Delaware Municipal Officials Directory
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about the directory
This directory contains the most current information available to it on Delaware's municipalities and counties along with their respective government officials.
The directory is maintained as a public service to the Delaware League of Local Governments (DLLG) and the citizens of Delaware. DLLG has worked cooperatively with the Institute for Public Administration (IPA) over the past several decades to provide valuable information, support, and leadership-development programs to Delaware municipalities.
New Castle County Council
Form of Government: County Governement - Legislative Branch
Assembly Meets: Council Meetings take place on the Second and fourth Tuesday of every month. Other committees take place on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays.
Date of Election: President and District 7-12 were elected to a 4 year term in 2024. District 1-6 are in the middle of a 4 year term and their next election will take place in 2026.
Office Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Council Reception: 302-395-8383
Fax: 302-395-8385
Address: 800 N. French Street, 8th Floor, Wilmington, DE 19801
Website: www.newcastlede.gov/countycouncil
Facebook: www.facebook.com/newcastlecountycouncil
Monique Williams-Johns, President
Email: Monique.Johns@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8340
Legislative Assistant: Tomi Jones
Email: Tomi.Jones@newcastede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8360
Brandon Toole, First District
Email: Brandon.Toole@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8341
Legislative Assistant: Stacey Knapper
Email: Stacey.Knapper@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8361
Dee Durham, Second District
Email: Dee.Durham@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8342
Legislative Assistant: Ken Hemphill
Email: Kenneth.Hemphill@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8362
Janet Kilpatrick, Third District
Email: Janet.Kilpatrick@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8343
Legislative Assistant: Linwood Jackson
Email: Linwood.Jackson@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8363
Penrose Hollins, Fourth District
Email: Penrose.Hollins@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8344
Legislative Assistant: NiQue’ Traylor
Email: Nique.Traylor@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8364
Valerie George, Fifth District
Email: Valerie.George@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8345
Legislative Assistant: Marylee Murphy
Email: Marylee.Murphy@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8365
David Carter, Sixth District
Email: David.Carter@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8346
Legislative Assistant: Rachel Zara
Email: Rachel.Zara@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8366
George Smiley, Seventh District
Email: George.Smiley@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8347
Legislative Assistant: Christine Roberts
Email: Christine.Roberts@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8367
John J. Cartier, Eighth District
Email: John.Cartier@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-4348
Legislative Assistant: Michele Gildea
Email: Michele.Gildea@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8368
Timothy Sheldon, Ninth District
Email: Timothy.Sheldon@newcastlde.gov
Office: (302) 395-8349
Legislative Assistant: Michael Rodriguez
Email: Michael.Rodriguez@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8369
Jea P. Street, Tenth District
Email: Jea.Street@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8350
Legislative Assistant: Charneece Jackson
Email: Charneece.Jackson@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8370
David Tackett, Eleventh District
Email: David.Tackett@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8351
Legislative Assistant: Cable Davis
Email: Cable.Davis@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8371
Kevin Caneco, Twelfth District
Email: Kevin.Caneco@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8352
Legislative Assistant: VACANT
Office: (302) 395-8372
Nellie Hill, Clerk of Council
Email: Nellie.Hill@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8388
Tara Finnigan, Deputy Clerk of Council
Email: Tara.Finnigan@newcastlde.gov
Office: (302) 395-8390
Michael Migliore, Counsel to Council
Email: Michael.Migliore@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-8389
Robert Wasserbach, County Auditor
Email: Robert.Wasserbach@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-5279
Rinku Banerji, Senior Staff Auditor
Email: Rinku.Banerji@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-5271
Alexander “AJ” Flynn, Associate Auditor
Email: Alexander.Flynn@newcastlede.gov
Office: (302) 395-5276
New county information coming soon.
New county information coming soon.
Zip Code: 19810
Population: 231
County: New Castle
Designation: Village
Form of Government: Town Meeting
Assembly Meets: Third Thursday in January, March, May, July, September, and November
Date of Election: Yearly at March Town Meeting
Address: 2121 The Highway, Wilmington, DE 19810
Email: chair@ardencroft.delaware.gov
Ben Gruswitz, Town Chair
2121 The Highway, Arden, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-385-6222
Email: chair@ardencroft.delaware.gov
Jennifer Abernethy, Secretary
2121 The Highway, Wilmington, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-588-2219
Email: secretary@ardencroft.delaware.gov
Don Lipari, Treasurer
2121 The Highway, Wilmington, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-272-5746
Email: treasurer@ardencroft.delaware.gov
Zip Code: 19810
Population: 270
County: New Castle
Designation: Village
Form of Government: Town Meeting
Assembly Meets: Second Monday in February, May, September, and November
Date of Election: Various, at Town Meetings and found in Bylaws
Address: 2206 Millers Road, Ardentown, DE 19810
Email: ardentown.chair@gmail.com
Melissa Parsonson, Town Chair
2206 Millers Road, Ardentown, DE, 19810
Email: ardentown.chair@gmail.com
Peter Slattery, Treasurer
2206 Millers Road, Ardentown, DE, 19810
Email: ardentown.treasurer@gmail.com
Cindy Cohen, Secretary
2206 Millers Road, Ardentown, DE, 19810
Email: ardentown.secretary@gmail.com
Zip Code: 19810
Population: 439
County: New Castle
Designation: Village
Form of Government: Town Meeting
Office Hours: 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Third Wednesday of Each Month
Assembly Meets: Fourth Monday in January, March, June, and September at 7:30 p.m. in the Arden Gild Hall
Date of Election: Fourth Monday in March
Address: 2119 The Highway
Phone: 302-475-3516
Email: secretary@arden.delaware.gov
Web Site: arden.delaware.gov
Jeffrey Politis, Chairman of Town Assembly
2119 The Highway, Arden, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-383-0429
Email: ardenchair@arden.delaware.gov
Sachin Puranik, Advisory Chair
2119 The Highway, Arden, DE 19810
Email: advisory@arden.delaware.gov
Skip Baley, Treasurer
2119 The Highway, Arden, DE, 19810
Phone: 516-424-3630
Email: treasurer@arden.delaware.gov
Elizabeth Resko, Secretary
2119 The Highway, Arden, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-475-3516
Email: Secretary@arden.delaware.gov
Carl Falco, Trustee
2119 The Highway, Arden, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-475-7980
Email: trustees.of.arden@gmail.com
Elizabeth Varley, Trustee
2119 The Highway, Arden, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-475-7980
Email: trustees.of.arden@gmail.com
Carol Larson, Trustee
2119 The Highway, Arden, DE, 19810
Phone: 302-475-7980
Email: trustees.of.arden@gmail.com
Special Events
Arden Fair
When: Saturday of Labor Day Weekend
Where: 2119 The Highway
July 4th Games
When: July 4th
Where: Arden Green
Zip Code: 19809
Population: 1,193
County: New Castle
Designation: Town
Form of Government: President and Commission
Office Hours: Second Monday of Every Month, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of Each Month, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Date of Election: First Tuesday in June
Address: 901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Email: townofbellefonte@hotmail.com
Web Site: www.townofbellefonte.com
Scott MacKenzie, Commission President
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Andrew Ritchie, Commission Secretary
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
David Brenner, Commission Treasurer
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Brandon Dougherty, Commissioner
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Elisa King, Commissioner
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Ross Logan, Commissioner
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Mark Fansler, Planning Commission Chair
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Brian Donovan, Board of Adjustment Chair
901A Rosedale Avenue, Bellefonte, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-761-9638
Curt Nass, Tax Assessor/Collector
901A Rosedale Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19809
Phone: 302-764-6568
Permits - New Castle County Department of Land Use
87 Reads Way, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-395-5400
Special Events
Town Anniversary
When: March 8 - Where: Brandywine Hundred Fire House
Town Picnic
When: Third Saturday in September - Where: Bellefonte Park
Holiday Celebration
When: First Friday in December - Where: Town Hall Annex
Zip Code: 19930
Population: 4,744
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: Third Friday of each month, 2pm, Town Hall
Date of Election: Date announced prior to July 1 each year
Address: PO Box 109, 214 Garfield Parkway, Bethaney Beach, DE 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Web Site: www.townofbethanybeach.com
Ron Calef, Mayor
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Jerry Morris, Vice-Mayor
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Theresa Keil, Secretary/Treasurer
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Mickey Hinman, Council
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Rich McHugh, Council
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Bob Rush, Council
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Patrick Sheplee, Council
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Clifford Graviet, Town Manager
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Terry Tieman, Assistant Town Manager
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: ttieman@townofbethanybeach.com
Patrick Foley, Chief of Police
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Raelene Menominee, Town Clerk
214 Garfield Parkway, Bethany Beach, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-8011
Email: rmenominee@townofbethanybeach.com
Jim Liguori, Town Solicitor
46 The Green, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-678-9900
Email: admin@townofbethanybeach.com
Zip Code: 19931
Population: 171
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: President and Council
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Wednesdays
Assembly Meets: First Tuesday of each month
Date of Election: Third Saturday in February
Address: P.O. Box 310, Bethel, DE, 19931
Phone: 302-877-8139
Email: betheltownclerk@gmail.com
Web Site: bethel.delaware.gov
Vernon Proctor, President
P.O. Box 310, Bethel, DE, 19931
Phone: 302-877-8139
Mark Shaver, President Pro Tempore
P.O. Box 310, Bethel, DE, 19931
Phone: 302-877-8139
Kevin Phillips, Member at Large
P.O. Box 310, Bethel, DE, 19931
Phone: 302-877-8139
Pat Kough, Secretary
P.O. Box 310, Bethel, DE, 19931
Phone: 302-877-8139
Kathy Layfield, Treasurer
P.O. Box 310, Bethel, DE, 19931
Phone: 302-877-8139
Martha Hawkins, Town Clerk
P.O. Box 310, Bethel, DE, 19931
Phone: 302-877-8139
Zip Code: 19973
Population: 1,241
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of each month, Hardin Hall
Date of Election: First Monday in April
Address: 20 West Fourth Street
Phone: 302-629-7366
Email: mayor@townofblades.com
Web Site: blades.delaware.gov
Rev. Dr. Pierre Gaither, Sr., Mayor
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Email: mayor@townofblades.com
William Stang, Vice Mayor
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Nancy McAdams, Council
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Donald Trice, Council
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Gary Miller, Council
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Susan Seltzer, Council
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Karen Raines, Town Clerk
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Loretta Lynch, Police Administrative Assistant
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Martin Willey, Chief of Police
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7329
Crystal Gregor, Administrative Assistant
20 West Fourth Street, Blades, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-7366
Special Events
Flag Day
When: June 14 - Where: Blades Park
Recycled Boat Regatta
When: TBD - Where: Blades Marina
Blades National Night Out
When: First Tuesday in August - Where: Blades Park, 7th Street, Blades, DE 19973
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
When: TBD - Where: Blades
Zip Code: 19946
Population: 335
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: Second Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Date of Election: First Saturday in August
Address: 3308 Main Street, Frederica, DE 19946
Phone: 302-572-9000
Email: info@bowersde.gov
Web Site: bowersbeach.delaware.gov
Ada Puzzo, Mayor
3308 Main Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-572-9000 Email: mayor@bowersde.gov
Ryan Locke, Vice Mayor
3308 Main Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Email: vicemayor@bowersde.gov
Shirley Pennington, Secretary
3308 Main Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-572-9000
Marty Manning, Treasurer
3308 Main Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-572-9000
Bob McDevitt, Council/Zoning Compliance Officer
3308 Main Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-1039
Zip Code: 19933
Population: 2,568
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: President and Commission
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at Town Hall or Bridgeville Public Library, 600 S. Cannon Street, Bridgeville, DE 19933
Date of Election: Commission seats are for 2 years (even year is Districts 2 and 5; odd year is Districts 1, 2, and 4
Address: 101 North Main Street, Bridgeville, DE, 19933
Phone: 302-337-7135
Email: townofbridgeville@gmail.com
Web Site: bridgeville.delaware.gov
John Tomeski, Commission President, District 3
101 North Main Street, Bridgeville, DE, 19933
Phone: 337-7135
Email: jtomeski@townofbridgevillede.us
Tom Moran, Commission President Pro Tempore, District 2
101 North Main Street, Bridgeville, DE, 19933
Phone: 337-7135
Email: tmoran@townofbridgevillede.us
Darrynn Harris, Commission Secretary, District 5
101 North Main Street, Bridgeville, DE, 19933
Phone: 337-7135
Email: dharris@townofbridgevillede.us
Clifford Oliver, Commissioner, District 1
101 North Main Street, Bridgeville, DE, 19933
Phone: 337-7135
Email: coliver@townofbridgevillede.us
Tom Carey, Commissioner, District 4
101 North Main Street, Bridgeville, DE, 19933
Phone: 337-7135
Email: tcarey@townofbridgevillede.us
Bethany DeBussy, Town Manager
101 North Main Street, Bridgeville, DE, 19933
Phone: 337-7135
Email: bdebussy@townofbridgevillede.us
Gregory Morris, Solicitor
46 The Green, Dover, DE, 19901
Stephani Ballard Wagner, Solicitor
100 Rockland Road, P.O. Box 614, Montchanin, DE, 19710
Special Events
Annual Christmas Parade
When: Second Saturday in December
Where: Downtown Bridgeville (Market and Main Streets)
Apple Scrapple Festival
When: Second Weekend in October
Where: Downtown Bridgeville
Charity Golf Tournament
When: Second Week in October
Where: Heritage Shores Golf Course
Downtown Trunk or Treat
When: Halloween
Where: Downtown Bridgeville
Christmas in Bridgeville Craft Show
When: First Saturday in December
Where: Woodbridge Middle School
Zip Code: 19934
Population: 3,464
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Monday of each month, Town Hall at 7:00 p.m.
Date of Election: Last Saturday in February each year. Mayor two-year term, Council three-year term
Address: 1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE 19934
Phone: 302-697-2299
Email: sarah.cahall@townofcamden.com
Web Site: camden.delaware.gov
Larry Dougherty, Mayor
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2299
Darlene Strugen, Vice Mayor
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2299
Daniel Woodall, Council
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2299
Vicki Rhodes, Council
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2299
Daniel Ridgley, Council
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2299
Harold Scott Jr., Town Manager
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Phone: 697-2299
Harold Scott, Code Enforcement Officer
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2299
Marcus Whitney, Chief of Police
1783 Friends Way, Dover, DE, 19934
Phone: 698-9232
Greg Morris, Solicitor
46 The Green, Dover, DE, 19901
Malori Lewis, Account Specialist
1783 Friends Way, Camden, DE, 19934
Special Events
Camden & Wyoming's Christmas Parade
When: December 10th at 6:00pm
Where: n/a
Zip Code: 19936
Population: 1,929
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Monday of every month, Town Hall 5:00 p.m.
Date of Election: Last Tuesday in March
Address: P.O. Box 220, 691 Main Street
Phone: 302-734-6991
Email: cheswoldoffice@comcast.net
Web Site: www.cheswold.delaware.gov
Sarah Cahall, Land Use Admin.
P.O. Box 220 , Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-6991
Email: Sarah.Cahall@townofcheswold.org
Santo Faronea, Mayor
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-6991
Judith Johnson, Vice-Mayor
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Theon Callender, Secretary/Treasurer
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-6991
Email: sam.callender@townofcheswold.org
Jamie Bartlett, Council
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 734-6991
Email: justmejaj@netzero.net
Mark Moxley, Council
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 734-6991
Robin Ridgway, Council
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-6991
Shadina Jones, Town Manager
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-6991
Email: Shadina.jones@townofcheswold.org
Camryn Jones, Town Clerk
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-6991
Email: Camryn.jones@townofcheswold.org
Christopher Workman, Chief of Police
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-2202
Michael Callender, Code Enforcement
P.O. Box 220, Cheswold, DE, 19936
Phone: 302-734-8851
Dianna Stuart, Town Attorney
414 S. State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-678-5452
Thomas Wilkes, Town Engineer
920 Germantown Pike Ste. 200, Plymouth Meeting, PA, 19462
Phone: 610-313-3100
Zip Code: 19938
Population: 3,037
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m., Town Hall 414 Main Street, Clayton, DE
Date of Election: Last Tuesday in April
Address: P.O. Box 1130, 414 Main Street, Clayton, DE 19938
Phone: 302-653-8419
Email: townofclayton@clayton-delaware.com
Web Site: clayton.delaware.gov
Nick Smith, Mayor
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-8419
Ryan Paisley, Vice Mayor
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-8419
Email: rpaisley@clayton-delaware.com
Marvin Pedigo, Secretary
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-8419
Email: mpedigo@clayton-delaware.com
Shaun Flatter, Treasurer
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-8419
Email: sflatter@clayton-delaware.com
William Carrow, Assistant Treasurer
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-8419
Email: wcarrow@clayton-delaware.com
Sue Muncey, Office Manager
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-5637
Carl Hutson, Chief of Police
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-8186
Scott Chambers, Solicitor
P.O. Box 497, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-674-0140
Paul H. Johnson Sr., Town Manager
P.O. Box 1130, Clayton, DE, 19938
Phone: 302-653-5637
Email: townmanager@clayton-delaware.com
Special Events
Clayton Railroad Days
When: October
Where: Railroad Avenue & Main Street
Zip Code: 19939
Population: 805
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Third Monday of each month (unless it falls on a holiday), Bethel Center 6:00 p.m.
Date of Election: First Saturday in December
Address: 33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420
Phone: 302-732-3777
Email: dagsborotownclerk@mediacombb.net
Web Site: dagsboro.delaware.gov
Brian Baull, Mayor
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Pat Miller, Vice Mayor
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Norwood Truitt, Secretary/Treasurer
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
William Chandler, Council/Assistant Secretary
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Theresa Ulrich, Council
33134 Main Street, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Floyd Toomey, Chief of Police
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Greg Morris, Solicitor
P.O. Box 420, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-732-3777
Cynthia Brought, Code Enforcement Officer/Town Administrator
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Stacy West, Town Clerk
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Duane Kenton, Finance Clerk
33134 Main Street, P.O. Box 420, Dagsboro, DE, 19939
Phone: 302-732-3777
Special Events
Christmas Parade
When: Second Tuesday of December
Where: Dagsboro
Zip Code: 19706
Population: 1,695
County: New Castle
Designation: City
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday
Assembly Meets: Third Monday of each month, Delaware City Fire Hall
Date of Election: First Tuesday in April
Address: 407 Clinton Street, P.O. Box 4159 Delaware City, DE 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
Email: townhall@ci.delaware-city.de.us
Web Site: delawarecity.delaware.gov
Paul Johnson, Mayor
407 Clinton Street P.O. Box 4159, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
Email: pjohnson@ci.delaware-city.de.us
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
Michael Jackson, Council
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
Email: mykuljax@yahoo.com
William Daniel Saunders, Council
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 834-4573
Email: danlizsaun@gmail.com
John Roberts, Council
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 834-4573
George Dudlek, Council
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
Michelle Graham, Finance Manager
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
Kathy Clifton, Land Use Administrator
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
Britney Loveland, Acting City Manager
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-838-2778
Email: bloveland@ci.delaware-city.de.us
Michael Henderson, Chief of Police
407 Clinton Street, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-836-6344
Email: michael.henderson@cj.state.de.us
Tina Pincus, City Secretary
407 Clinton Street P.O. Box 4159, Delaware City, DE, 19706
Phone: 302-834-4573
William Rhodunda, Solicitor
267 E. Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-888-6297
Special Events
Townwide Yard Sale
When: Fourth Sunday in April
Where: Throughout the Town
Delaware City Day
When: Third Saturday in July
Where: Clinton Street/Battery Park
Historic Rivertown Festival
When: First Saturday in October
Where: Clinton Street/Battery Park
Zip Code: 19940
Population: 1,693
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: Assembly meets First Monday of each month unless it is a holiday then it will be the next day which is Tuesday, via Town Hall and GoTo Meetings
Date of Election: First Monday in October, every two years
Address: 100 South Pennsylvania Avenue
Phone: 302-846-2664
Email: delmartownhall@verizon.net
Web Site: www.townofdelmar.us
Thomas Bauer, Mayor
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Odell Jones, Jr., Vice Mayor
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Todd Lanier, Council
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Matthew Waldman, Council
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Michael McClure, Council
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Jeff Fleetwood, Town Manager
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Kimberly Layton, Office Manager
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Ivan Barkley, Chief of Police
400 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 410-896-3132
Micheal Smith, Esq., Solicitor
8866 Riverside Drive, Seaford, DE, 19973
Vondell Spencer, Clerk of Council
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Starr Conaway, Administrative Assistant, Human Resources
100 S. Pennsylvania Avenue, Delmar, MD, 21875
Phone: 302-846-2664
Special Events
Day in the Park Festival
When: First Saturday in June
Where: State Street Park
Heritage Day
When: Last Saturday in September
Where: Downtown Delmar
Zip Code: 19971
Population: 1,997
County: Sussex
Designation: Municipality
Form of Government: Mayor and Commission
Office Hours: 8:00am-5pm
Assembly Meets: Third Friday of the month at 3:00pm, Dewey Beach Lifesaving Station
Date of Election: Third Saturday of September
Address: Town Hall, 105 Rodney Ave, Dewey Beach DE 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Web Site: www.townofdeweybeach.com
Email: townclerk@townofdeweybeach.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/townofdeweybeach
Bill Stevens, Mayor
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Email: wstevens@townofdeweybeach.com
Paul Bauer, Commissioner
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Gary Persinger, Commissioner
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Elizabeth Gibbings, Commissioner
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
David Jasinski, Commissioner
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Email: davidj@townofdeweybeach.com
Constance Speake, Chief of Police
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-1110
Daune Hinks, Building Official
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Email: dhinks@townofdeweybeach.com
Laura Steiner, Administrative Supervisor
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Jeanne Hegarty, Administrative Assistant
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Fred Townsend, Solicitor
105 Rodney Ave, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Bill Zolper, Town Manager
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Email: townmanager@townofdeweybeach.com
Jim Dedes, Assistant Town Manager
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 227-6363
Email: jdedes@townofdeweybeach.com
Todd Fritchman, Beach Patrol
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Kate Banaszak, Town Clerk
105 Rodney Avenue, Dewey Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6363
Email: townclerk@townofdeweybeach.com
Zip Code: 19901
Population: 38,597
County: Kent
Designation: City
Form of Government: Council and Manager
Office Hours: 8:30-5:00
Assembly Meets: Second and Fourth Monday each month, Council Chambers
Date of Election: Biennially on the third Tuesday in April
Address: 15 Loockerman Plaza
Phone: 302-736-7008
Email: cityclerk@dover.de.us
Web Site: www.cityofdover.com
Robin Christiansen, Mayor
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-736-7004
Email: rchristiansen@dover.de.us
Andre Boggerty, At-Large
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-943-5118
Email: andre.boggerty@dover.de.us
Julia Pillsbury, Council, District 1
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-270-5057
Email: julia.pillsbury@dover.de.us
Gerald Rocha, Council, District 1
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-423-1957
Email: gerald.rocha@dover.de.us
William Hare, Council, District 2
P.O Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-222-1010
Email: billh2323@comcast.net
Brian Lewis, Council, District 2
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 201-887-2119
Email: brian.lewis@dover.de.us
Tricia Arndt, Council, District 3
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-736-7006
Email: tricia.arndt@dover.de.us
Fred Neil, Council, District 3
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-678-3288
Email: fredneilbooks@comcast.net
David Anderson, Council President, District 4
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-339-1047
Email: david.anderson@dover.de.us
Roy Sudler,Council, District 4
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-736-9880
Email: roysudlerjr@comcast.net
Dave Hugg, City Manager
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-736-7005
Email: dhugg@dover.de.us
Andria Bennett, City Clerk
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-736-7008
Email: cityclerk@dover.de.us
Sharon Duca, Assistant City Manager
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-736-7005
Email: sduca@dover.de.us
Thomas Johnson,Chief of Police
P.O. Box 475, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-736-7100
Nicholas Rodriguez, Solicitor
414 South State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-674-0140
Special Events
Dover Days Festival
When: Annually in May
Where: Downtown Dover
Dover Comic Con
When: Annually in August
Where: Downtown Dover
Capital Holiday Celebration
When: Annually in December
Where: Downtown Dover
Zip Code: 19941
Population: 381
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to noon, Monday-Thursday
Assembly Meets: First Tuesday of each month 7:00 p.m.
Date of Election: First Saturday of January, each year 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Address: P.O. Box 6
Phone: 302-422-6727
Email: ellendaletown@comcast.net
Web Site: https://ellendale.delaware.gov/
Michael Workman, Council President
300 McCaulley Avenue, Ellendale, DE, 19941
Email: Michael.Workman@ellendale.delaware.gov
Terrie Ottomano, Council Vice-President
300 McCaulley Avenue, Ellendale, DE, 19941
Email: Terrie.Ottomano@ellendale.delaware.gov
Cheryl Vogl, Council Secretary
300 McCaulley Avenue, Ellendale, DE, 19941
Email: Cheryl.Vogl@ellendale.delaware.gov
Lisa Workman, Treasurer
411 Main Street, Ellendale, DE, 19941
Phone: 302-393-7490
Sam Noto, Tax Collector
300 McCaulley Avenue, Ellendale, DE, 19941
Email: Sam.noto@ellendale.delaware.gov
Karen Brittingham, Town Clerk
300 McCaulley Ave, Ellendale, DE, 19941
Email: townclerk@ellendale.delaware.gov
Special Events
Town Festival
When: First Weekend in September
Where: Town Park
Zip Code: 19805
Population: 6,131
County: New Castle
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Council and Manager
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: 2nd Thursday each month, 6:30pm, Elsmere Town Hall, 11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE 19805
Date of Election: Last Saturday in April, every odd year
Address: 11 Poplar Avenue
Phone: 302-998-2215
Email: diana.reed@townofelsmere.com
Web Site: www.townofelsmere.com
Eric Thompson, Mayor
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-668-9456
Email: ethompson@townofelsmere.com
Jane McDaniels, 1st District Council
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Sally Jenson, 2nd District Council
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-683-9335
Email: sjenson@townofelsmere.com
Mary Steppi, 3rd District Council
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-998-2215
Email: msteppi@townofelsmere.com
Charles McKewen, 4th District Council
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-994-0031
Email: cmckewen@townofelsmere.com
Joann Personti, 5th District Council
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-998-6608
Email: jpersonti@townofelsmere.com
Dawn Dibiaso, 6th District Council
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-633-9463
Email: ddibaso@townofelsmere.com
Steven Martin, Town Manager
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-998-2215
Email: smartin@townofelsmere.com
Laura Giles, Chief of Police
11 Poplar Avenue, Elsmere, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-998-1173 ext. 204
James McMackin III, Solicitor
11 Poplar Avenue, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-888-6800
Special Events
Fall Festival
When: October
Where: Elsmere
Halloween Spooktacular
When: Friday before Halloween
Where: Elsmere
Holiday Parade
When: Second Sunday in December
Where: New Road
Holiday Tree Lighting
When: Friday before the Parade
Where: Elsmere Town Hall
Zip Code: 19950
Population: 110
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: President and Commission
Assembly Meets: Third Tuesday of each month (except July and August)
Date of Election: Last Saturday in March
Address: 98 School Street
Cindy Bolin, Mayor
98 School Street, Farmington, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-519-0085
James Anthony, Vice Mayor
98 School Street, Farmington, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-632-0216
Pauline Perez, Secretary/Treasurer
98 School Street, Farmington, DE, 19950
John Bolin, Councilman
98 School Street, Farmington, DE, 19950
Pedro Perez, Councilman
98 School Street, Farmington, DE, 19950
Zip Code: 19943
Population: 1,310
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of each month at 6:30pm, Felton Town Hall at 24 E Sewell Street
Date of Election: First week in March
Address: P.O. Box 329
Phone: 302-284-9365
Email: athomas@townoffelton.com
Web Site: felton.de.gov
David Kelley, Mayor
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Phone: 302-284-9365
Joanne Clendaniel, Vice Mayor
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Phone: 302-284-9365
Bill Brittingham, Council
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Phone: 302-284-9365
Diana Dolan, Beulah, Council
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Email: 302-284-9365
Marquise Broom, Council
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Phone: 302-284-9365
Christopher Guild, Chief of Police
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Phone: 302-284-8441
Email: christopher.guild@cj.state.de.us
Tracey Thompson, Town Clerk
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Phone: 302-284-9365
Amy Thomas, Town Manager
P.O. Box 329, Felton, DE, 19943
Phone: 302-284-9365
Zip Code: 19944
Population: 1,400
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Fourth Friday of each month, 3:30 p.m.
Date of Election: First Saturday in August
Address: 800 Coastal Highway
Phone: 302-539-3011
Email: townmgr@fenwickisland.org
Web Site: fenwickisland.delaware.gov
Natalie Magdeburger, Mayor/President of Council
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Jacqueline Napolitano, Secretary
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Bill Rymer, Treasurer
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Janice Bortner, Council
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Paul Breger, Council
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Richard Benn, Council
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Ed Bishop, Council
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Lori Dabbondanza, Town Manager
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Paul Breger, Council
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011
Raelene Menominee, Town Clerk
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-3011 x 204
Email: townclerk@fenwickisland.org
William Boyden, Chief of Police
800 Coastal Highway, Fenwick Island, DE, 19944
Phone: 302-539-2000
Special Events
Holiday Tree Lighting
When: First Friday in December
Where: Town Park
Town Bonfire
When: First Saturday in July
Where: Beach at Dagsboro Street
Earth Day
When: Saturday before Earth Day
Where: Town Hall
Fenwick Freeze
When: January 1st
Where: Fenwick Island
Zip Code: 19945
Population: 847
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Town Meeting
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Monday of every month (unless it falls on a holiday), Frankford Town Hall #9 Main Street, 7:00 p.m.
Date of Election: First Saturday in February
Address: P.O. Box 550 9 Main Street Frankford, DE 19945
Phone: 302-732-9424
Email: frankfordtownhall@mchsi.com
Web Site: frankford.gov
Gregory Welch, President
P.O. Box 550, Frankford, DE, 19945
Phone: 302-732-6990
Email: gregwelch@mchsi.com
Kyle Quillen, Vice President
P.O. Box 550, Frankford, DE, 19945
Phone: 302-500-2964
John Wright, Council/Treasurer
P.O. Box 550, Frankford, DE, 19945
Phone: 302-381-9662
Email: Frankfordtownhall@mchsi.com
Pamela Davis, Council
P.O. Box 550, Frankford, DE, 19945
Phone: 302-236-7083
James Sample, Council
P.O. Box 550 , Frankford, DE, 19945
Phone: 302-725-7668
Email: Frankfordtownhall@mchsi.com
Kevin Smith, Chief of Police
P.O. Box 550, Frankford, DE, 19945
Phone: 302-732-6244
Email: Kevin.M.Smith@C.J.State.De.US
Zip Code: 19946
Population: 838
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., Monday and Friday; 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday
Assembly Meets: First and Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Town Hall
Date of Election: First Saturday in March
Address: 2 W. David Street, P.O. Box 294
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Web Site: frederica.delaware.gov
William Glanden, Mayor
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: mayor@townoffrederica.com
Ricky Maddox, Council Member
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Bret Carpenter, Council Member
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Adam Waiter, Council Member
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Pete Rager, Secretary
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Janet White, Treasurer
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Alice Green, Town Clerk
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Dustan Russum, Town Manager, Public Works Director, Code Enforcement Officer
P.O. Box 294, W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
Jenn French, Administrative Assistant
P.O. Box 294, 2 W David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5417
Email: townhall@townoffrederica.com
John Devlin, Chief of Police
P.O. Box 494, 14 E David Street, Frederica, DE, 19946
Phone: 302-335-5100
Email: john.devlin@cj.state.de.us
Special Events
Frederica Day
When: First Saturday in October
Where: Frederica Town Park
Zip Code: 19947
Population: 7,134
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: Second and Fourth Monday of each month at Town Hall
Date of Election: Second Saturday in May
Address: 39 The Circle, Georgetown DE
Phone: 302-856-7391
Email: gdvornick@georgetowndel.com
Web Site: www.georgetowndel.com
William West, Mayor
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Christina Diaz-Malone, Council
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Tony Neal, Council
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Eric Evans, Council
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Penuel Barrett, Council
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Olga Holm, Finance
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Ralph Holm, Chief of Police
335 N. Race Street, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-6613
Stephani Ballard, Solicitor
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Eugene Dvornick, Town Manager
37 The Circle, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-7391
Special Events
Summer Concert Series
When: May-September
Where: Sandhill Fields, Sand Hill Road
Wings and Wheels
When: October
Where: Delaware Coastal Airport
Thursday after Election Day
When: November
Where: The Circle
Zip Code: 19950
Population: 973
County: Sussex
Designation: Municipality
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: The second Wednesday of each month, 6:30pm
Date of Election: Every January
Address: Town Hall, 100 West Market Street, P.O. Box 216
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: jtodd@townofgreenwood.us
Web Site: greenwood.delaware.gov
Marshall Kemp, Mayor
P.O. Box 216, Greenwood, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: mkemp@townofgreenwood.us
Brenda Tallent, Council
P.O. Box 216, Greenwood, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: btallent@townofgreenwood.us
Durene Jones, Council
P.O. Box 216, Greenwood, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: djones@townofgreenwood.us
Mike Moran, Vice Mayor
P.O. Box 216, Greenwood, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: mmoran@townofgreenwood.us
Janet Todd, Town Manager
P.O. Box 216, Greenwood, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: jtodd@townofgreenwood.us
Carolyn Chisenhall, Town Clerk
P.O. Box 216, Greenwood, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: carolync@townofgreenwood.us
Donald Donovan, Council Secretary
P.O. Box 216, Greenwood, DE, 19950
Phone: 302-349-4534
Email: ddonovan@townofgreenwood.us
James Sharp, Solicitor
122 W. Market Street, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-9568
Special Events
Greenwood Market (Homemade-Handcrafted-Homegrown)
When: 3rd Saturday of the month from May-September from 8AM-12PM
Where: Greenwood United Methodist Church Parking Lot
Greenwood Day
When: Third Saturday of September
Where: Mill Street
Christmas Parade
When: Second Saturday of December
Where: Begin at Second Street and end at Woodbridge ECEC
Zip Code: 19952
Population: 3,562
County: Kent
Designation: City
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First and Third Monday of each month, City Hall
Date of Election: First Tuesday in May
Address: 106 Dorman Street
Phone: 302-398-3530/4476
Email: ccrawford@cityofharrington.com
Web Site: harrington.delaware.gov
Duane Bivans, Mayor
205 Franklin Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-398-3629
Email: dbivans@cityofharrington.com
Robert Farmer, Council, District 1
5 Simpson Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Jack Stewart, Council, District 2
106 Dorman Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Micah Parker, Vice-Mayor, Council, District 3
101 W. Mispillion Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-398-6182
Email: mparker@cityofharrington.com
Darrin Simpson, Council, District 4
345 Weiner Avenue, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 410-924-5739
Email: dsimpbhc@gmail.com
Ervin White, Council, District 5
121 Wolcott Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-398-8068
Email: wol121@comcast.net
Michael Kimmey, Council, District 6
4 Mill Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-670-4534
Email: mkimmey@cityofharrington.com
Norman Barlow, City Manager
106 Dorman Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-398-3530
Email: nbarlow@cityofharrington.com
Amanda Marlow, Assistant City Manager
106 Dorman Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-398-3530
Email: amarlow@cityofharrington.com
Emma Werner, Clerk of Council
106 Dorman Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-398-4476
Email: ewerner@cityofharrington.com
Kenneth Brode, Chief of Police
10 Mechanic Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-398-4493
Email: earl.brode@CJ.State.de.us
Dianna Louder, Solicitor
414 S State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-674-0140
Special Events
Christmas Parade
When: First Friday in December
Where: Downtown
Christmas Tree Lighting
When: First Tuesday in December
Where: Downtown
Delaware State Fair
When: Last week in July
Where: Delaware State Fairgrounds
Heritage Day
When: Last Saturday in August
Where: Downtown, Recreation Center
Harrington Raceway
When: Spring and Fall
Where: Harrington Raceway
Zip Code: 19953
Population: 74
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: President and Commission
Assembly Meets: Second Thursday of February, April, June, August, October, and December
Date of Election: Last Saturday in April
Address: Town of Hartly, P. O. Box 181, Hartly, DE 19953
Phone: 302-922-2814
Email: TownofHartly@gmail.com
Web Site: hartly.delaware.gov
Mark Maguire, Commissioner/President
P.O. Box 181, Hartly, DE, 19953
Phone: 302-922-2814
Robert Graves, Commissioner/Public Works
P.O. Box 181, Hartly, DE, 19953
Phone: 302-922-2814
Suzanne Morris, Commissioner/Treasurer
P.O. Box 181, Hartly, DE, 19953
Phone: 302-922-2814
Megan Raughley, Commissioner/Town Clerk
P.O. Box 181, Hartly, DE, 19953
Phone: 302-922-2814
Raymond Morris, Comissioner at Large
P.O. Box 181, Hartly, DE, 19953
Phone: 302-922-2814
Zip Code: 19971
Population: 271
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Commission
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Friday of January, April, July, and October at 10:00 a.m., Town Hall
Date of Election: Last Saturday in August
Address: 104 Tidewaters
Phone: 302-227-6411
Email: Townhall@henlopenacres.com
Web Site: henlopenacres.delaware.gov
Joni Reich, Mayor
25 Tidewaters, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 571-212-9775
Beatrix Richards, Secretary
P.O Box 310, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-7465
Tim Hidell, President Pro Tem
36 Pine Reach, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-2489
Beatrix Richards, Commissioner
5 Rolling Road, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-2437
John Staffier, Commissioner
58 Pine Reach, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-2573
Thomas Roth, Town Manager
104 Tidewaters, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6411
Jeffrey Jacobs, Treasurer
36 Pine Reach, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-5390
Richard Thompson, Commissioner
44 Rollong Road, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-226-5166
Lisa Michaels, Town Clerk
104 Tidewaters, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6411
Glenn Mandalas, Solicitor
103 South Bradford Street, Dover, DE, 19904
Phone: 302-677-0061
R. Lee Stewart, Security Chief
104 Tidewaters, Henlopen Acres, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-542-3323
Zip Code: 19954
Population: 374
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: First Thursday of each month
Date of Election: Last Saturday in March
Address: P.O. Box 196
Email: abbate.houston54@gmail.com
Web Site: www.townofhouston.com
Greg Wingo, Mayor
P.O. Box 196, Houston, DE, 19954
Phone: 302-632-0853
Email: greg.wingo@yahoo.com
Tina King, Vice Mayor
P.O. Box 196, Houston, DE, 19954
Phone: 302-462-1175
David Mutter, Council
P.O. Box 196, Houston, DE, 19954
Phone: 517-403-4944
Robin Adkins, Council
P.O. Box 196, Houston, DE, 19954
Phone: 302-275-7122
Greg Gilmore, Council
P.O. Box 196, Houston, DE, 19954
Phone: 302-270-6528
Lisa Wingo, Treasurer/Tax Collector
P.O. Box 196, Houston, DE, 19954
Phone: 302-381-5222
Dawn Wingo, Secretary
P.O. Box 196, Houston, DE, 19954
Phone: 302-632-6026
James Sharp, Solicitor
Moore & Rutt P.A. 122 W Market S, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 856-9568
Zip Code: 19955
Population: 261
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: First Monday of each month
Date of Election: Every other year
Address: P.O. Box 102
Phone: 302-389-8270
Email: mayorofkenton@comcast.net
Web Site: kenton.delaware.gov/
Paul Capel, Mayor
P.O. Box 104, Kenton, DE, 19955
Phone: 302-389-8270
Email: mayorofkenton@comcast.net
Herb Boyles, Vice Mayor
284 S. Main Street, Kenton, DE, 19955
Phone: 302-389-8270
Jane Kime, Secretary
P.O. Box 102, Kenton, DE, 19955
Phone: 302-389-8270
Email: kenton_secretary@comcast.net
Robin Kassing, Treasurer
P.O. Box 102, Kenton, DE, 19955
Phone: 302-389-8270
Email: kentontreasurer@comcast.net
Marietta Darden, Council
P.O. Box 102, Kenton, DE, 19955
Phone: 302-389-8270
John Blanchfield, Council
P.O. Box 102, Kenton, DE, 19955
Phone: 302-389-8270
James Waehler, Solicitor
P.O. Box 1398, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-539-7900
Special Events
4th of July Parade
When: Weekend before the 4th
Zip Code: 19956
Population: 4,147
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: 3rd Monday of each Month 7:00 p.m., Town Hall
Date of Election: Biannual
Address: Town Hall, 201 Mechanic Street
Phone: 302-875-2277
Email: laureltm@comcast.net
Web Site: www.townoflaurel.net
John Shwed, Mayor
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Phone: 302-841-4007
Email: jjshwed@verizon.net
Phillip Calio, President of Council
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Phone: 302-245-6285
Robin Fisher-Cornish, Councilwoman
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Phone: 302-875-2789
Donald Holden, Councilman
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Phone: 302-875-5694
Jonathon Kellam, Councilman
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Carlos Oliveras, Councilman
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
George Ladoto, Councilman Ward 4
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Dan Wright, Chief of Police
205 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Phone: 302-875-2244
Jamie Smith, Town Manager
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Phone: 302-875-2277
Alexis Oliphant, Operations Manager
201 Mechanic Street, Laurel, DE, 19956
Phone: 302-875-2277
Special Events
When: 2nd Saturday in July
Where: Town
Laurel Plein Air
When: 2nd Saturday in May
Where: Town
Fourth of July Celebration
When: July 4th at 3:00pm
Where: Throughout Town
Christmas Parade
When: December
Where: Town
Zip Code: 19901
Population: 183
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: First Monday in January, March, May, July, September, and November, Special meetings if required
Date of Election: First Monday in March
Address: Town Hall, 207 Main Street Dover, DE 19901
Phone: 302-670-1618
Email: information@leipsicde.us
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064761394353
Samuel (Jim) Fox IV, Mayor/President
207 Main Street, Leipsic, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-670-1618
Email: mayor@leipsicde.us
Michael Parenzan, Deputy Mayor
207 Main Street, Leipsic, DE, 19901
Deborah McKeever, Secretary
207 Main Street, Leipsic, DE, 19901
Phone: 856-448-1866
Email: secretary@leipsicde.us
Josh Miller, Treasurer
207 Main Street, Leipsic, DE, 19901
Email: treasurer@leipsicde.us
Martha Wilkinson, Council
207 Main Street, Leipsic, DE, 19901
Donna Ortelli, Council
207 Main Street, Leipsic, DE, 19901
Martha Wilkinson, FOIA Coordinator
270 Main Street, Leipsic, DE, 19901
Email: information@leipsicde.ud
Zip Code: 19958
Population: 3,444
County: Sussex
Designation: City
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of each month
Date of Election: Second Saturday in May
Address: 114 E. Third Street (P. O. Box 227) Lewes DE 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: info@ci.lewes.de.us
Web Site: www.ci.lewes.de.us
Andrew Williams, Mayor
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-841-3755
Email: awilliams@ci.lewes.de.us
Khalil Saliba, Deputy Mayor & Councilperson
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: ksaliba@ci.lewes.de.us
Tim Ritzert, Councilperson/Secretary
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: tritzert@ci.lewes.de.us
Amy Marasco, Councilperson/Treasurer
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: amarasco@ci.lewes.de.us
Joseph Elder, PhD, Councilperson
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: jelder@ci.lewes.de.us
Ellen Lorraine McCabe, City Manager (Acting)
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: emccabe@ci.lewes.de.us
Janet Reeves, Assistant City Manager (Acting)
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewis, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: jreeves@ci.lewes.de.us
Thomas Spell, Chief of Police
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-6264
Email: Thomas.Spell@cj.state.de.us
Alexander Burns, Solicitor
1413 Savannah Road, Suite 1, Lewis, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-677-0061
Email: alex@bmbfclaw.com
Ashley Akgoren, Municipal Clerk
114 E. Third Street, P. O. Box 227, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-7777
Email: aakgoren@ci.lewes.de.us
Zip Code: 19958
Population: ?
County: Sussex
Designation: Other
Form of Government: Other
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Fourth Wednesday of each month at Lewes City Hall Council Chambers 114 W Third Street
Date of Election: Second Saturday in May
Address: 107 Franklin Avenue
Phone: 302-645-6228
Email: customerservice@lewesbpw.com
Web Site: lewesbpw.com
Thomas Owen, Assistant Treasurer
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958 Email: towen@lewespbw.com
Robin Davis, Assistant General Manager
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958
Email: rdavis@lewesbpw
Thomas Panetta, President
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-6228
Email: tpanetta@lewesbpw.com
Earl Webb, Vice President
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-6228
Email: ewebb@lewesbpw.com
Richard Nichols, Assistant Treasurer
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-6228
Richard Nichols, Treasurer
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-6228
Email: rnichols@lewesbpw.com
D. Preston Lee, Secretary
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-6228
Email: plee@lewesbpw.com
Austin Calaman, General Manager
107 Franklin Avenue, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-6228
Email: acalaman@lewespbw.com
Zip Code: 19961
Population: 224
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Commission
Assembly Meets: First Monday of each month
Date of Election: First Saturday in March
Address: P.O. Box 298
Edward Strouse, Mayor
P.O. Box 298, Little Creek, DE, 19961
Email: Edward.StrouseLC@gmail.com
Theresa May, Commissioner/Town Clerk
P.O. Box 298, Little Creek, DE, 19961
Email: Theresa.MayLC22@gmail.com
Adrienne Hegman, Commissioner/Treasurer
P.O. Box 298, Little Creek, DE, 19961
Phone: 302-336-8099
Email: A.Hegman19961@gmail.com
Jason Arrington, Commissioner
P.O. Box 298, Little Creek, DE, 19961
Email: Jason.ArringtonLC@gmail.com
Dennis May, Commissioner
P.O. Box 298, Little Creek, DE, 19961
Email: Dennis.MayLC@gmail.com
D. Barrett Edwards IV, Esq., Solicitor
225 South State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-734-7401
Zip Code: 19962
Population: 225
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: By appointment only
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of each month at 6:00pm, Town Hall, or across the street at Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company, if attendance requires.
Date of Election: Second Monday in January
Address: P.O. Box 233
Phone: 302-335-5891
Email: dianepcahall@comcast.net
Web Site: magnolia.delaware.gov
James Frazier, Mayor
P.O. Box 222, Magnolia, DE, 19962
Phone: 302-943-0934
Email: jrfcrm4@gmail.com
Scott Fowler, Vice Mayor
P.O. Box 169, Magnolia, DE, 19962
Phone: 302-335-0575
Ryan Clarke, Council
P.O. Box 19, Magnolia, DE, 19962
Phone: 610-357-7772
Susanne Whitney, Council
P.O. Box 264, Magnolia, DE, 19962
Phone: 233-8719
Buck Dougherty, Council
P.O. Box 31, Magnolia, DE, 19962
Phone: 302-222-2939
D. Barrett Edwards IV, Esq., Solicitor
225 South State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-734-7401
Diane Cahall, Town Clerk
P.O. Box 233, Magnolia, DE, 19962
Phone: 302-363-1546
Email: dianepcahall@comcast.net
Dustan Russum, Water Operator
212 Hanley Street, Harrington, DE, 19952
Phone: 302-853-5203
Zip Code: 19709
Population: 22,828
County: New Castle
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: First Monday of each month
Date of Election: First Monday in March
Address: 19 West Green Street
Phone: 302-378-2711
Email: mdeputy@middletown.delaware.gov
Web Site: www.middletown.delaware.gov
Kenneth Branner, Mayor
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-5670
Email: kbranner@middletown.delaware.gov
David Thomas, Council
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711
Jim Royston, Council
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711
Bruce Orr, Council
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711
Aaron Blythe, Council
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711
Craig Sherman, Council
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711
Andrew Chas, Council
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711
Morris Deputy, Town Manager
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-9120
Kristen Krenzer, Public Relations Officer
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711 ext. 2223
Tyler Reynolds, Finance Director
19 West Green Street, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-378-2711 ext. 2226
William Texter, Chief of Police
130 Hampden Road, Middletown, DE, 19709
Phone: 302-376-9950
Scott Chambers, Solicitor
P.O. Box 497, Dover, DE, 19903
Phone: 302-674-0140
Special Events
Peach Festival
When: Third Saturday in August
Where: Main Street
Fourth of July Fireworks
When: July 4th
Where: Silver Lake Park
Zip Code: 19963
Population: 13,289
County: Kent/Sussex
Designation: City
Form of Government: Council and Manager
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second and Fourth Mondays, 6:00 p.m., City Hall
Date of Election: Fourth Saturday in April
Address: 201 South Walnut Street
Phone: 302-422-1111
Web Site: www.cityofmilford.com
F. Todd Culotta, Mayor
211 S. Walnut Street, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-1111
D. Madula Kalesis, Council, Ward 1
3 E. Green Lane Orchard Hill, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-1111
Daniel Marabello, Council, Ward 1
1 Windy Drive, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-424-3722
Nadia Zychal, Council, Ward 2
303 S. Walnut Street, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-1111
Lori Connor, Council, Ward 2
18314 Patchwork Drive, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-1111
Micheal Stewart, Council, Ward 3
206 Bridgeham Avenue, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-1111
Nirmala Samaroo, Council, Ward 3
19627 Drumond Drive, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-841-3147
Katrina Wilson, Council, Ward 4
605 North Street, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-2054
Jason James, Vice-Mayor, Council, Ward 4
1 James Drive, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-222-3079
Mark Whitfield, City Manager
201 S. Walnut Street, ext. 1304, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-1111
Email: mwhitfield@milford-de.gov
Cecilia Ashe, Chief of Police
401 NE Front Street, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-8081
Email: Cecilia.Ashe@CJ.State.de.us
Teresa Hudson, City Clerk
201 S. Walnut Street, Ext 1303, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-422-1111 ext.1303
Email: thudson@milford-de.gov
David Rutt, Solicitor
122 W. Market Street, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-856-9568
Email: dnrutt@mooreandrutt.com
Special Events
St. Patrick’s Day Crawl
When: Saturday nearest March 17th
Where: Downtown Businesses, Local Brewpubs and Restaurants
First Fridays
When: First Fridays May-October
Where: Downtown
Bug & Bud Festival
When: April
Where: Downtown and Park Areas
Riverwalk Farmers Market
When: Saturdays May through October
Where: Downtown @ Riverwalk
Riverwalk Freedom Festival
When: September
Where: Downtown, Riverwalk and Park Areas
Milford Community Parade
When: Third Wednesday in October
Where: South Walnut Street to Milford High School
Holiday Stroll
When: First Saturday in December
Where: Downtown
Zip Code: 19966
Population: 4,577
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Municipality
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m., 322 Wilson Highway
Date of Election: Second Saturday in June
Address: 322 Wilson Highway
Phone: 302-934-8171
Email: town@millsboro.org
Web Site: www.millsboro.org
Kimberley Kaan, Mayor
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Email: kimberleyk@millsboro.org
John Thoroughgood, Vice Mayor
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Mary D'Silva, Secretary
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Email: maryd@millsboro.org
Larry Gum, Treasurer
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Matthew Davis, Council
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Email: matthewd@millsboro.org
Ronald O'Neal, Council
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Marty Presley, Council
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Email: martyp@millsboro.org
Brian Calloway, Chief of Police
307 Main Street, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8174
Mary Schrider-Fox, Solicitor
P.O. Box 1398, 92 Atlantic Avenue Unit B, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-539-7900
Jamie Burk, Town Manager
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Phone: 302-934-8171
Ashleigh Sander, Assistant Town Manager
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Joanne Dorey, Town Clerk
322 Wilson Highway, Millsboro, DE, 19966
Email: joanned@millsboro.org
Special Events
Millsboro Stars and Stripes
Christmas Parade
Zip Code: 19967
Population: 544
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Council and Manager
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Council: Second Tuesday of each month 7:00 p.m.; Workshop: Fourth Tuesday of each month 7:00 p.m.; P&Z: Second Thursday of each month 7:00 p.m.
Date of Election: First Saturday in March
Address: 36404 Clubhouse Road
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: townclerk@mvtown.com
Web Site: millville.delaware.gov
Ronald Belinko, Mayor
30166 Seashore Park Drive, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: rbelinko@mvtown.com
Sharon Brienza, Deputy Mayor
23817 Pembroke Lane, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: sbrienza@mvtown.com
Joseph Parent, Treasurer
30130 Seashore Park Drive, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: jparent@mvtown.com
Robert Wisgirda, Council
23765 Pembroke Lane, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: rwisgirda@mvtown.com
Deborah Sosnoski, Secretary
27419 Clearview Circle, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: dsosnosky@mvtown.com
Eileen Scerra, Town Manager
36404 Club House Road, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-519-3303
Email: escerra@mvtown.com
William Mumford, Finance Director
36404 Club House Road, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 539-0449
Email: wmumford@mvtown.com
Wendy Mardini, Town Clerk
36404 Club House Road, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: wmardini@mvtown.com
Eric Evans, Facilities & Building Supervisor/ Code & Building Official
36404 Club House Road, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: eevans@mvtown.com
James Simpson, Facilities & Building Assistant
36404 Clubhouse Road, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: jsimpson@mvtown.com
Anna Scarola, Finance Assistant
36404 Club House Road, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-539-0449
Email: ascarola@mvtown.com
Seth Thompson, Solicitor
1105 N Market Street, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-654-3300
Email: sthompson@pgslegal.com
Andrew Lyons, Town Engineer
400 High Street, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-628-1421
Email: alyons@gmbnet.com
Joe Balasus, Maintenance Tech and Groundskeeper
32517 Dukes Drive, Millville, DE, 19967
Ray Loveland, Assistant Maintenance Tech and Grounds
36404 Club House Road, Millville, DE, 19967
Parks & Recreation - VACANT POSITION, 32517 Dukes Drive, Millville, DE, 19967
Phone: 302-858-3638
Email: park@mvtown.com
Special Events
Easter Celebration
When: TBD
Where: Evans Park
Summer Concerts
When: TBD
Where: Evans Park
Arts in Autumn
When: TBD
Where: Evans Park
Trail of Treats
When: TBD
Where: Evans Park
Yuletide Festival & Tree Lighting
When: TBD
Where: Evans Park
Zip Code: 19968
Population: 3,291
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Monday evening of each month
Date of Election: First Saturday in March
Address: 115 Federal Street
Phone: 302-684-4110
Web Site: milton.delaware.gov
John Collier, Mayor
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: mayorcollier@ci.milton.de.us
Lee Revis-Plank, Vice Mayor
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: councilwomanrevis-plank@ci.milton.de.us
Randi Meredith, Council
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: councilwomanmeredith@ci.milton.de.us
Larry Savage, Treasurer
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: councilmansavage@ci.milton.de.us
Frederick Harvey, Council
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: councilmanharvey@ci.milton.de.us
Scotty Edler, Secretary of Council
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: councilmanedler@ci.milton.de.us
Stephanie Coulbourne, Town Clerk
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: scoulbourne@ci.milton.de.us
Seth Thompson, Solicitor
115 Federal Street, Georgetown, DE, 19947
Phone: 302-691-3428
Kristy Rogers, Town Manager
115 Federal Street, Milton, DE, 19968
Phone: 302-684-4110
Email: krogers@ci.milton.de.us
Special Events
Milton Broadkill Farmers Market
When: May-September on Fridays
Where: Grace Church, 514 Union Street, Milton
Annual Horseshoe Crab & Shorebird Festival
When: Last Saturday in May
Where: Milton Memorial Park
Youth Fishing Tournament
When: First Saturday in June
Where: Milton Memorial Park
Weekly Concerts in the Park
When: Every Wednesday night (during summer)
Where: Milton Memorial Park
Annual Bargains on the Broadkill
When: Last Saturday in August
Where: Milton Memorial Park
Dogfish Dash to Benefit the Nature Conservancy
When: Last Saturday in September
Where: Dogfish Head Brewery
Milton Christmas Parade
When: First Wednesday in December
Where: Throughout Milton
Annual Milton House Tour
When: Second Saturday in December
Where: Various Locations
Annual Holly Festival
When: Second Saturday in December
Where: Milton Fire Department Hall
Zip Code: 19720
Population: 0
County: New Castle
Designation: Other
Form of Government: Other
Assembly Meets: Monthly
Date of Election: Appointed (three-year term)
Address: 216 Chestnut Street, P.O. Box 208
Phone: 302-323-2330
Email: patonep@newcastlecity.com
Web Site: newcastlemsc.delaware.gov/
Roy Sippel, President/Commissioner
216 Chestnut Street, P.O. Box 208, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-323-2330
Daniel Knox, Commissioner
216 Chestnut Street, P.O. Box 208, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-323-2330
Allen Hansen, Commissioner
216 Chestnut Street, P.O. Box 208, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-323-2330
Mary Jane Stubbs, Business Manager/Treasurer
216 Chestnut Street, P.O. Box 208, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-323-2330
Scott Blomquist, General Manager/Secretary
216 Chestnut Street, P.O. Box 208, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-323-2330
Zip Code: 19711
Population: 34,196
County: New Castle
Designation: City
Form of Government: Council and Manager
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second, Third, and Fourth Monday of Each Month 7pm, Council Chamber in the City of Newark Municipal Bldg., 220 South Main Street Newark, DE 19711
Date of Election: Second Tuesday in April
Address: 220 South Main Street
Phone: 302-366-7000
Email: council@newark.de.us
Web Site: www.newarkde.gov
Jerry Clifton, Mayor
220 S Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
John Suchanec, Council, District 1
6 Tufts Lane, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-533-8927
Corinth Ford, Council, District 2
220 S Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Email: Corinth.ford@newark.de.us
Jay Bancroft, Council, District 3
715 Art Lane, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 661-369-6237
Dwendolyn Creecy, Council, District 4
181 Madison Drive, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-757-1851
Jason Lawhorn, Council, District 5
812 Hilltop Road, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-455-7034
Travis McDermott, Council, District 6
315 Amoroso Way, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-530-4016
Tom Coleman, City Manager
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-366-7000
Jayme Gravell, Chief Communications Officer
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-366-7000
Devan Hardin, Chief Human Resources Officer
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-366-7000
Mark Farrall, Chief of Police
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711-4562
Phone: 302-366-7000
Paul Bilodeau, City Solicitor
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-366-7000
Jeff Martindale, Chief Procurement & Projects Officer
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-366-7000
David Del Grande, Director of Finance
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-366-7000
Tara Schiano, City Secretary
220 South Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-366-7000
Special Events
When: First Friday in December
Where: Main Street, Newark
Memorial Day Ceremonies & Parade
When: Third Sunday in May
Where: Main Street, Newark
Community Day
When: Third Sunday in September
Where: UD Green
Liberty Day & Fireworks
When: July 4th
Where: UD Athletic Complex
Trick or Treat Main St./Halloween Parade
When: Sunday prior to Halloween 3PM
Where: Main Street, Newark
Turkey Trot 5K & 10K
When: Saturday before Thanksgiving
Where: Handloff Park
Wine & Dine Downtown
When: Last Saturday in March
Where: Main & South Main Streets
Food and Brew Festival
When: Last Saturday in July
Where: Main & South Main Streets
Zip Code: 19720
Population: 5,285
County: New Castle
Designation: City
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Tuesday of each month
Date of Election: Second Saturday in April, every odd year
Address: 220 Delaware Street
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: info@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Web Site: newcastlecity.delaware.gov/
Valarie Leary, Mayor
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: vleary@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Suzanne Souder, President of City Council
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: ssouder@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Brian Mattaway, Council
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: bmattaway@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Nermin Zubaca, Council
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: nzubaca@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Joseph Day, Council
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: jday@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Andrew Zeltt, Council
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: azeltt@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Antonina Tantillo, City Administrator
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: atantillo@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
Courtaney Taylor, Finance Coordinator
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: ctaylor@newcastlecity.delaware.gov
James Whisman, Jr., Treasurer
220 Delaware Street, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9801
Email: whismancpa@aol.com
Richard McCabe, Chief of Police
1 Municipal Boulevard, New Castle, DE, 19720
Phone: 302-322-9800
Email: richard.mccabe@cj.state.de.us
Max Walton, Solicitor
267 East Main Street, Newark, DE, 19711
Phone: 302-888-6313
Email: mwalton@connollygallagher.com
Special Events
New Castle Spirit of Christmas & Dickens Christmas
When: Second Saturday in December
Where: Downtown New Castle
A Day in Old New Castle & Garden Tour
When: Third Saturday in May at 10
Where: Downtown New Castle
Separation Day Parade & Fireworks
When: Second Friday & Sat. in June
Where: Downtown New Castle
Attack Addiction Run/Walk
When: First weekend in February
Where: Throughout the City
Ecumenical Easter Sunrise Service on the Wharf
When: Easter Morning 6:30am
Where: Parade on the Green at 1pm
May Market Plant and Garden Sale
When: First weekend in May
Where: Downtown New Castle
Colonial BBQ Competition
When: Second Saturday in June
Where: Downtown New Castle
Wednesday Concerts
When: Throughout the Summer
Where: Battery Park
New Castle Antique Show
When: Last Sunday in August
Where: Battery Park
Rivertown Ride and Festival
When: First Saturday in October
Where: Downtown New Castle and Delaware City
Art on the Green
When: Fourth Saturday in September
Where: Battery Park
Halloween Parade, Ghost Tours, & Activities
When: Last Weekend in October
Where: Downtown New Castle
Zip Code: 19804
Population: 1,055
County: New Castle
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Council and Manager
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Third Thursday of each month. 7:00 pm, Old Town Hall
Date of Election: First Monday in April
Address: 226 N. James Street, P.O. Box 3053
Phone: 302-994-6403
Email: wendyking99@yahoo.com
Web Site: https:www.newport.delaware.gov/
Stephanie Banks, Mayor
226 North James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-994-6403
Email: sabanks001@gmail.com
Michele MacDonald, Vice Mayor
226 N. James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-994-6403
Lisa Spencer, Commissioner
226 N. James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-994-6403
Michael Capriglione, Commissioner
226 N. James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-994-6403
Tim Chatburn, Commissioner
226 N. James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-994-6403
Wendy King, Town Manager
226 N. James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-994-6403
Mark Wohner, Chief of Police
226 N. James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-995-1411
Christopher Griffiths, Solicitor
226 N. James Street, Newport, DE, 19804
Phone: 302-888-6313
Zip Code: 19970
Population: 2,160
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Tuesday of each month
Date of Election: Second Saturday in April
Address: 201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE 19970
Phone: 302-539-9797
Web Site: www.oceanviewde.gov
John Reddington, Mayor
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-539-9797 ext 116
Email: jreddington@oceanviewde.gov
Stephen Cobb, Council, District 1
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-228-0608
Email: scobb@oceanviewde.gov
Colleen Twardzik, Council, District 2
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-537-1719
Email: ctwardzik@oceanviewde.gov
Jay Tyminski, Council, District 3
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-539-9797
Email: jtyminski@oceanviewde.gov
Donald Walsh, Council, District 4/Mayor ProTem
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 539-9797
Email: dwalsh@oceanviewde.gov
Carol Houck, Town Manager
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 539-9797 ext. 104
Email: chouck@oceanviewde.gov
Dawn Parks, Finance Director
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 539-9797 ext. 103
Email: dparks@oceanviewde.gov
Kenneth Cimino, Planning and Zoning Development Director
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-539-1208
Email: kcimino@oceanviewde.gov
Kenneth McLaughlin, Chief of Police
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-539-1111
Email: kenneth.mclaughlin@cj.state.de.us
Shawanda Garrison, Staff Accountant
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 539-9797 ext. 102
Email: sgarrison@oceanviewde.gov
Donna Schwartz, Town Clerk
201 Central Avenue, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 539-9797 ext. 101
Email: dschwartz@oceanviewde.gov
Special Events
Holiday in the Park
When: December
Where: John West Park
Cops and Goblins
When: October
Where: John West Park
Zip Code: 19730
Population: 366
County: New Castle
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to noon, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Assembly Meets: First Monday of each month
Date of Election: First Monday in April
Address: 315 Main Street P.O. Box 111
Phone: 302-378-2510
Email: townofodessa@gmail.com
Web Site: odessa.delaware.gov
Harvey C. Smith, Jr., Mayor
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
Leonard Aguilar, Council
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
Yeni Ocampo, Council
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
John Freeman, Council
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
Lionel Hynson, Council
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
Barrett Edwards, Solicitor
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
David Sheats, Town Treasurer
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
Amy Marie Ottinger, Town Secretary
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
Amy Taylor, Town Clerk
315 Main Street, P.O. Box 111, Odessa, DE, 19730
Phone: 302-378-2510
Special Events
Christmas in Odessa
When: 1st Saturday in December
Where: Historic Houses of Odessa
Zip Code: 19971
Population: 6,060
County: Sussex
Designation: City
Form of Government: Mayor and Commission
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Workshop Meeting: Second Monday prior to the third Friday of each month, 9:00 a.m.; Regular Meeting: Third Friday of each month, 3:00 p.m., Meetings held in Commissioners Room
Date of Election: Second Saturday in August
Address: 229 Rehoboth Avenue, P.O. Box 1163
Phone: 302-227-6181
Email: information@cityofrehoboth.com
Web Site: www.cityofrehoboth.com
Taylour Tedder, City Manager
P.O. Box 1163, City of Rehoboth, DE, 19971
Email: ttedder@cityofrehoboth.com
Stan Mills, Mayor
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-4641
Email: smills@cityofrehoboth.com
Patrick Gossett, Commissioner
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6181
Email: pgossett@cityofrehoboth.com
Toni Sharp, Commissioner
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6181
Email: tsharp@cityofrehoboth.com
Edward Chrzanowski, Commissioner
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6181
Email: echrzanowski@cityofrehoboth.com
Jay Lagree, Commissioner
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6181
Email: jlagree@cityofrehoboth.com
Susan Gay, Commissioner
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6181
Evan Miller, Assistant City Manager
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-4641
Tim Bennett, Commissioner
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-6181
Email: tbennett@cityofrehoboth.com
Keith Banks, Chief of Police
P.O. Box 1163, Rehoboth Beach, DE, 19971
Phone: 302-227-2577
Glenn Mandalas, Solicitor
6 South State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-677-0061
Special Events
Rehoboth Beach Bandstand Summer Concert Series
When: Memorial Day Weekend-Labor Day Weekend -Where: Rehoboth Avenue Bandstand
Fourth of July Fireworks
When: July
Where: Rehoboth Beach and the Boardwalk
Seawitch Festival
When: Last Weekend in October
Where: Rehoboth Avenue
Holiday Tree Lighting and Sing-Along
When: November
Where: Rehoboth Avenue Bandstand
Jazz Festival
When: Second Week of October
Where: Rehoboth Beach
Zip Code: 19973
Population: 6,928
County: Sussex
Designation: City
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, May 1-September 30, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday-Friday, October 1-April 30
Assembly Meets: Second and fourth Tuesday of each month at City Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Date of Election: Third Saturday in April from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Address: 414 High Street, Seaford, DE 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: canderson@seafordde.com
Web Site: www.seafordde.com
Matthew MacCoy, Mayor
P.O. Box 1100, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: mmaccoy@seafordde.com
Dan Henderson, Council, Vice-Mayor
P.O. Box 1100, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: dhenderson@seafordde.com
Alan Quillen, Council
P.O. Box 1100, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: aquillen@seafordde.com
Michael Bradley, Council
P.O. Box 1100, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: mbradley@seafordde.com
Orlando Holland, Council
P.O. Box 1100, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: oholland@seafordde.com
Dr. Stephanie Grassett, Council
P.O. Box 1100, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: sgrassett@seafordde.com
Charles Anderson, City Manager
P.O. Box 1100, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Marshall Craft, Chief of Police
300 Virginia Avenue, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-6644
Luke Mette, Solicitor
1413 Savannah Road, Suite 1, Lewes, DE, 19958
Phone: 302-645-2262
Email: LMette@bmbde.com
Beth Stewart, City Clerk
414 High Street, Seaford, DE, 19973
Phone: 302-629-9173
Email: bstewart@seafordde.com
Special Events
When: Second Weekend in August
Where: Seaford Sports Complex
Nanticoke Riverfest
When: Second Weekend in July
Where: Downtown Seaford
Zip Code: 19975
Population: 2,574
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Monday of each month
Date of Election: First Saturday in March
Address: 1 West Church Street, P.O. Box 106
Phone: 302-436-8314
Email: townmanager@townofselbyville.org
Web Site: selbyville.delaware.gov/
Richard A. Duncan, Sr., Mayor
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Dr. Carol R. Cary, Administrative Commissioner
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Gary L. Steffen, Water Commissioner
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Monroe B. Hudson, Jr., Police Commissioner
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Chris S. Snader, Sr., Sewer Commissioner
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Brian Wilson, Chief of Police
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-5085
Email: brian.wilson@cj.state.de.us
Stacey Long, Town Manager
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Deborah McCabe, Secretary/Treasurer
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Lisa Michaels, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Tony Merollini, Code Enforcement Official
1 West Church Street, Selbyville, DE, 19975
Phone: 302-436-8314
Mary Schrider-Fox, Esq., Solicitor
92 Atlantic Ave Unit B, Ocean View, DE, 19970
Phone: 302-539-7900
Special Events
Christmas Parade
When: First Friday in December
Where: Church Street
Old Timers' Day
When: Saturday before Father's Day
Where: Church Street
Trunk or Treat
When: Two Saturdays before Halloween
Where: Selbyville Volunteer Fire Company (30 N Main Street)
Zip Code: 19963
Population: 699
County: Sussex
Designation: Municipal
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 9am-12pm Mon, Wed, Fri
Assembly Meets: Second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm, Memorial Fire Station 89
Date of Election: First Saturday in July annually, as needed
Address: 357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE 19963
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: townofslaughterbeach@comcast.net
Web Site: slaughterbeach.delaware.gov
Robert G. Wood, Mayor
357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: mayor@slaughterbeachde.com
Harry Ward, Vice-Mayor
357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: vicemayor@slaughterbeachde.com
Joanne Plescia, Treasurer
357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: treasurer@slaughterbeachde.com
Ben Monastero, Secretary
357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: secretary@slaughterbeachde.com
Jamie Draper, Council At-Large
357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: councilperson@slaughterbeachde.com
Jennifer Cornell, Tax Collector
357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-670-1659
Email: taxcollector@slaughterbeachde.com
Julia Geha, Town Manager
357 Bay Avenue, Milford, DE, 1996
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: townmanager@slaughterbeachde.com
Kathy McFadden, Town Clerk
110 Beach Plum Drive, Milford, DE, 19963
Phone: 302-424-7659
Email: townclerk@slaughterbeachde.com
Zip Code: 19977
Population: 11,780
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First and Third Monday of each month, (meetings falling on a holiday will take place the following Tuesday), 7:00 p.m., Council Chamber
Date of Election: Last Tuesday in April
Address: 27 S. Market Street; Smyrna, DE 19977
Phone: 302-653-9231
Email: info@smyrna.delaware.gov
Web Site: smyrna.delaware.gov
Robert Johnson, Mayor
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 302-653-8424
Tabitha Gott, Councilwoman, District 1
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 302-750-5606
Alan Pope, District 3
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 302-309-8771
Corrine Upshur, Councilwoman, District 2
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 610-864-1339
William Pressley, Council Secretary, At-Large
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 302-653-4381
Michael Rasmussen, Council Vice Mayor, At-Large
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 302-983-1269
Dean Johnson, Councilman At-Large
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Sheldon Hudson, Town Manager
27 S. Market Street, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 302-389-2317
Torrie James, Chief of Police
325 W. Glenwood Avenue, Smyrna, DE, 19977
Phone: 302-653-9217
D. Barrett Edwards IV, Esq., Solicitor
225 South State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-734-7401
Special Events
Summer Concert Series
When: Summertime
Where: Various Locations
Veterans Day Ceremony
When: November
When: Various Evenings through Summer
Where: Various Locations
Smyrna at Night
When: Various events throughout the year
Where: Throughout Smyrna
Zip Code: 19930
Population: 1,848
County: Sussex
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: Second Friday of every month, 9 am, Town Hall
Date of Election: Second Saturday in May
Address: 402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE 19930
Phone: 302-539-3653
Email: townhall@southbethany.org
Web Site: http://southbethany.delaware.gov/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/southbethanytownhall/
Edith Dondero, Mayor
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Christine Keefe, Mayor Pro Tem
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Email: sbcykeefe@gmail.com
Randy Bartholomew, Council Treasurer
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Bob Biciocchi, Council Secretary
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Email: bobb.towncouncil@gmail.com
Tim Shaw, Council
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Email: timshawbeach@gmail.com
Bob Shields, Council
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Email: bs.southbethany@gmail.com
Cindy Van Horn, Council
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Email: tc.cindyvh@gmail.com
Maureen Hartman, Town Manager
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Jason Lovins, Chief of Police
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-3996
Matt Amerling, Town Clerk/FOIA Coordinator
402 Evergreen Road, South Bethany, DE, 19930
Phone: 302-539-2653
Zip Code: 19734
Population: 2,593
County: New Castle
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Council and Manager
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Wednesday of each month, Townsend Town Hall, 7:00 p.m.
Date of Election: First Saturday in May
Address: 141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223
Phone: 302-378-8082
Email: townhall@townsend.delaware.gov
Web Site: www.townsend.delaware.gov
Scott Lobdell, Mayor
141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 302-378-8082
Email: SLobdell@townsend.delaware.gov
Joseph Bangura, Council
141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 378-8082
Email: jbangura@townsend.delaware.gov
Joshua Mertz, Council
141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 302-378-8082
Email: jmertz@townsend.delaware.gov
Marcus Suhr, Council
141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 302-378-8082
Email: msuhr@townsend.delaware.gov
Matthew Chapman, Council
141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 302-378-8082
Email: mchapman@townsend.delaware.gov
Ed Van-Otoo, Town Engineer
Remington and Vernick Engineers, Conshohocken, PA, 19428
Phone: 302-266-0212
Jennifer Helms, Financial Officer
141 Main St P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 302-378-8082
Email: JHelms@townsend.delaware.gov
Lisa Hatfield, Town Solicitor
141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 302-378-8082
141 Main Street, P.O. Box 223, Townsend, DE, 19734
Phone: 302-378-8082
Special Events
Annual Town Fair and Parade
When: Spring
Where: Parade begins at Fire House on Main Street at 10am. Fair is held at the Town Park on Edgar Road
Back to School Night
When: August
Where: Townsend Municipal Park on Edgar Road
Caroling and Tree Lighting
When: December
Where: Townsend Municipal Park on Edgar Road
Zip Code: 19979
Population: 157
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: President and Council
Assembly Meets: Second Tuesday in February, April, June, August, October, and December
Date of Election: Last Tuesday in March
Address: P.O. Box 121
Phone: 302-284-3734
Web Site: www.violade.com
Steve Jingozian, Interim President
P.O. Box 121, Viola, DE, 19979
Phone: 302-632-4428
Jerry Waters, Council At-Large
P.O. Box 121, Viola, De, 19979
Phone: 302-632-4428
Betty Torbert, Councilman At-Large
P.O. Box 121, Viola, DE, 19979
Phone: 302-632-4428
Brad Whitenight, Council At-Large
P.O. Box 121, Viola, DE, 19979
Phone: 302-632-4428
George Mayer, Treasurer
P.O. Box 121, Viola, DE, 19979
Phone: 302-632-4428
Zip Code: 19801
Population: 71,818
County: New Castle
Designation: City
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: First and third Thursdays
Date of Election: November, every four years
Address: Louis L. Redding City County Building 800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Web Site: www.WilmingtonCityCouncil.com
Michael Purzycki, Mayor
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2100
Email: mspurzycki@wilmin gtonde.gov
DaWayne Sims, City Treasurer
800 N. French Street, 5th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2480
Email: treasurer@wilmingtonde.gov
Ernest Congo, President of Council
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: econgo@wilmingtonde.gov
Linda Gray, Council, District 1
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: lmgray@wilmingtonde.gov
Shané Darby, Council, District 2
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: sndarby@wilmingtonde.gov
Zanthia Oliver, Council, District 3
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: zloliver@wilmingtonde.gov
Michelle Harlee, Council, District 4
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: mhharlee@wilmingtonde.gov
Bregetta Fields, Council, District 5
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: bafields@wilmingtonde.gov
Yolanda McCoy, Council, District 6
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: ymmccoy@wilmingtonde.gov
Christofer Johnson, Council, District 7
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19805
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: ccjohnson@wilmingtonde.gov
Nathan Field, Council, District 8
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: nrfield@wilmingtonde.gov
Maria Cabrera, Council At-Large
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: mcabrera@wilmingtonde.gov
Albert "Al" Mills, Council At-Large
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: ahmills@wilmingtonde.gov
James Spadola, Council At-Large
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: jnspadola@wilmingtonde.gov
Loretta Walsh, Council At-Large
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-2140
Email: lwalsh@wilmingtonde.gov
Robert Tracy, Chief of Police
300 N. Walnut Street, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-3940
Michael Donohue, Chief of Fire
22 S. Heald Street, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 302-576-3950
Robert Goff, Solicitor
800 N. French Street, 9th Floor, Wilmington, DE, 19801
Phone: 576-2175
Special Events
Clifford Brown Jazz Festival
When: Third Wednesday-Saturday of June
Where: Rodney Square, Wilmington, Delaware
Independence Day Celebration
When: July 4th
Where: Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park
Riverfront Blues Festival
When: First Weekend of August
Where: Tubman-Garrett Riverfront Park
Zip Code: 19980
Population: 181
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Assembly Meets: First Tuesday in January, March, May, July, September, and November
Date of Election: Last Saturday in March
Address: Town Hall, Main Street, P.O. Box 211
Email: Woodsidede19980@gmail.com
Michael Warren, Mayor
P.O. Box 173, Woodside, DE, 19980
Phone: H: 697-0375 C: 531-6883
Stephanie Holyfield, Treasurer
P.O. Box 233, Woodside, DE, 19980
Brenda Richards, Secretary
P.O. Box 125, Woodside, DE, 19980
James Carpenter, Council
P.O. Box 211, Woodside, DE, 19980
Diane Crom, Council
P.O. Box 211, Woodside, DE, 19980
Aaron Mantz, Council
P.O. Box 211, Woodside, DE, 19980
Zip Code: 19934
Population: 1,876
County: Kent
Designation: Town
Form of Government: Mayor and Council
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Assembly Meets: First Monday each month, Municipal Building
Date of Election: Last Saturday in February
Address: 120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave
Phone: 302-697-2966
Email: townofwyoming@comcast.net
Web Site: wyoming.delaware.gov
Doug Denison, Mayor
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2966
Tracy Johovic, Vice Mayor
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2966
Kyle Dixon, Treasurer
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2966
Melissa Wooleyhand, Secretary
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2966
J. Terence Jaywork, Solicitor
225 South State Street, Dover, DE, 19901
Phone: 302-734-7401
Chief Richard Baker, Chief of Police
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-7960
Michael Wooleyhand, Town Manager
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2966
Cathy George, Park and Streets Commissioner
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2966
Roseann Lamar, Town Clerk
120 W. Camden Wyoming Ave, Wyoming, DE, 19934
Phone: 302-697-2966
Email: rlamar@wyomingde.com.
Special Events
Fishing Derby
When: June
Where: Wyoming Park
Buffalo Stampede
When: July
Where: Wyoming Park
Wyoming Peach Festival
When: First Saturday in August
Where: N. Railroad Ave