University of Delaware
funding opportunities

Policies and Forms

We hope this page will help you answer commonly asked questions about the Internal Funding Opportunities (GUR, UDRF and UDRF-SI) managed by the Research Office at the University of Delaware.

If you have any questions, please contact Leigh Botner, Research Development Director, Research Office.


Please click on a question to expand it and see the answer.

Internal Grant Opportunities (GUR, UDRF and UDRF-SI) - Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What is the project period?

    • ♦ GUR awards are effective from April 1 to March 31 (two year period)
      ♦ UDRF awards are effective from April 1 to March 31 (two year period)
      ♦ UDRF- SI awards are effective from November 1 to April 30 (eighteen month period)

  • 2. What is the maximum PI salary allowed on internal grants?

    • $5,000 or one-ninth of the individual’s academic salary, whichever is less. (Note: no fringes should be budgeted for the PI.)

  • 3. How should the stipend for an undergraduate student on a UDRF proposal be budgeted?

    • It should be budgeted using the participant support costs budget category (PTSTIP).

  • 4. What F&A pricing method should be used in the UD Grants Management System for internal grants?

    • The correct F&A pricing method is “Rate Based.” [FYI, the internal grants guidelines state that the “Fixed” F&A pricing method should be used. However, due a system upgrade, the “Rate Based” F&A pricing method is now being used for these grants. Until the system is set to default to “Rate Based,” users may need to change it to “Rate Based” manually.]

  • 5. The guidelines for the UDRF and UDRF-SI state that budget amounts larger than the standard UDRF and UDRF-SI budgets will be considered on rare occasions. Is additional cost share required when requesting a larger amount?

      UDRF Request 67% 74%
      College Cost-Share 11% 13%
      Provost Cost-Share 22% 13%
      Total Project Budget 100% 100%

  • 6. How do I change my budget in the internal grants on-line system?

    • All budget changes must be entered in the UD Grants Management System proposal record. Then, the revised budget is brought into the internal grants on-line system by clicking the “Fetch Data” button on the online system’s cover page component.

  • 7. Should budget amounts be rounded to whole dollars?

    • Yes. The budget should not have pennies in the amount requested. Round up or down as needed to request whole dollar amounts in all budget categories.

  • 8. Is graduate tuition an allowable expense?

    • No, graduate tuition is not an allowable expense.

  • 9. What is a no-cost extension?

    • The university expects recipients to complete all requirements of the internal award by the termination date listed in the award letter. The Research Office will provide additional time by approving your request for a "no-cost extension."

  • 10. How do I apply for a no-cost extension?

  • 11. What information will I need to include in my no-cost request?

    • You would need to provide the following information:

      ♦ Relevant information that identifies your project: title, purpose (expense code) and the current project termination date
      ♦ The extended termination date (month/day/year) you are requesting. Note: the maximum time allowed is one year
      ♦ Justification--reasons you need an extension. See guidelines below for help

  • 12. What justification for no-cost extensions (reasons) is the Research Office likely to accept?

    • Here are some examples of justifications which would be acceptable:

      ♦ additional time to assure completion of the original approved project scope and objectives, e.g.,
              — to conduct additional testing to validate unexpected research findings
              — to repeat tests to obtain results lost in a campus building fire
             — to conduct the research in a foreign country currently experiencing unrest or a foreign country rebounding from a natural catastrophe (e.g. Tsunami, earthquake)
      ♦ lack of success in locating a graduate student with suitable capabilities
      ♦ extensive delay in production or shipment of key equipment or supply items
      ♦ transfer of a key project participant
      ♦ time lost due to illness, pregnancy or accident of a key project participant

  • 13. Under what conditions is the Research Office likely to deny a request?

    • Here are some examples for which a request may be denied:

      ♦ requests made merely for the purpose of using remaining funds
      ♦ extension requests received after the termination date
      ♦ extension requests that do not include a justification

  • 14. Am I allowed to purchase an item not included in my original proposal?

    • The university expects recipients to complete all requirements of the internal award and understands that over the life of the project some reallocation of funding may need to occur. Budget changes exceeding 10% of the total award and rebudgeting of funds into categories not in the original budget (e.g., equipment, foreign travel) are subject to prior approval by the RO.

  • 15. How do I request a budget reallocation?

  • 16. What information will I need to include in my reallocation request?

    • You would need to provide the following information:

      ♦ identify the previously unbudgeted expenditure and the estimated cost
      ♦ justify how the expenditure relates to the specific aims as outlined in the original research plan

  • 17. How do I get my expenses (including salary) paid?

  • 18. Do you have questions about Internal Grant Opportunities?

    • Please contact Leigh Botner, Research Development Director, Research Office.

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