Extended Learning Opportunities in Delaware
Project Overview
Extended Learning Opportunities in Delaware
Christopher G. Kelly, Julia O’Hanlon, Kelly L. Sherretz, and Jessica L. Velez, 2019
Office of Management and Budget
State of Delaware
November 2019
At the recommendation of the House Resolution 39 Statewide Afterschool Initiative Learning Task Force, the University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration (IPA) conducted a landscape analysis and needs assessment of extended learning opportunities1 in Delaware. In addition, the project team engaged with stakeholders in the field and conducted an extensive literature review.
During the landscape analysis phase of the study, the project team identified afterschool and summer program service providers across the state. Identified programs included those offered by schools and non-profit, for-profit, and faith-based organizations. After a substantive list of service providers was compiled, a survey was sent to them to collect detailed operational data about their programs. Requested information included:
- Site location and service area
- Hours of operation
- Participant capacity and enrollment
- Student demographics
- Funding sources and cost of attendance
- Available transportation
- Program activities
Once the data collection was completed, the information was utilized to conduct a needs assessment to determine gaps in availability of or access to extended learning programs in Delaware. Access was assessed with regard to geographic location, demographics served, and financial assistance.