April 9: Dean of engineering at MIT to deliver Vinson lecture
Subra Suresh


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1:58 p.m., March 23, 2010----Subra Suresh, dean of the School of Engineering and Vannevar Bush Professor of Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will deliver the Jack R. Vinson Lecture at the University of Delaware at 10 a.m. on Friday, April 9, in Room 106 of the Center for Composite Materials.

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The lecture, “Engineering the Future of Human Health,” will provide recent research results at the intersections of engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, genetics, life sciences, medicine, and public health.

Particular attention will be devoted to the role that research at the intersections of these fields plays in advancing the boundaries of human disease diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug efficacy assays through experiments, computations, and clinical studies. Specific examples will include research results for infectious diseases, human cancer, blood disorders, and traumatic brain injury.

Suresh is internationally recognized for his contributions to the mechanical behavior of materials, fracture, fatigue, surface engineering, thin films, nanotechnology, and cell and molecular nanomechanics, with particular connections to infectious diseases and cancer. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the Academy of Arts and Sciences, and he has been elected a fellow or honorary member of all of the major materials professional societies in the U.S. and India.

The lectureship honors Jack R. Vinson, H. Fletcher Brown Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Delaware. Vinson joined the UD faculty in 1964 and taught one of the first composites courses in the nation in 1969. In 1974, he became the founding director of the University's Center for Composite Materials. The author or co-author of seven popular textbooks, Vinson has been a highly active contributor to several professional societies.

For more information about the lecture, contact Betty Bonavita at (302) 831-6975 or [bonavita@udel.edu]. Refreshments will be served at the event.

Article by Diane Kukich
