UDataGlance launched for financial data


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9:19 a.m., Sept. 15, 2010----The long awaited UDataGlance, a user-friendly web interface for performing daily administrative tasks, will launch on Wednesday, Sept. 15.

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The first phase of this multiphase project is for financial data.

“Campus end users requested an improved user interface as well as improved features,” said Christine Cook, assistant provost for research. “This reporting tool provides for summarized financial data, drill-through to category summaries, encumbrances and obligations resulting from salary and purchase orders, drill-through to transactions and, in some cases, access to a Webform or other source document.”

The UDataGlance website will serve to provide much needed easy-access to financial information for all types of University of Delaware employees, (staff, faculty/principal investigators, department chairs, VPs and deans) who have financial responsibilities.

“We are happy to be able to deliver information to the end-users in this improved interface. The reports feature drill-through capability that will allow users to easily navigate through the information,” Cook said.

Individuals who need but cannot access this data should contact their department administrator.

A series of hands-on, interactive training sessions are being offered to help familiarize users with its many features for managing financial resources. To register, visit this website.

Users of the current financial statement website will be able to access that information via a tab on UDataGlance beginning Sept 15.

“The advantages to having this new website include improved efficiencies for administrative tasks,” Cook said. “The new site also should result in fewer duplications of data by end users resulting in smarter uses of University resources.”

Joining Cook in creating and implementing the new website were Chris White (Research), Amy Connell (General Accounting), Evelyn Zerenner (Finance), Anna Bloch (Human Resources), Michael Jackson (Budget), Joy Lynam, Maria Mullin, Lisa Raker and Janet Kim (all of IT Web Development).

Article by Jerry Rhodes
