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English tutors at the writing center have a professional development meeting in Memorial Hall under the direction of Michael McCamley.

Writing Center offers help

Photo by Wenbo Fan

One-on-one tutoring available to all students at UD Writing Center

The University of Delaware Writing Center, which offers free one-on-one assistance to undergraduate and graduate students, now also is offering those who use its services the chance to win prizes.

Each week, a student who comes to the center for help with writing will be selected randomly to receive a gift bag of goodies and a Starbucks gift card. The week’s winner is highlighted with a photo on the center’s “In the Spotlight” award board.

The first winner was Jillian Braithwaite, who learned about the prize on Sept. 21 when she arrived at the center to talk about a history paper about the Persian Empire.

“I wanted some help making my paper really flow,” she said. “The hardest part of writing for me is getting that rough draft written, so having this appointment helped me get it done because I knew I was going to meet with someone to work on it.”

UD students who set appointments through the end of the fall semester — for either of the center’s two locations, in Memorial Hall and in Morris Library — have a chance of being a random prize winner of the week.

“We’re pleased to have this opportunity bring more attention to ways in which UD students use the Writing Center to enrich their education,“ said Melissa Ianetta, the center director and professor of English.

The UD Writing Centers offer free one-on-one sessions with writers from all disciplines and writing levels. Tutors offer help with all phases of the writing process, from choosing a topic to presenting ideas clearly, identifying and correcting errors to implementing revision strategies. Students can make appointments through the Writing Center scheduling website.

The center is part of the College of Arts and Sciences, but its services are available to students and faculty in any college or discipline.

The center encourages faculty members who assign writing of any kind in their classes to help connect students to the center’s services. Tutors are available to visit classes and give a five-minute informational presentation.

To request a tutor presentation, visit the website and click on the link marked “Class Visit” near the bottom of the page. Please give 24 hours for a response. 

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