UD teams compete in regional programming contest
Competing for UD Blue were Frank Bellamy, Andrew Chester and Ben Karel.
David Saunders with UD Gold team members Kevin Graney, Christopher Yacco, Trevor Bart and alternate Alex Stachnik.
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10:29 a.m., Dec. 1, 2008----Two teams from the University of Delaware competed in the ACM Mid-Atlantic Regional Programming Contest, held in late October. The event was held at eight sites and UD teams competed on the campus of Washington College in nearby Chestertown, Md.

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Both UD Blue and UD Gold solved three problems and finished 20th in a field of 147 teams from universities and colleges in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, southern New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania.

UD Blue, consisting of students Frank Bellamy, Andrew Chester and Ben Karel, completed three problems before any other team. The team had won a trip to the international finals last year.

Students competing on UD Gold were Kevin Graney, Christopher Yacco and Trevor Bart. Alex Stachnik was an alternate.

David Saunders, chairperson of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences in the University's College of Arts and Sciences and coach of the teams, said the students “are to be commended for their very strong showings.”
