Feb. 25: Former assets of Newark Chrysler plant to be sold at auction


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8:16 a.m., Jan. 12, 2010----The University of Delaware will be hosting an auction of former assets of the Newark Chrysler automotive fabrication, assembly plant and distribution center. The auction, conducted by the Great American Group, will be held on Thursday, Feb. 25, beginning at 10 a.m., at the University's Clayton Hall, located at David Hollowell Drive off Route 896 in Newark.

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Items to be sold at this auction will be available for inspection from Feb. 22-24 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the site of the former auto plant, 550 S. College Ave., Newark.

"The University's goal for this auction is to repurpose many of the existing assets that have value to manufacturing and other business-related interests and to realize resources to make UD's vision for this technology and advanced research site a reality," said J.J. Davis, UD vice president for administration.

For additional information on this auction and featured items, visit this Web page or call Heidi Reager at (818) 884-3737.

The Great American Group provides a full range of asset management, disposition, and financial services through three divisions: Retail Liquidation, Auction, and Appraisals and Valuations, with offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. For more information, see the Great American Group Web site.
