Peter X Feng

Peter X Feng

Associate Professor

Office: 062 Memorial Hall


Peter X Feng received his B.A. in American Studies from Yale University and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Film Studies from The University of Iowa. He has published articles in Cinema JournalCineasteAmerasia JournalJump CutCamera ObscuraQuarterly Review of Film and Video, and elsewhere. Screening Asian Americans (2002), a collection of essays on Asian Americans and Film, was published by Rutgers University Press; Identities in Motion: Asian American Film and Video (2002), was published by Duke University Press. Feng is a co-editor of Chinese Connections: Critical Perspectives on Film, Identity, and Diaspora (2009) from Temple University Press; he has served on the Advisory Board for Wayne State University Press' Contemporary Approaches to Film and Media Series since 2003. Feng teaches courses in Theory, Asian American Literature, and Film Studies: recent courses include "Sex and Violence in Asian American Literature," "The Hollywood Musical," and the graduate seminar "How Texts Sound."