UD accepting applications for July marine studies camp
TIDE Camp participants in 2009 watch preparations for the launch of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) from the University's Research Vessel Hugh R. Sharp.


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11:12 a.m., Jan. 6, 2011----High school students who have an interest in both science and the ocean are encouraged to apply for TIDE Camp Summer 2011. The two-week residential program is designed to give high school students exposure to the scientific processes at work in Delaware Bay. Applications are due Monday, March 7, for the July 17-29 camp.

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Hosted by the University of Delaware's College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment (CEOE) and supported by the Delaware Sea Grant College Program, TIDE teaches students about a variety of topics, including sea breeze, tides, habitat loss, salt-water marsh filtration, sediment transport, climate change, and alternative energy. Information about UD program offerings also will be included.

TIDE, which stands for Taking Interest in Delaware's Estuary, lets students take part in classroom instruction, discussions and lectures, as well as field excursions, research lab visits and a tour of the University's research ship. Campers also have opportunities to interact with faculty and design and complete experiments.

Students spend one week at UD's Newark campus and one week at its Hugh R. Sharp Campus, located at the mouth of Delaware Bay in Lewes. And while they are expected to work hard, campers are given opportunities for fun. In their spare time students take part in recreational activities such as a volleyball tournament and picnics.

Applications, which include completing a form available on the program's website, involve submission of a grade transcript and a letter of recommendation (preferably from a science teacher). Any high schooler with solid math and science skills and an interest in the marine environment may apply. Tuition is $1,500 and covers room, board, lab and class materials, field excursions, and scheduled out-of-class activities.

For more details about the camp, including application information, visit the TIDE Camp website or contact:

Frank Newton
Assistant Dean for Student Services
College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment
111 Robinson Hall
Newark, DE 19716

Photo by Evan Krape
