April 21: Office of Gift Planning to hold seminar


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8:28 a.m., April 7, 2010----The University of Delaware Office of Gift Planning will hold a seminar, “2010: A Year of Opportunity,” from 8:30-10 a.m., Wednesday, April 21, in Room 209/211 of the Trabant University Center.

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The seminar -- designed for alumni, friends, faculty, staff and retired employees -- will provide insight into how people can recover from the recession and prepare for changes to the tax code.

Guest speakers Mary Ann Tuschak Blair and Burt Hutchinson will discuss strategies to recover from the bear market, Roth IRA conversion, marginal tax and capital gains rates and charitable giving opportunities. Both Blair and Hutchinson are UD graduates.

"This will be an educational event that I believe will benefit any participant,” Hutchinson said. “We have been through a volatile time period and we may see some significant tax changes in the future. We all need to evaluate where we stand today and how we need to position ourselves for the future."

Blair received bachelor's and master's degrees from UD, and is a partner at The Financial House in Centreville, Del. She is a member and past president of the Estate Planning Council of Delaware, the Delaware chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals and the Wilmington Tax Group.

She has served on the board of community organizations, currently chairs the Peninsula United Methodist Homes Foundation board and is a member of the University of Delaware Alumni Association board. In addition, she serves on the UD College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council and on the department committees for theatre and music.

Hutchinson received a bachelor's degree from UD and is co-founder and a principal at Fischer and Hutchinson Wealth Advisors, a fee-only financial planning and investment advisory firm with offices in Wilmington and Lewes. He previously worked with the accounting firms PricewaterhouseCoopers and Gunnip and Company.

Hutchinson teaches accounting and tax courses at UD. He has been quoted in a number of national publications, including Money magazine, the Wall Street Journal, BusinessWeek and The New York Times.

The presentation is free but space is limited. Those who plan to attend should RSVP by April 16 by calling (302) 831-6798 or sending email to [lhale@udel.edu].

Light breakfast and registration will begin at 8:30 with the seminar at 9. Parking is available in the Trabant University Center garage.
