Through Feb. 28: Exhibit marks anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day


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2:45 p.m., Jan. 14, 2011----An exhibition entitled “Jan. 17, 2011: The 25th Anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day” is on view in an exhibition case near the Information Desk in the Morris Library through Monday, Feb. 28.

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Jan. 17 marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a national day of celebration.

Evan Echols, assistant librarian, curated the exhibition, with assistance from Laurie Rizzo, assistant librarian, both of the Special Collections Department of the University of Delaware Library.

The exhibition displays the artist's book Letter from Birmingham Jail (New York: Limited Editions Club, 2007), with eight serigraphs by the artist Faith Ringgold. Also displayed is the text of President Ronald Reagan's proclamation marking the first observance of the birthday of Dr. King as a national holiday.

“Jan. 17, 2011: The 25th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. Day” will remain on view through the month of February, which is designated as Black History Month.
