April 24: Ag Day 2010 to feature exhibits, demonstrations, fun activities


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9:03 a.m., March 23, 2010----Celebrating its 35th year, Ag Day is an annual tradition held by the University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR). On April 24, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Ag Day visitors will have an opportunity to interact with the agricultural world through hands-on educational exhibits and interactive demonstrations.

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There also will be great food, children's activities, and live music.

As in previous years, Ag Day will be held at CANR's Townsend Hall, located at 531 S. College Ave., Newark.

Ag Day is organized by staff and students, with the support of more than 75 organizations. The money raised at Ag Day is geared towards giving back to student and community organizations.

Admission and parking for Ag Day are free and open to the public, with minimal charges for food. If you are interested in becoming an exhibitor or for additional information visit the Ag Day Web site or call (302) 831-2508.
