Two UD professors honored with AIMBE Fellowships
Thomas Buchanan, George W. Laird Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Kelvin Lee, Gore Professor of Chemical Engineering and director of the Delaware Biotechnology Institute


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11:45 a.m., March 19, 2010----Thomas Buchanan, George W. Laird Professor of Mechanical Engineering and deputy dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Delaware, and Kelvin Lee, Gore Professor of Chemical Engineering at UD and director of the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, have been honored with American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) fellowships.

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Of the total membership of AIMBE, only 1,000 are in the College of Fellows, representing the top 2 percent of medical and biological engineers in the world in academia, industry or government. New inductees are nominated and chosen by the College of Fellows based on their contribution to the field in research, industrial practice and education.

Buchanan was honored for his discoveries in neuromuscular biomechanics concerning muscle control in normal and pathological conditions.

“Being elected a fellow is a nice honor to have,” Buchanan said. “I'm proud to share this honor with many reputable people who span a variety of scientific backgrounds.”

Lee was recognized for his contributions in applying proteomic technologies to problems in biotechnology and human health, as well as his professional leadership in biochemical engineering.

“It was really humbling to be amidst such distinguished company who I'm proud to call friends,” Lee said.

The AIMBE fellows meet once a year to discuss education, research, communication of scientific discovery and what to advocate on Capitol Hill concerning medical and biological engineering initiatives.

Buchanan and Lee join a handful of other UD professors who have been honored as AIMBE fellows including Prasad Dhurjati, professor of chemical engineering, Abraham Lenhoff, Gore Professor of Chemical Engineering, and Eleftherios “Terry” Papoutsakis, Eugene DuPont Chair of Chemical Engineering and DBI faculty member.

By Laura Crozier

Photos by Kathy F. Atkinson
