For the Record, Nov. 21, 2007

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11:54 a.m., Nov. 21, 2007--For the Record provides information about recent professional activities of University of Delaware faculty and staff.


Saul Hoffman, professor of economics, “Kids Having Kids Updated: New Estimates of the Economic Consequences of Teen Childbearing for the Mothers,” at the 29th annual research conference for the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Nov. 8, Washington, D.C.

Christina Wissinger, assistant librarian, University of Delaware Library, “Using Educational Technology to Communicate with Faculty and Students,” at a program sponsored by the College and Research Libraries Division, Delaware Library Association, Oct. 12, at the Delaware Academy of Medicine.

James Mulligan, professor of economics, with Nilotpal Das, BE '04PhD, “Item Pricing Laws, Supplier Behavior and the Diffusion of Time-saving Technological Innovations,” at the seventh Global Conference on Business and Economics, Oct. 12-14, Rome.

Vera Brusentsev, visiting professor of economics, “Unemployment Compensation Recipiency in English-Speaking Countries,” at the International Atlantic Economic Conference, Oct. 7-10, Savannah, Ga.


Eleanor D. Craig, professor of economics, organized and moderated a session, “The Incidence of Property Taxes,” at the 100th annual; meeting of the National Tax Association, Columbus, Ohio.