About 4-H Youth Development
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4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults through hands-on and research-based experiences.
In 4-H we believe in the power of young people. We recognize that every child has valuable strengths and can have real potential to improve the world ... to show what it means to be a true leader. 4-H gives young people experiences where they can learn by doing, grow from failure, express their ideas, and lead. We tap into their potential and empower them to become true leaders.
4-H members have fun with friends at meetings, social activities, tours, camps and fairs. They learn to do interesting things like growing plants, raising animals, , fixing their bikes, taking pictures, practicing cooking and much more!
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About us
Who can join?
4-H is for girls and boys who are between the ages of 5 and 19 years old during the current calendar year. It is open to everyone, regardless of race, religion, color, sex or place of residence.
Access, equity and opportunity cut across every 4-H program as 4-H seeks to reach out to and welcome youth and adults from varied backgrounds. We strive to serve all communities in the state, create a culture within every program that embraces all youth and adults, and celebrate the diversity of knowledge and experiences that our members, volunteers and staff bring to the 4-H youth development movement.
A University Partnership
Delaware 4-H is sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Services of the University of Delaware and Delaware State University and led by 4-H extension agents within each institution. Nationally, Delaware 4-H is part of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The 4-H Pledge (Promesa 4H)
Head, Heart, Hands and Health form the 4-H member’s pledge:
"I pledge my head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service,
and my health to better living,
for my club, my community, my country, and my world."
"Prometo usar mi mente para pensar con más claridad,
mi corazón para ser más leal,
mis manos para ser más servicial,
mi salud para cuidarme más,
por mi club, mi comunidad, mi país y mi mundo."
Represented by the Clover
Our logo is a green four-leaf clover with a white “H” on each clover leaf, representing Head, Heart, Hands and Health. Please note that this logo is copyrighted and may be used only as approved by 4-H. Brand guidelines and official marketing resources are available on the National 4-H website.
A Delaware Legacy
The first 4-H club in Delaware, the Houston Cardinals, was organized in 1914 and George Dewey Sapp is considered the very first member. (This club still operates today!) At this time, most of the 4-H work occurred in schools, though, corn growing and canning clubs were also part of the program.
In 1918, the first 4-H work began in Wilmington, Delaware, when two teachers were hired to show residents how to garden as part of the war effort during World War I. By 1919, two clubs had formed in Delaware with a total of 53 members.