Feb. 18: Faculty, staff foreign language program deadline


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9:36 a.m., Feb. 3, 2011----University of Delaware employees have an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of French, Italian or Spanish through the Faculty and Staff Foreign Language Program, which will be offered again this spring.

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Classes are open to all full-time UD faculty, professionals, staff and their spouses. Students (graduate and undergraduate) and children are not eligible to participate in this program.

Registration for spring classes will close at 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 18.

Class size is limited to 20 people, and registration will take place on a first-come, first-served basis.

Spring classes will meet from 5:15 to 7:30 p.m., beginning the week of Feb. 21, and will run through the week of May 9.

Courses will meet as follows: French 2, Wednesdays, instructor Barbara Toccafondi; Italian 1, Mondays, Angela Trani; and Spanish 2, Wednesdays, Krystyna Musik.

To register for one of those courses, go to this online registration form.

Also, for those interested in taking Chinese 1, the Confucius Institute is offering a course in the fall for full-time UD faculty, professionals, staff and their spouses. For details or to register, go to the website.

If you have specific questions about the Faculty and Staff Foreign Language Program, contact program coordinator Marie Gleason via email at [mgleason@udel.edu].

The Faculty and Staff Foreign Language Program is sponsored by the Institute for Global Studies and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.
