Town of Camden 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update
Project Overview
Town of Camden 2019 Comprehensive Plan Update
O'Neill, Sean T.; Raab, Linda P.; Minni, Nicole M.; Mix, Troy D.; Czepiel, Chris; Braun, Davis, 2019
Town of Camden
May 2019
The Town of Camden has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. Much of the land annexed during this time has been developed or is in the process of being developed. Camden’s population has grown substantially from 2,100 in 2000 to almost 4,000 today by some estimates, making it the 14th largest of Delaware’s 57 municipalities. It is expected that Camden will continue to grow, as new homes and businesses are built using development plans that are well underway. Since the adoption of the town’s 2008 Comprehensive Plan, the Town of Camden adopted significant amendments to the Comprehensive Plan in 2013 and 2014 but is due for a full update of the 2008 Plan. This Comprehensive Plan Update incorporates information and actions from these prior planning efforts while providing a focused vision for the town over the coming decade.
As a community with many scenic and historic resources, a strong local employment base, good local commercial destinations, and a central location within Delaware, Camden will continue to be a place that attracts growth, particularly with regard to families. In addition to zoning ordinance changes and amendments to its prior Comprehensive Plan, Kent County, adjacent municipalities, and Camden have all implemented new policies and guidelines that must be considered in this Comprehensive Plan Update. Planning for an appropriate level of development where it can be accommodated well, while simultaneously protecting sensitive resources and the town’s community character, will help meet the challenges of the coming decade.
The purpose of this Comprehensive Plan is to guide future decisions by delineating the policies—recommendations for consideration—on which those decisions will be based. These policies are developed through the comprehensive planning process and informed by factors affecting the community. These factors include existing land uses, the transportation system, natural resources, economic development, historic resources, and both utilities and community facilities. An assessment of existing conditions and the creation of a guiding vision and goals for the town have informed the development of recommendations for the town to consider after the adoption of this Plan.