Viewing Instructor Schedules

North Green

Instructor Schedules


These instructions show staff how to view instructor schedules. The staff view of these pages is different than the view of this information used by instructors and graduate teaching assistants via the Faculty Center.

UDSIS Navigation:

Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Instructor/Advisor Information > Instructor Schedule


  1. Term – enter appropriate term 4-digit code or use lookup icon 
  2. ID – enter the instructor’s Employee ID OR use the Last Name and First Name fields to find the instructor.
Inst4r Sched Lookup
  • Instructor Schedule tab - shows the Start/End Times , Meeting Days and Buildings/Rooms 
    • NOTE: This list includes classes with no enrollment or meeting times.
  • Click any column heading to change the sort order on the page.
    • Click the Start Time column to get the schedule in order by time. Then click the Meeting Days column to get it by day and time. 
  • Instructor Schedule 2 tab - shows class Start/End Dates.
  • Click the Return to Search button to lookup another instructor’s schedule.
Instruc Sched tab