Visiting professor to join Nobel celebration in Peru
Angel Esteban


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11:52 a.m., Dec. 7, 2010----Angel Esteban, who teaches in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Delaware every fall, has been invited to take part in a celebration this month in Peru to honor the 2010 Nobel Laureate in Literature.

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Esteban is a personal friend of Nobel winner Mario Vargas Llosa, a Peruvian author, and has written two books about him. For the past eight years, he has taught advanced Spanish literature classes at UD as a visiting professor from the University of Granada.

The tribute to Vargas Llosa will be held from Dec. 15-17 in Lima, after the honoree returns from the previous Nobel Week activities in Stockholm and Oslo. Organized by the Casa de la Literatura Peruana (CASLIT, or House of Peruvian Literature) and the Organization of Ibero-American States, the Lima event will feature discussions and talks by noted literary critics, including Esteban.

“For three days, specialists from the United States, Spain, France and Peru will speak about the most salient topics of the work of [Vargas Llosa]: power, freedom, adventure, social conflict, idealism, Peruvian society,” according to the CASLIT announcement of the celebration. It identifies Esteban as attending from the University of Delaware and calls him “one of the outstanding specialists from around the world” on the subject of Vargas Llosa.

In November, Esteban was among the speakers at the College of Arts and Sciences' annual Nobel Symposium, during which UD faculty experts from across campus discuss the work of the year's laureates. He told the audience that Vargas Llosa is “one of the best authors in the Spanish language alive today” and that, starting at a young age, he has been completely dedicated to literature and writing.

Article by Ann Manser
Photo by Ambre Alexander

