University of Delaware

Limited Submission — White Paper Guidelines

Individual investigator proposals
(two-page summary)
Equipment / Instrumentation proposals
(two-page summary)
Center and / or multi-investigator proposals
(four-page summary)
Sponsoring Agency/ Program Name and/or Solicitation # Sponsoring Agency/ Program Name and/or Solicitation # Sponsoring Agency/ Program Name and/or Solicitation #
Sponsor's due date Sponsor's due date Sponsor's due date
Project Title Project Title Project Title
PI Name/Dept/College PI Name/Dept/College PI Name/Dept/College
Lay summary of the proposed research for internal review Description of the equipment and need justification for internal review

Lay summary of the proposed research for internal review
Amount of external funding needed (Direct and Indirect Cost) Amount of external funding needed (Direct and Indirect Cost) Amount of external funding needed (Direct and Indirect Cost)
Level and source of institutional commitment needed Level and source of institutional commitment needed Level and source of institutional commitment needed
Description of the intellectual merit and the broader impact of the project
(for NSF proposals)
Description of the intellectual merit and the broader impact of the project
(for NSF proposals)
Description of the intellectual merit and the broader impact of the project
(for NSF proposals)
Description of the public health relevance (for NIH proposals) Description of the public health relevance (for NIH proposals) Description of the public health relevance (for NIH proposals)
  Specify whether this is a request for acquisition or development of equipment (NSF MRI proposals only) Description of how the proposed center/multi-investigator project fits with UD’s strategic initiatives
  Description of the plan for maintenance, operation, and technical support of the instrumentation, and for attracting new users Rationale for creating the center/multi-investigator project now and ideas for long-term sustainability
  Include information regarding the estimated number of researchers who will benefit from the use of the equipment Description of how the center will be organized and managed
    One-page table listing of all faculty (internal and external) who will be involved in the submission and the estimated number of researchers who will benefit from the creation of the center