Jonathan Russ
Jonathan Russ is an associate professor at the University of Delaware and specializes in the histories of Delaware and modern American business. He received his A.B. from Colby College, and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Delaware. His most recent book is entitled Global Motivations: Honda, Toyota, and the Drive Toward American Manufacturing. In addition, he has written articles, encyclopedia entries, and book chapters on the histories of Delaware and U.S. business. Jonathan also serves as the editor of Delaware History and as a board member of the Delaware Heritage Commission. He is currently completing a history of Delaware’s Court of Chancery, and regularly teaches courses in the history of Delaware, United States history, and the history of business at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Global Motivations: Honda, Toyota, and the Drive Toward American Manufacturing (University Press of America, 2008).
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP: In Celebration of the First Forty Years (Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, 1999).