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  • Jenna Ahner

    Degree: 2014, MPA and 2012, B.A.


    Job Title: Senior Associate, Education Strategy Group

    Aligning K-12, postsecondary, and workforce systems.

  • Kohei Akiba

    Degree: 2020, B.A.


    Job Title: Research Assistant, Public Health Management Corporation

    Advancing public health research using skills he learned as a student

  • Katelyn Andrews (Hosey)

    Degree: 2016, MPA


    Job Title: Director of Public Policy, LiveOn NY

    Research assistant and Legislative Fellow experience help inform grad's career trajectory.

  • Abigail Armstrong

    Degree: 2021, MPA


    Job Title: Legislative Performance Auditor, Utah Office of the Legislative Auditor General

    Provides in-depth analysis that helps legislators improve programs, reduce costs, and promote accountability.

  • Dabney Brice

    Degree: 2020, MPA


    Job Title: Associate, Research & Equity Thought Leadership, Echoing Green

    Advocating for equitable investment in social entrepreneurs

  • Nicholas Brock

    Degree: 2016, MAUAPP


    Job Title: Magistrate

    Presides over and adjudicates criminal and civil cases within the jurisdiction of the Justice of the Peace.

  • Debra Brucker

    Degree: 1995, MPA


    Job Title: Research Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability

    Conducts research that examines economic security and health disparities for people with disabilities

  • Dená Brummer

    Degree: 2005, MPA


    Job Title: Partner, Yellow Brick Creative Studio

    Successful private sector business partner drawing upon public sector experiences.

  • Merritt Burke IV

    Degree: 1998, MPA


    Job Title: Town Manager, Town of Fenwick Island, Delaware

    Various experiences in town management and community involvement.

  • Elizabeth Burland

    Degree: 2015, B.A. and M.A.


    Job Title: Assistant Research Professor at the University of Connecticut's School of Public Policy

    Teaches grad-level and researches educational stratification, economic inequality, and public policy design.

  • Alexander C. Burns

    Degree: MPA, 2018


    Job Title: Associate Attorney; City Solicitor for the City of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware; Interim City Solicitor for the City of Lewes, DE

    Specializes in the areas of administrative and government law, land use, and civil litigation.

  • John Carney

    Degree: 1986, MPA


    Job Title: Governor, State of Delaware

    Governor of the State of Delaware.

  • Christopher Czepiel

    Degree: 2019, MPA


    Job Title: Budget Director, Massachusetts Senate Committee on Ways and Means

    Oversees all budgetary matters before the Massachusetts Senate

  • Bill Clark

    Degree: 2003, MPA


    Job Title: Senior Consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton

    Supervising a team of consultants to support projects for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

  • Tom DeWire

    Degree: 2004, MPA


    Job Title: Engagement and Operations Manager, Education Delivery Institute (EDI)

    MPA '04 - Developing strategies for education systems to improve student achievement.

  • Caitlin Del Collo

    Degree: 2014, MAUAPP


    Job Title: Chief Strategy Advisor, Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA)

    Represents DSHA on boards and commissions, presenting findings and supporting affordable housing initiatives

  • Barrett Edwards

    Degree: 2006, MPA


    Job Title: Attorney, Hudson, Jones, Jaywork and Fisher

    Assisting municipalities with legal issues including planning, human resources, and finance.

  • Savannah Edwards

    Degree: 2017, MPA


    Job Title: Associate Planner, Rossi Group

    Planning for sustainable and complete communities in Delaware and Maryland.

  • Scott Murphy Eisenhart

    Degree: 2017, MPA


    Job Title: Senior Research Analyst, Pennsylvania House of Representatives

    Legislative aide credits Biden School for helping him excel in the world of politics and policy.

  • Emily Gonce

    Degree: 2002, MPA


    Job Title: Corporate Vice President, Office of Governmental Affairs, New York Life Insurance

    Leading lobbying efforts to show members of Congress the value of life insurance to constituents.

  • Jules Emory

    Degree: 2018, MPA


    Job Title: Legislative Director, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS)

    Oversees and coordinates all Legislative activities across the state’s largest department.

  • Erika Farris

    Degree: 2009, M.A.


    Job Title: Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Fellow, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Developing policies to better manage water drainage and promote environmental sustainability.

  • Jamie Forrest

    Degree: 2020, MPA


    Job Title: Project Manager, University of Delaware English Language Institute

    Working to improve outcomes for ESL students throughout the state through teacher certification and profession.

  • Mike Fortner

    Degree: 2002, MPA


    Job Title: Planner, City of Newark, DE

    Overseeing city planning for housing, land use, economic development, and transportation.

  • Tom Friedman

    Degree: 2007, MPA


    Job Title: Director of Policy, Planning, and Analysis, State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees

    Manages government relations, strategic & financial plan, and policy analysis for State Health Plan.

  • Matthew Garlipp

    Degree: 2013, B.A.


    Job Title: Project Manager, Markets Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

    Implementing best practices in strategy and portfolio management for effective market operations

  • Lauren Camp Gates

    Degree: 2017, MPA


    Job Title: Executive Director, Down Syndrome Association of Delaware

    Advocating for individuals with Down Syndrome and their families.

  • Kim Gomes

    Degree: 2004, MPA


    Job Title: Partner, ByrdGomes

    Strategically lobbying for client interests on a number of policy issues before key opinion leaders and decision-makers in state and local government

  • Andrew S. Haines

    Degree: 2003, MPA


    Job Title: Executive Director, National PELRA

    Engages in conversations with jurisdictions on how to maintain community services

  • Eric Hastings

    Degree: 2019, MPA


    Job Title: Legislative Director & Executive Assistant to the Speaker of the House

    MPA '19 - Advising leaders in the Delaware House of Representatives.

  • Taylor Hawk

    Degree: 2017, B.A. and MPA


    Job Title: Director of Legislative and Political Strategy

    Leads the development and implementation of DSEA’s legislative and political strategy at the state level.

  • Dan Henne

    Degree: 2019, MPA


    Job Title: Crisis Management Analyst, Goldman Sachs

    Anticipates and analyzes critical events that could impact worldwide operations

  • Jorge Hernandez-Limon

    Degree: 2022, MPP


    Job Title: Engineering and Water Resource Planner, Army Corp of Engineers

    Analyzes economic, social, and engineering principles in federal water infrastructure projects.


  • Michael S. Jackson

    Degree: 1998, MPA


    Job Title: Vice President for Finance, Delaware Technical Community College

    Facilitates financial plans, budget approvals, and other related financial operations.

  • Kirsten Jones

    Degree: 2016, M.A.


    Job Title: Leadership Fellow, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

    Contributing to policies that strengthen transportation and trade in New York and New Jersey.

  • Christopher Kelly

    Degree: 2014, MPA


    Job Title: Senior Economic Researcher

    Serves as the head of DPP’s research and business intelligence

  • Erin Kennedy

    Degree: 2006, MPA


    Job Title: Managing Director, Performance Technologies, The Advisory Board Company

    Drives health care organizations towards improving quality of patient care and clinical outcomes.

  • Jonathan Kirch

    Degree: 2007, MPA


    Job Title: Government Relations Director, Delaware and Philadelphia chapters of the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association

    Advocating for public policy that promotes better health for all Americans.

  • Anastasia Kuzmina

    Degree: 2002, MPA


    Job Title: HR Consultant, Interim CHRO, Executive  Coach; APCOA Group, Interim

    MPA '02 – Advises Private Equity firms on Board and Executive Committee appointments and conducts leadership team assessments.

  • Jenna Mayhew

    Degree: 2023, MPP


    Job Title: Legislative Correspondent on Energy, Environmental, and Agricultural Policy, Office of U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-DE)

    Tracks pending legislation in Congress, forms proposals, and provides advice on energy and environmental policies.

  • Frank Mieczkowski

    Degree: 2003, MPA


    Job Title: Commissioner, Family Court of Delaware

    Experience as Legislative Fellow led to passion for public service and commitment to justice.


  • Evan Miller

    Degree: 2017, MPA


    Job Title: Interim City Manager, City of Rehoboth Beach

    Local Government Management Fellowship kickstarts graduate's professional career.

  • Emma Odren

    Degree: 2018, MPA


    Job Title: Membership and Programs Manager, Philanthropy Delaware

    From IPA fellow to nonprofit manager, grad attributes workplace success to grad school experience.

  • Melanie Ross Levin

    Degree: 2005, B.A. and MPA


    Job Title: Director of Outreach, National Women's Law Center

    Developing education and advocacy campaigns on public policy relating to women's issues.

  • Ellen Schenk

    Degree: 2021, MPP


    Job Title: Research Associate, Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity

    Applies analytical skills to reproductive health and behavioral health projects.

  • Meredith Seitz

    Degree: 2012, MPA


    Job Title: Chief of Staff

    Oversees policy, legislation, and regulation work, as well as communications and human resources.


  • Albert Shields

    Degree: 2007, MPA


    Job Title: Director of Business and Economic Development, University of Delaware

    Advocating for university priorities with state and local governments.

  • Alex Southerst

    Degree: 2021, MPA


    Job Title:  Legislative Aide, Delaware House of Representatives

    Researching, drafting, and analyzing policy documents for the Delaware General Assembly

  • Andrea Spahr

    MPA 2002 


    Job Title: Senior Marketing Manager, Global Institutional Services, Wilmington Trust

    Manages marketing strategies for the European market

  • Mark D. Stevens

    Degree: 2009, MPA


    Job Title: Administrative Officer, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

    Integral in the leadership and financial management of federal agencies.

  • ​Betsey Suchanic

    Degree: 2019, MPA


    Job Title: Inclusive Economic Development Advisor, New Growth Innovation Network

    Conduct research, develop insights, and engage economic and community development for practitioners.

  • Suzanne J Piotrowski

    Degree: 1998, MPA


    Job Title: Professor and Director at the School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University

    Researches open government and transparency, teaches in multiple programs and co-directs the MPA program.

  • Cimone Sylver (Philpotts)

    Degree: 2022, PhD; 2013, MPA


    Job Title: Program Manager, Christiana Care

    Working to close equity gaps for historically marginalized communities

  • Antonina Tantillo

    Degree: 2019, MPA


    Job Title: Town Manager, Town of Townsend

    Manages the day-to-day operations of the town’s plans, activities, projects, and events

  • Wanja Thuku

    Degree: 2019, MPA


    Job Title: Engagement Manager, Benefits Data Trust

    Expanding the reach of the BDT across the nation through strategic partnerships.

  • Eli Turkel

    Degree: 2020, PHDUAPP, MPA


    Job Title: Senior Research Associate, ChristianaCare, Department of Community Health

    Develops, evaluates, and produces analytics for the department’s programs

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