Information Technologies Exchange Server


For Users: How to...

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For CITAs: How to...


IT Exchange Server Home Page

Last updated November 9, 2009

How to request an account on
the Exchange server

How to request an account
  1. Call the IT Help Center (ext. 6000) to submit the request.
  2. Provide the user’s UDelNet ID, full name, start date, job title, office address, and phone number.

    The user must have a valid UDelNetID prior to gaining an account on the Exchange server

  3. Verify the Junk mail filter has been turned on in Mirapoint:

  1. When you are notified that the Exchange account has been set up:
    1. Setup an account in Microsoft Outlook to access the Exchange server.
    2. Turn on e-mail forwarding at Forward e-mail to
    3. Migrate the user’s e-mail and contacts to Outlook, if necessary.
    4. Train user on accessing and using Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Web Access, quota, personal folders, mail backup, junk e-mail and deleted items retention.
  2. Assist the user in changing his/her password in Outlook Web Access.

How to remove an account

  1. Call the IT Help Center (ext. 6000) to submit the request.
  2. Provide the user's name, department, and last day of employment.
  3. If the individual will transfer to another position at the University of Delaware, coordinate with the user to move e-mail back to the UD central system. If the individual needs to transfer Exchange data to another computer, the data may be exported to a .pst file and copied to external media on or before the individual’s last day of employment.
  4. Remove e-mail forwarding at