UD institutional researcher Heather Kelly elected NEAIR president
Heather Kelly
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11:52 a.m., Oct. 7, 2008----Heather Kelly, associate director of Institutional Research and Planning at UD, recently was elected president of the North East Association for Institutional Research (NEAIR), a regional organization affiliated with the national Association for Institutional Research that promotes professional development opportunities for college and university professionals and collects and maintains data pertinent to institutions of higher learning.

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Kelly, who will hold the position for three years while maintaining her duties at UD, will oversee several membership-related projects during her tenure, among them developing a drive-in workshop for NEAIR members, coordinating an annual conference, serving on various ad hoc committees and, during her last year, presiding over the nominations committee for the new incoming president.

“A big focus of NEAIR is to promote professional development opportunities for post-secondary education administrators,” Kelly said, “so a large part of my responsibilities will be to encourage professional development among members in a variety of ways.”

During the first year, as president-elect, Kelly will concentrate her efforts on developing the drive-in workshop for members. During her second year--the presidential year--she will coordinate and host an annual conference for members. And during her final year, as past president, she will direct the nominations committee and serve on a number of ad hoc committees. Throughout her term, Kelly also will keep abreast of trends and changes in institutions of higher learning and keep members of NEAIR informed of how they can best do their jobs if such changes affect their day-to-day duties.

Kelly, a Delaware native, earned a bachelor's degree in geology from Smith College, a master's degree in higher education from the University of Pennsylvania, and a doctoral degree in educational leadership from the University of Delaware.

After a summer stint working at UD as a research associate during completion of her degree at the University of Pennsylvania, she joined the University in 1998 as an institutional research analyst. Before her promotion to her current position as associate director of Institutional Research, she served in the same unit as project manager and assistant director.

Michael Middaugh, assistant vice president for Institutional Research and Planning at UD and himself a former president of NEAIR, said that Kelly's being elected as president of NEAIR is a credit to her leadership abilities and caliber of work, as well as to the University's sterling reputation and standing among its peer institutions.

“The highest honor that an individual can receive from his and her colleagues is to be elected president of their professional organization,” Middaugh said. “I had the good fortune to be named president of the North East Association for Institutional Research in 1990. My former assistant director, Karen Bauer, received that honor in 1998. And now, my associate director, Heather Kelly, has received that honor.

“No other institution has had three NEAIR presidents,” Middaugh added. “I think that speaks volumes about how our peers perceive the University of Delaware, and I could not be more proud of Dr. Kelly or the institution that employs us both.”

Article by Becca Hutchinson
Photo by Kathy Atkinson
