Award-winning journal a group effort
Pictured are, front row, from left, Kristin Zinsmeister, Melissa Ianetta, Ashley Pigford, and, standing, from left, Arline Wilson and Carolyn Clark.


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12:20 p.m., Feb. 10, 2011----The Writing Center Journal, which recently won a national award for editorial achievement, represents work by University of Delaware faculty from different disciplines as well as by numerous students and staff.

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The Phoenix Award for Significant Editorial Achievement was given to the journal, which is the top academic publication in its field, in January by the national Council of Editors of Learned Journals. Founded in 1980, the Writing Center Journal focuses on one-to-one writing instruction and the ways in which writing centers can contribute to their universities' writing culture.

“UD is the journal's institutional home,” said Melissa Ianetta, associate professor of English, director of the University's Writing Center and the journal's co-editor, with Lauren Fitzgerald of Yeshiva University. “That means we produce and mail the issues. It also means that it's very much a family affair.”

The journal's associate editor is a UD graduate student, currently Arline Wilson; an undergraduate, Kristin Zinsmester, is assistant editor; and Carolyn Clark, the Writing Center's office supervisor, is the production coordinator. Ashley Pigford, assistant professor of art, designs the journal, whose overall look was created by a group of UD undergraduates.

“This involvement of all aspects of the UD community manifests the commitment of the journal and the field to learning and knowledge creation as an enterprise best shared by all stakeholders,” Ianetta said.

She and Fitzgerald have been co-editors since 2008 and have added features showcasing innovations in teaching and have held a series of writing workshops for aspiring journal authors. Founded in 1980, the journal recently published a special issue marking its 30th anniversary, which became the journal's best-seller.

UD's Writing Center has supported excellence in writing since 1967. It offers numerous services, including one-on-one and small-group tutoring, faculty workshops and individual consultations.

Photo by Ambre Alexander

