UD's Chris Christie inaugurated as governor of New Jersey
Pictured with a New Jersey Turnpike sign citing Gov. Christopher J. Christie during the inaugural gala at The Prudential Center in Newark, N.J., are, from left, Todd Hranicka, a 1987 UD graduate, his wife Jennifer Hranicka, Andrea Christie and her husband Todd Christie, the governor's brother and a 1986 UD graduate.


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1:19 p.m., Jan. 20, 2010----Republican Christopher J. Christie, a 1984 University of Delaware graduate, was inaugurated as the 55th governor of New Jersey during ceremonies held Tuesday, Jan. 19, in Trenton.

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Christie was elected governor in November, defeating the incumbent, Democrat Jon Corzine.

During his inaugural address, Christie said, "You voted loudly and clearly for change, and you have entrusted us with what may be our last, best hope for a stronger New Jersey -- the New Jersey of our youth, full of hope and opportunity. New Jersey, you voted for change, and today change has arrived."

The inaugural gala was held at The Prudential Center in Newark, N.J., with Christie and wife May Pat -- also a UD graduate -- taking the stage to perform with a Bruce Springsteen cover band.

Christie, who served as U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey before becoming governor, received a UD Presidential Citation for Outstanding Achievement in 2003. “I have nothing but fantastic memories from my years at the University of Delaware. I received a great education,” Christie said at the citation ceremony. “I met my wife. I made lifelong friends. A knowledgeable and caring faculty mentored me. Now 20 years since my graduation, I still have friends at the University and visit the campus on a regular basis.”

He spoke at UD's Winter Commencement in January 2004.

Christie began his legal career in 1987, joining the law firm of Dughi, Hewit and Palatucci in Cranford, N.J, where he established the firm's litigation department.

In 1994, Christie was elected to the Morris County, N.J., Board of Chosen Freeholders and was later elected director of the board, overseeing the operation of the county government.

Christie also has served as an officer of the Christie Family Foundation, a private family foundation that supports charitable causes. In addition, he has served on the board of the United Way of Morris County, Family Services of Morris County, Morris County Board of Social Services and as chairman of the Morris County Insurance Commission.

A 1984 graduate of UD, with a major in political science, Christie earned his law degree from Seton Hall University.

Christie and his wife, Mary Pat, a 1985 UD graduate, live in Mendham, N.J., with their four children.

His brother, Todd J. Christie, also graduated from UD.

Christie's inauguration builds on UD's place at the epicenter of national politics. UD was dubbed the epicenter of the 2008 presidential race because of the involvement of Vice President Joe Biden and wife Jill, both UD graduates, and campaign advisers David Plouffe and Steve Schmidt, who worked with President Barack Obama and Republican John McCain, respectively.

Article by Neil Thomas
