VOLUME 17 #1

current cover


From our readers

Jessica Thompson
Jessica (Raczynski) Thompson
AS '96, '00M at Homecoming


I look forward to receiving every issue of the UD Messenger, and I enjoy every page, from the alumni profiles to the in-depth coverage of current UD faculty and programs. This year I opened The Messenger to the annual Homecoming spread, complete with a glowing article, beautiful pictures and accompanying captions. For the second year in a row, however, I have noticed that these captions have not included names of the pictured band alumni.

As just one example, one of the piccolo players in this year’s photograph is Jessica [Raczynski] Thompson [AS’96, ’00M], former graduate assistant to the marching band, who, as an undergraduate, was a member of the selection committee that picked Heidi Sarver, the current successful band director. I know it is not intentional that these names are left out of the captions, but members of the marching band willingly spend many years in anonymity, and it would be a treat to see our members recognized with a small caption.

I truly adore The Messenger, and congratulations on the new look!

Sara E. Marino, AS ’00, ’02M


I am an old grad (Class of 1950 in mechanical engineering), but I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the article in the UD Messenger on Joe Biden. The University has to be extremely proud of Joe Biden, now Vice President of the United States. I’ve always liked Joe, although living in Pennsylvania, I didn’t have a chance to vote for him until the last election. I did get his book, which he autographed to “Fred, a fellow Blue Hen.”

My daughter, Lisa Huber [BE ’77], is a Blue Hen grad also and a manager in the University’s Center for International Studies, and my granddaughter, Lauren Huber, may enroll as a freshman in the fall, keeping our family tradition on track.

Fred Harvey, EG ’50

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