor, Economics Georgetown Campus dshock@udel.edu
Shupard, Amy Instructor, Communication & University Studies Georgetown and Dover campuses ashupard@udel.edu
Strumpf, Daniel Instructor, Education College of Education & Human Development dstrumpf@udel.edu
Tiberi, Mario Instructor, Economics Dover Campus mtiberi@udel.edu
Urbanas, Alban Instructor, Philosophy Dover and Georgetown campuses aurbanas@udel.edu
Whitlock, Adam Instructor, Nursing   awhitloc@udel.edu
Whittle, Tanya Instructor, Criminal Justice    twhittle@udel.edu
Yates, Brandy Instructor, English Writing Specialist, Dover Campus byates@udel.edu
Name Title Location Email
Fisher-Klein, Tommy Academic Advisor Wilmington tfisher@udel.edu
Matthews, Jordan Academic Advisor Wilmington jematth@udel.edu
Mendoza, Melvin Academic Advisor Dover melvin@udel.edu​
Scott, Stephanie Academic Advisor Georgetown shupe@udel.edu
Spagnolo, Georgeanna Senior Assistant Dean Newark spagnolo@udel.edu
Name Title Email
Bacon, J. Richard Associate Professor (Retired), Economics jrbacon@udel.edu
Bartley, Jack Associate Professor (Retired), Biology jbartley@udel.edu
Goldstein, Philip Professor (Retired), English pgold@udel.edu
Martin, John Assistant Professor (Retired), Political Science & Philosophy jmartin@udel.edu
Morris, Carla Associate Professor (Retired), Mathematics cmorris@udel.edu
Rosenberg, Michael  Professor (Retired), Anthropology michaelr@udel.edu
Underhill, Robin Assistant Professor (Retired), History rwu@udel.edu
Name Title Location Email
Brandt, Rebecca AAP Mental Health Care Coordinator, Dover and Georgetown Campuses Dover, Georgetown rbrandt@udel.edu
Busch, Lisa Academic Program Coordinator Wilmington lbusch@udel.edu
Davis, Kelly Academic Support Coordinator II Wilmington kjdavis@udel.edu
Hickock, Teresa ETE Program Coordinator Wilmington  
Lopez, Danielle AAP Mental Health Care Coordinator, Wilmington Campus Wilmington lopezd@udel.edu
Lykens, Scott ETE Program Coordinator Dover, Georgetown  
Martinez, Jissell Business Administrator Wilmington jissell@udel.edu
Massey, Lindsey AAP Student Support and Engagement Coordinator, Dover and Georgetown Campuses Georgetown, Dover lrmassey@udel.edu
Mastrangelo, Stephanie Academic Administrative Assistant Georgetown smastran@udel.edu
McCormick, Sandy Academic Support Coordinator II Dover sandym@udel.edu
Sanders, Maegan AAP Student Support and Engagement Coordinator, Wilmington Campus