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Last updated November 9, 2009

How to connect an iPhone (2.0 and 3.0)

iPhone 2.0

Your iPhone must be updated to at least 2.0 before proceeding.

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Add Account.
  3. Click Microsoft Exchange.
  4. Type your e-mail address.
  5. Type your username as shown below:
  1. Type your password.
  2. Type a suitable description.
  3. Click Next. (Your account information will be verified.)
  4. In the Server field, type the following:
  1. Click Next.
  2. Select the services you would like to synchronize with your iPhone. By default, mail, contacts, and calendar are turned on.
  3. Click Save.

Your iPhone will begin to synchronize and download your e-mail, contacts, and calendar. This process may take a few minutes.

iPhone 3.0

For iPhone 3.0 units, follow these steps:

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Mail, Contact, Calendars.
  3. Click Add Account.
  4. Click Microsoft Exchange.
  5. In the Email field, type your e-mail address.
  6. In the Domain field, type the following:

  7. In the Username field, type your UDelNet ID (do not include the
  8. Type your password.
  9. In the Description field, type a suitable description (e.g., Exchange).
  10. Click Next. (Your account information will be verified.)
  11. In the Server field, type the following

  12. Click Next.
  13. Select the services you would like to synchronize with your iPhone. By default, mail, contacts, and calendar are turned on.
  14. Click Save.

Your iPhone will begin to synchronize and download your e-mail, contacts, and calendar. This process may take a few minutes.