Undergraduate Programs

Undergraduate Programs
The University of Delaware offers a variety of programs for students who wish to become teachers, including secondary education programs designed to prepare students for teaching careers in middle and high schools.
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Anthropology Education (BA)
Explore human cultures and education systems with our Anthropology Education BA. Gain unique insights into teaching diverse populations, cultural learning styles, and global educational practices.
Biological Sciences Education (BA)
Science teachers collaborate with university personnel to provide an innovative science education program that culminates in a capstone student teaching experience.
Chemistry Education (BA)
Students studying chemistry education engage in observation, analysis, synthesis and experimentation, breaking natural substances down into their component parts, replicating in the laboratory chemical processes that occur in the physical world and creating new substances to fulfill specific needs.
Chinese Education (BA)
Language teaching is an area of critical need across the country and Chinese is in high demand for careers in politics, government service and international business. Consequently, Chinese is increasing in popularity in secondary schools— it is currently the second most widely taught language (after Spanish) in dual-language immersion programs in the nation.
Early Childhood Education (BS)
The College of Education and Human Development's Early Childhood Education major prepares students to help young children--with and without special need--to reach their full potential. Graduates emerge well-prepared professionals, eligible for teaching certification in two areas—Early Childhood Education (birth – 2nd grade) and Early Childhood Special Education
Earth Science Education (BS)
The College of Earth, Ocean and the Environment's earth science education program will be prepared for a future as a middle school or high school science teacher. Earth science educators are critically important in teaching young people to respect and conserve the planet’s resources and to maintain and preserve a healthy, livable environment.
Elementary Teacher Education (BS)
The College of Education and Human Development's Students in Elementary Teacher Education (ETE) develop the skills to become outstanding elementary, middle school, and special education teachers, prepared to meet the challenges of educating today’s diverse student population. The program allows students to become dually certified in elementary education and one of six areas of concentration: English as a Second Language, special education, middle school mathematics, middle school English, middle school science or middle school social studies.
English Education (BA)
The English Education mission is to prepare secondary English teachers who can teach all adolescents with cultural awareness, adaptability, and relevance.
French Education (BA)
Our program will provide you with a thorough foundation in the French language and the fundamentals of teaching and pairs intensive coursework with hands-on student teaching opportunities to prepare the next generation of World Language teachers.
German Education (BA)
Do you love German language and culture? Make your passion your profession! From creating lesson plans to managing the classroom, you’ll receive a rigorous course of instruction in teaching German in grades K-12, an area of critical need in Delaware and across the country.
History Education (BA)
The secondary history education program produces middle and high school teachers who are dedicated to transforming the lives of future generations through teaching social studies.
Italian Education (BA)
Love Italian language and culture? Make your passion your profession! From creating lesson plans to managing the classroom, you’ll receive a rigorous course of instruction in teaching Italian in grades K-12, an area of critical need in Delaware and across the country.
Mathematics Education (BA or BS)
Both the B.A. and B.S. degree programs in mathematics education lead to teacher certification; the B.S. degree may be more suitable for students who have taken or plan to take many credits in math and science, while the B.A. degree is ideal for students who are interested in achieving breadth in the liberal arts.
Music Education (BM)
The Bachelor of Music (B.M.) in Music Education is directed to those who intend to become professional musicians and music educators. The B.M. in Music Education offers both instrumental and choral/general tracks, in which students gain classroom experience through extensive, field-based teaching opportunities.
Physics Education (BA)
The Secondary Science Education major at the University of Delaware offers students interested in teaching middle or high school science the opportunity to study their scientific area of interest—like physics—while also learning about and practicing the best teaching methods.
Political Science Education (BA)
In political science education you will learn about national and international politics and policymakers and how to teach political science content at the secondary level. You will learn valuable skills in critical thought, oral and written communication and quantitative reasoning while working toward teaching certification.
Psychology Education (BA)
Explore the Psychology Education BA at the University of Delaware. Prepare for a career in teaching social studies while gaining expertise in psychology, history, and education. Earn certification to teach middle and high school with hands-on experience and rigorous coursework.
Sociology Education (BA)
The Sociology Education degree offers a liberal arts curriculum that integrates teaching theory and methods with courses focusing on contemporary social issues and problems.
Spanish Education (BA)
Our program will provide you with a thorough foundation in the Spanish language and the fundamentals of teaching and pairs intensive coursework with hands-on student teaching opportunities to prepare the next generation of World Language teachers.