Warsaw, UD psychology departments discuss future collaborations
Administrators and faculty from the University of Delaware and Warsaw University met last week to discuss future collaborations.


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9:01 a.m., April 1, 2010----An international partnership between the psychology departments of the University of Delaware and the University of Warsaw took a significant step forward with a recent conference at which the institutions discussed future collaborations.

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The gathering in Delaware last week enabled faculty members from both universities to meet face to face, many for the first time. They began planning ways to enhance and extend current partnerships and to develop new initiatives in both research and teaching, including the UD Department of Psychology's first study-abroad programs.

“This is a very important initiative, which is expected to strengthen and expand the collaborations between us,” Deputy Provost Havidán Rodríguez said in welcoming the Warsaw faculty members to campus. “The University of Delaware is committed to enhancing its international partnerships.”

Plans for expanded collaboration began with two faculty members, D. Michael Kuhlman at UD and Janusz Grzelak at the University of Warsaw, who both are social psychologists and who share similar research interests. As they got to know each other over the years, they began discussing ways for themselves and colleagues at their home universities to work together on research projects and on teaching undergraduate and graduate students.

The discussions became more detailed, and in 2006 an official partnership agreement was signed to formalize plans for future collaboration. In fall 2009, the UD psychology department -- where Grzelak now is an adjunct professor in addition to his faculty position in Warsaw -- applied for a grant to support a Global Partnerships and Initiatives Program. The UD Institute for Global Studies agreed to support the program, which also is funded by the Department of Psychology and College of Arts and Sciences.

“This idea for collaboration started small, and for a time it moved slowly along,” said Thomas DiLorenzo, professor and chairperson of psychology. “And now, we have a full-blown initiative.”

The Warsaw faculty members spent about three days in Delaware, meeting in groups and individually with UD faculty members to discuss their research, learning about the process for creating study abroad programs, touring the psychology department labs and offices and preparing for such possibilities as shared online courses and student exchanges.

Specific plans outlined in the program's proposal call for developing a study abroad program, possibly including a service learning component, that would be led by a faculty member from each university and have students from UD and Warsaw taking classes together. “This would enrich the cultural experience of all students involved, both in class and out of class,” according to the proposal.

Article by Ann Manser
Photo by Doug Baker
