Deadlines to sign up for UD Capture announced


UDaily is produced by Communications and Marketing
The Academy Building
105 East Main Street
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 • USA
Phone: (302) 831-2792

2:43 p.m., Dec. 15, 2010----UD Capture is a classroom capture system that automatically records traditional classroom meetings for online use. It is easy to use and requires no additional set up by the instructor.

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Specially designed microphones and capture appliances automatically record the instructor's voice and computer visuals -- behind the scenes. The capture appliances will record automatically based on your class schedule.

UD Capture benefits both instructors and students: instructors can assign previously recorded lectures as homework to use class time for discussion; students can revisit classroom lectures online to review concepts, study for exams, or catch up on coursework due to illness or sporting events.

You can view a list of classrooms currently equipped with UD Capture. An additional 50 classrooms are scheduled to be added during Winter Session. If your classroom is currently not on the list, revisit the site to see if your classroom has been added.

To request UD Capture for your lectures, visit the UD Capture website. Click "Recording request" in the column on the right.

UD Capture sign-up deadlines for the two upcoming academic sessions are as follows:

Winter Session: Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2011

Spring semester: Sunday, Feb. 6, 2011
